
Chapter 5 I'm Pregnant

  Caitlyn's POV

  "What are you up to?" Jayce's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade, fixing an angry gaze on Swain, who momentarily froze but quickly composed himself.

  With a sycophantic grin on his face, Swain replied, "Oh, nothing. I'm just assisting you in teaching this shameless woman a lesson. Her very existence is a disgrace to our esteemed Purple Moon Pack."

  "Get lost!" Jayce retorted sharply, causing Swain to glare at me indignantly before reluctantly stepping aside.

  "Caitlyn, are you alright?" Jayce's concern showed in his gentle frown as he turned to me.

  "Yes, I'm as fine as can be," I responded, finally breaking my silence. "Did you come here to express sympathy and comfort me? Or was it just to flaunt your new girlfriend, who, I must admit, is stunningly beautiful?"

  My words seemed to catch Jayce off guard, leaving him not knowing how to respond. Until then, I had always played the role of understanding and kind girlfriend, but my outburst had shattered that image.

  "I never imagined that you, already with Jayce, would still secretly rendezvous with other men. Truly shameless." A female voice sounded.

  People naturally made way, and Morgana stepped forward, looking down on me with disdain.

  "Another man? I have no idea what you're talking about," I interjected, Morgana's words leaving me perplexed.

  Suddenly, I realized something. It was hard to fathom that, for the sake of the pack's so-called glory, they would distort the truth and smear my reputation.

  "You find it amusing, don't you?" Morgana's voice dripped with sarcasm. "When you shamelessly had a secret tryst that night. Jayce, Is that so?"

  Caught off guard, Jayce hesitated for a moment, glancing at Morgana, seemingly unsure of how to respond to the sudden interrogation.

  "At that moment, as I conversed with Morgana about the potential alliance between the two packs, but I found that caitlyn was always went out to see a mysterious man, and even the man left a mark on her neck, so I...", Jayce, clenching his teeth tightly, avoided meeting my eyes while speaking. The room fell into an eerie hush once he finished.

  Surrounded by piercing gazes, I felt as though those eyes could pierce through my very soul. Anger coursed through me, causing my body to tremble uncontrollably.

  Before I could offer any retort, Leona leaped forward, her fury directed at Jayce.

  I managed to break free from the crowd, covering my neck, leaving behind a furious Leona wrestling with Morgana, the scene descending into chaos. Struggling for breath, memories of the past five years overwhelmed me, each resurfacing stronger than the last, suffocating me.

  I craved escape from this torment!

  I went home and acted like nothing had happened.

  When I returned, my father was sitting in the living room, and his expression turned slightly surprised upon seeing me. I noticed his mouth trying to open, but he hesitated and eventually just nodded gently.

  As he walked up the stairs, I noticed my father's back, which appeared inexplicably melancholic.

  Time passed, and it became evident that Morgana and Jayce had become mates. Over those three months, I struggled to free myself from that pain.

  Even if I never get the chance to become the future Luna of the Purple Moon Pack and lost everything, my fervent desire remains to be the best version of myself.

  Lately, however, an inexplicable weariness has settled upon me. Even during outings with Luna for shopping, my favorite black truffle pan-fried veal chop fails to stir any appetite, leaving me with a churning sensation in my stomach.

  One day, while standing in front of the mirror, I beheld my somewhat haggard reflection when an unexpected thought flitted across my mind. Could it be that I am pregnant?

  Dismissing the idea at first, I tried to maintain an appearance of normalcy, but the seed of doubt had taken root and swiftly grew into a towering tree of concern.

  Later, Leona, with her keen perception, noticed my pallid countenance and inquired about my well-being.

  I brushed it off, attributing my condition to a lack of rest the previous night, and sought solitude to collect my thoughts.

  Back at home, I sat on the toilet, staring at the glaring two bars on the pregnancy test, and felt my world shatter into pieces. My heart pounded, and I clung to the armrest for support.

  "This... This can't be real!" I muttered, unable to come to terms with the truth that confronted me, feeling as if the very sky was spinning around me.

  Just then, my father's voice echoed from outside the door, jolting me back to reality. Panic surged through me as I contemplated how to break the news to him – that his grandchild was the result of a one-night stand.

