
Beast Eclipse

In this ara robotic beast rule all land, sea, and sky. Most people see them as part of nature or the one thing that can truly grow along sid you. But to Kella there the bloodthirsty beast that destroyed his home and family. Even though he learned the art of a fake smile and put on some armor to cover up his heart. What will he do when he meets one of these beasts whose words can cut right through him.

blacklinxrider · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Prologue part-two

As the boy woke up. Overheated he pushed his blanket to the side but soon realized that it didn't help. Soon fully awakened, he was able to thoroughly hear the cries of Li. A small weasel-like robotic beast his family-owned. Li's cries were a loud screech as if he tried to play the role of an alarm to wake the boy. Noticing that the boy was up he quickly twisted his head to the window. The boy slipped on his slippers try not to burn his feet on the ground, he walked up to the window. As he opened the window his eyes widened with fear. Frozen in place.

The town he was born, in the place, were was loved, his home was now set in flames and all was red except for a pitch-black Dragon like creature. It had a smile the started at the beginning of his neck and ran across its face to the other side. Its wings were so big it could cover the town like a blanket and with its arch eyes. It was as if it laughing at the town that came rapidly falling down. As its wings flattened buildings and burnt them to ashes the boy looked down at his desk to see a note.

I'm sorry my darling I know you're scared. Please understand. Well, you're the smartest and kindest person. And I know you would have wanted me to do the same. Reminds me of the time when there were a storm and you were stuck in school. You did everything you can to calm down all the children. I love you, so keep your strong heart. The rest of this is from your dad. My son your mother thinks you have a strong heart but I think you have a stronger spirit. There was a day when a beast roared at you but instead of running away you yelled right back at them. You must have shocked them they ran away with world record time. I love you. Be strong my boy, know who you are. Li will protect you so follow him. I know you can keep up. We're sorry we wasted your time reading the note we love you son.

The boy slipped the note into his pocket and put on his shoes. He walked outside to feel the burning heat and see the flying wood that flew of crumbling houses. He looked at Li. Li was a small house pet beast similar to a weasel. He had a small amount of ice power so he as an ice element type. However, as weak as he is his speed is unmatched.

As Li started to run the boy instantly followed. Running pass falling flames and screaming people the boy kept his eyes on Li because the small power he had can freeze flames for a few seconds then the ice cracks. If he was too distant he would get burnt when the flames relit. They soon made it into the forest. The boy felt dizzy so he sat down to rest as he listened to Li's joyful cry but all of sudden the heat he felt died down and Li's cry was now a screech.

The boy looked up, no sound as if time stopped that moment. The dragon-like beast cast a shadow over the whole forest. The beast opened its mouth. They know this forest will soon be set ablaze. Li yelled at the boy to run. As he began to run as fast as he could he looked back to see the Li wasn't following. Soon the flame came down like an explosion. Made in the air because before it could hit the ground Li made a huge shield of ice resulting in a blast of hot wind and the boy's last memory of his home being Li's body slowly melting.

Sorry for bad spelling and long-time updating but I promise if you stick with me you'll get an interesting story but let's take our time. Thanks. And I won't stop making chapter im just a slow human

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