
summons, first day in an Isekai.

"because of this threat, I want you to become a summoned hero and save the world'' God

In case you're confused by getting into the middle of the conversation, I'll give you a simple summary of the situation. First I died by suicide, I'm not proud to give up, but I didn't think there was anything waiting for me in the future, so there was no reason to continue suffering more than I've already been through.

Second, after I died I ended up being summoned to this place by a God, who told me a long story about how the world's mana was destabilized because of the dungeons and that the world needed a hero. And for me who has read many novels and fanfics, I could only think that this was all too… cliché, now he just needed to say that there was a Demon King or God of Darkness.

But while I'm not excited about the part of being a hero and having a huge responsibility on my shoulder, I was still an Otaku who dreamed of Isekai and adventure, so I didn't intend to miss an opportunity.

"Okay, but first, can I choose my race?. And instead of being summoned, can I transmigrate or reincarnate?. Do I also get wishes or cheats?..." Lith

"Okay, okay. Although we don't have much time, there's no need to rush. You can only be summoned, but you can choose your race, and the type of Ability you intend to have. So think fast about what you want" God

The wordplay was contradictory, but I didn't have much time to think about it, I soon started thinking of the best build I could think of in a short period of time, and what came out was.

"I want my race to be a Beastkin wolf, and make me look the same as I'm thinking. While the skill, called card mage, again read my memories to understand the details of the Skill." lit

"Very well, good luck saving the world" God

Then everything went bright and the next moment I was sent into my new life.


After the light dimmed, I found myself in a medieval-looking hall with a lot of people around, but contrary to what I expected, these people didn't seem to be friendly and didn't seem to like my presence.

"Shit, because the hero summon failed!!, And because we summoned some random mutt!. That item sure was fake" random person

"Yes, all heroes are humans with black hair, and it's impossible for this dog to be a hero" another random person

Just by their clothes I could tell that these people were nobles of some country or rich, and considering their conversation, I could understand their reactions that their summons had failed. And did I intend to correct the misunderstanding? Of course not!, I became a Beastkin of my own volition and I would never lend my strength to a gang of racist nobles.

"Well, at least we should recoup some of our investment by enslaving this mutt, bring a slave collar." random noble

After hearing this garbage's plan about bringing a leash related to slavery, my opinion of them changed from indifferent to hostile. Unfortunately I wasn't sure about my current strength or my enemy's strength so my best option was to run away, luckily I had runaway experience.

First I jumped to the nearest window, an unexpected action that prevented them and the guards from acting immediately, so when I opened the window I quickly jumped to the next roof and started running while taking in my surroundings. After a few blocks I jumped into the crowd and soon stole a bag of money, so I stopped by a store down the street and bought new hooded clothes, and shortly after blending in with the crowd I saw several armed men with swords and armor running around. by the streets.

Obviously the city guards started looking for me, luckily there seemed to be other races besides humans in this city so I wouldn't be a sore finger in the crowd. But as a precaution I soon started moving to an area further away from the center of this city, as this area should be more protected because of the presence of the nobles.


Two hours later I ended up in a poorer area, which could also be described as a slum because of the state of the buildings or the people who seemed to have poor living conditions. Interestingly, there were also a greater number of other races here, showing that Beastkin's status was low in this realm, especially with the racism those nobles showed.

Walking through the streets I ended up finding an inn that had a cat as its logo, and as I wanted to rest after several hours of constant running, I ended up walking into this inn. Upon entering I saw a bar where some people were drinking, while at the counter there was a Beastkin cat, when going straight there I just asked for a room for one night, paid 20 copper coins, took the key and went up to the room.

So upon entering the room I...

... Next chapter


(He died of depression, mainly because of the many unfortunate events that piled up in his life. And suicide from depression isn't uncommon actually.)

(If you've read the novel, you should know that when Keima spoke to the god of light, he said he just wanted to sleep and didn't want to do anything tiring. So God gave him a Language Skill and sent him to another part of the world, while summoning another person to become a hero.And then the hero Wataru was summoned by some nobles of the Laverio Empire, who wanted to make a coup d'état.

Basically this is the story of the first chapter, but here I replaced Wataru with my Lith, so Wataru won't appear in this fanfic.)