  The fear of his rejection and the possibility of being cast out overwhelmed me.

  Struggling to compose myself, I replied, "Oh, I'm fine," my hand pressed to my mouth to mask any telltale signs of distress.

  Hastily, I discarded the pregnancy test in the trash and made my way out of the bathroom, attempting to conceal the turmoil within me.

  "Leona, there's something I must discuss with you," I said as I slipped into the car, pausing briefly before dialing her number.

  My heart was heavy with apprehension, unsure of how to broach the topic with my father. Yet, being fellow werewolves, I hoped Leona could better comprehend his emotions.

  "Are you going to tell me that you're leaving here?" My tone must have been quite unfamiliar to her, as she seemed startled and even trembled a bit.

  Nevertheless, her presence at the other end reassured me.

  "I'm pregnant," I confessed, feeling a tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders. I knew my nerves were still unsettled, but I trusted Leona to help me through the rest.

  "What?!" The phone emitted a dull thud, indicating Leona's surprise as she dropped it momentarily.

  Then, an incredulous outcry followed, loaded with questions that poured out like discarded waste.

  "You've got to be kidding me, right? That's not funny. If your father knew, he'd kill you."

  "Take it easy. Let's meet at the hospital," I suggested, deciding it was best to have another checkup to avoid any misunderstandings.

  Though I had imagined Leona's response, her actual reaction exceeded my expectations.

  She appeared anxious, with a couple of curling irons still hanging from her hair when I met her in the hospital corridor. Her eyes held a peculiar look, as if I were an alien landing on Earth for the first time. Yet, she held my hand firmly, offering support in her own unique way.

  "What in the world is happening?!" Leona exclaimed, her inquisitive eyes fixed on me.

  "Do you recall the last time I was out of contact?" I hesitated to face her gaze.

  "Yes, you mentioned you got drunk and then your phone died, but what happened next...?" she trailed off, waiting for my response.

  "That's when I had an encounter with a stranger," I interjected, lowering my head in shame.

  "A stranger? A human?" Leona's astonishment was evident as she abruptly stood up from her stool.

  My mind wandered to that audacious man, causing me to shake my head in disbelief. "No, he wasn't human."

  "But how did it happen? I mean it sounds not like something you'll do..." Leona asked with confusion.

  I didn't know how to explain it. In fact, it just happened, like a magical.

  "I don't know. I was just uncontrollably attracted to him, and when it happened, I found myself unable to say no to him."

  "It sounds like what usually happens between the fated mates among werewolves."

  "What? But I'm just a human!" I was stunned.

  "Half-human actually!" Leona said, "don't forget you also have werewolf blood."

  Leona's disbelief subsided as she sighed, accepting the truth. Just then, a sharp voice cut through the air from behind her.

  "Such a coincidence, bumping into you here. I suggest you give up on this futile hope of becoming the pack's Luna again and stop spreading fake news about being pregnant. It's utterly ridiculous."

  I turned to see Morgana and Jayce stepping out of the section. Morgana stood with her arms crossed, emanating an air of authority, clearly having overheard Leona's words. Jayce, on the other hand, glanced at me briefly before looking away.

  "Enough! My pregnancy has nothing to do with you both, and I never cared much about being Luna. I just didn't realize someone else would value what I discarded as if it were a precious treasure," I retorted, no longer waiting for Leona to defend me.

  Jayce's expression darkened at my words, and he instinctively glanced at my stomach. "Whose child is it, then?" His deep voice carried a hint of hostility, not aimed at me, but at the unnamed man who had impregnated me.

  "That's none of your concern," I replied, turning my face away with a hint of disdain.

  My response caught Jayce off guard, and he glared at me menacingly before raising his hand towards my neck, threateningly. Fear rushed through me as I realized my vulnerability as a mere human. I closed my eyes tightly, bracing for the worst.

  Suddenly, a dull thud echoed through the corridor, and as I opened my eyes, Jayce, who was standing in front of me moments ago, was sent flying back like a kite. Everyone around us gaped in astonishment at the scene unfolding at the end of the hallway.

  A man now stood at the center, bathed in the rays of the setting sun, his identity obscured from my view.