
Beast of the Under World

Hina was a little careless girl who had no knowledge about the mysteries and beasts of the world. One day, she went to her uncle's old garage. From this day, a world of mysteries, histories, and beasts of the underworld opened in front of her eye. She met a one-eyed beast there who was controlling the fourth dimension.

android_pk · Ficção Científica
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Hundreds of brown ships, made of fine wood, were forming a shadow line on the clean and clear water of the deep sea.

All of them were moving slowly and steadily.

Under the water.....about 50 miles deep, Mrs. Lora Dear said, "We should go back, Jack Dear." Jack Dear, her husband, turned away his face as he was drowning in the sea of exhaustion.

His eyes turned yellow, and his face became fire-red. He held Lora's shoulder with his shivering hands and said, " Will it not seem foolish to escape from death to catch it?"

"Mmm....but we are not catching death, are we?" Lora murmured.

"Of course we are.....I have no courage for this betrayal. It is death before death," Jack replied hopelessly. He was like a fish drowning in a deep ocean.

"But bright stars are present in the darkness of night, directing us. You should see hope-light on the horrible face of death." Lora consoled.

Both of them had colorful pasts and dark futures. Why were they afraid? Afraid of death? Or from the horrible change standing at their doorstep?

Despite being a citizen of the underworld. Despite living in the Fourth dimension, a world where there were heaps of wealth and mysteries, they wanted to escape.

Ships were moving towards the most oversized door to earth—the portal izard. The red sky of the underworld turned blue here. Within a minute, all the horrible sailors stepped their foot into the deep depths of the Atlantic ocean. As the ships touched the sea, they arose like a bulging pop out of the Bermuda triangle. The wooden ships of the underworld had now changed into modern electronic vessels of 2020, running like horses in the deadly sea. Those aliens (Harry sailor and others) transformed all of a sudden.

Harry sailor transformed into Mr. Harry Rock, a renowned businessman who had established his firms all over America and Europe. He was saying, "Who will think that we are not humans? These foolish people!"

" It's all the work of Boss Drag. You should not be proud of yourself." The Jealous Butman Hawks said.

"Drag has no other work except sleeping. We do all the work, and he gets the reward. No one is afraid of Aliens like us. They only consider Drag as the beast of the underworld." Another said. While talking, all the beasts caught a shrill sound. Mr. Drago was coming.

" Ok! boys, it's time to.....and Mr. Drago-a walking hurricane, stumbled through the cabin door, and fell. He stood up, picked up the glasses, shedding the rough curly hairs from his face, and said, "It's time to go outside and work for the betterment of mankind." All the cabin sounded with a laugh.

"Betterment of what?" Harry asked, smiling.

"Of mankind, of course."

All the cabin again sounded with laughter. Everyone was teasing Mr. Drago for his statement.

All of them stepped out of the ship. They were the transformed beasts whom no one knew about. They were walking on the marble streets of Bermuda.

Mr. Harry rock went to a meeting with the company's chairpersons. He entered a room decorated with blue, red lights and lanterns.

"Oh! Welcome, Mr. Harry. We were only waiting for you." Kom J said.

"Sorry for coming late. I am here with a bit of a highly unique idea." Harry starts expressing his glee.

"That seems interesting!"Kom J said.

"Our projects are getting flop, and sales are decreasing."

"Hmmm...Let me explain it through an example. Once there was a Scientist named Count Ivanovna. He wasn't famous. He wasn't skillful. I wasn't knowledgeable. But had one talent that made him the best.

You and I know him as the inventor of 2000 valuable devices. Have you ever thought that when he invented the handsfree, it was the most vital tool of that time? Its sales were in millions. Why? What had he done?" All the hall was listening to him intently.

He continued, "He had a simple trick. Create the problem and then solve it!"

"White knight." One said surprisingly.

"Yeah! brother....." He thought something and said in a piercing voice.