
The bird Pt.1

Kana turned around at high speed, ready to attack but Jolly blocked her, signaling her to wait a moment. 

"Move, I told you that thing was bad news. Only high ranked monsters are capable of speech."

She wanted to force jolly aside but did not want to hurt her more. "Please wait, at least let it explain before we do anything, please!" 

Kana noticed that Jolly was standing strongly on her point and the only way around her was force. "Haahhh, fine, but one wrong move and i am ending that thing."

The bird stared directly at Kana, clearly not liking her attitude. {A mere human dares threaten me? it seems humans are as arrogant as ever.}

"Hmph, says the dying bird." She got comfortable in her seat, ready to hear its story so she could kill it. Jolly was also ready for it to start talking, "what happened to you?" It shifted its gaze to Jolly, staring at her for a few seconds before lifting one of its wings directly above her head.