

BATWOMAN fight for justice in Gotham,...................... what else were u expecting, ok. Kate Kane has a chance to do over, this time not only will she stop her sister but also save her, and she has the perfect plan. none of this is mine,all belongs to DC,cw all anyone else who owns it enjoy.... I will be focusing more on her relationship with her sister, family and friends than just being batwoman, but there will be fighting of crimes just not all the time.

Favour_Tunde_5465 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


"Ok Gotham, Vespar fairchild here, the scandal today is the allegation against our own Mary Sue, Kate Kane, who the riddler said was Batwoman but as it turns out surprisingly, not only was she not Batwoman apparently they are friends, does she know who is under the mask, talk to me Gotham.."

"This is good press for me, at least me being a friend of Batwoman makes people think twice before trying something.."Kate was sitting in her office ( Bruce office) listening to her radio.

"Or her numerous enemies Target you.."Luke said walking up to her, after the take down with riddler,Kate was able to calm him down, saying she was ok which she was.

"Ok.. spoilsport,all am trying to say is now that people saw me and Batwoman at the same place and at the same time,many people would believe that am not Batwoman including my dad.., who I have to go see in a few hours.."she was tired of playing this game with him, it's been days since the last time she saw him at the fundraiser and he has been trying to reach her.

"Besides I want to ask..is it a good idea to leave Alice in Julia care?!!"said Luke.

"Now you remind me.. Where are they?,I don't think I have seen them since this morning!"she said.

"Umm...I should be the one asking you... you don't think they hook up right?...".

"Oh.. shut it.. beth isn't into women besides Julia knows better than to date my sister.."she said trying to convince herself, just then Alice and Julia both walked in laughing while holding a lot of shopping bags.

"Hello there love... your sister is such a darling.."Julia said smiling.

"Oh.. stop it pennylofer.. "said Alice "Kate you didn't tell me your ex has a great taste in clothes unlike you.."Alice was grinning ear to ear, she enjoyed her day today unlike before, Kate decided to let her out with her face this time, not as if she can runaway, she confirm what Kate said there was a tracking chip in her body.

"Pennylofer!!.... you guys are giving each other nicknames now!?"jealousy was heard in her voice.

"Oi... don't be like that.., this is the only time i get to enjoy myself beside working!"said Julia, she was always traveling, despite her words she loves her job.

"When are you leaving!?"Alice asked, she was going to miss her,they've both been having fun these past few days.

"Ohh.. don't worry sweetie I will stay for a little bit longer..."Julia said she was going to enjoy spending time with her,Kate was no fun.

"Whatever you two do don't implicate me,am going to see my father.."she said leaving the office,Kate was tried of listening to her father rants on her voicemail, she wasn't avoiding him she just doesn't wants to talk to him.

"Can you come with you love!?"Julia asked running up to her.

"Why!?"they both got inside the elevator.

"Nothing.. seems you might need a bit of support though"..

"What about Alice..?,"

"Oh.. she can stay with Luke for sometime.."

"How come you are so close with my sister?"

"Alice is quite nice from my perspective she just needs a little bit of understanding from people.. once you get her, well her good, humorous side get to rub off on you.."they both got out of the elevator and gets into Julia car.

"Besides trying to change her doesn't mean she will forget everything she's done.."

"You right...I think am mostly doing this because of me, not being able to save her made me feel guilty and I wanted to make up for it by changing her, but I forgot no one can ever change except they want to.."

"Now you get me.., you are coming to strong on her, locking her up, forcing her to share her pains, making her relive her trauma and most of all putting a chip in her!!.."

"Ok I get it I'm the worst sister but you don't know Alice as I do, without this restriction many people would have been dead many more injured, if she was free and knows I couldn't kill her she'll turn this into a game of cat and mouse and I can't have that, giving her a bit of space now I'm just planting the idea that she would be free if she promised to change.."

"Ok I get it but can't you give her the benefit of doubt..?"

"Trust me,if you know what I've been through you suggest locking her in Arkham.."said Kate, after some time they got to the crows headquarters.

"So I heard your ex works here now?"Julia said"you did get over her right!?".

"Hmmm, nothing I can't handle.., do you want to wait for me in the car or are you coming with me?"Kate asked Julia.

"Am coming with you love...let me explore while you talk with your dad!!"she replied.

They both got to her father office, seeing him barking orders at his agents Kate walks up to him.

"Hey Dad..!"she greeted him first, she noticed him going stiff at her voice,although she was annoyed at him she couldn't help but notice he has eye-bags under his eyes, the other agents including Julia left them alone.

"Kate!!!"Commander Kane tried to calm himself down, he has not been sleeping well for the last few days, after finding out his other daughter was alive and with Kate he has been trying to reach her but to no avail "where is she!?".

"Where is who!?"she asked something in her makes her want to annoy her father more.

"Stop playing with me.. where is beth?,I have been trying to reach you but to no avail.. you are not in your bar or your office, for heaven sake I don't even know exactly where you live!!".

"Calm down dad, like I told you beth is not ready to meet you, infact she is not ready to meet me,if Batwoman haven't took her and give her to me,I don't think she would want me with her... and I have been trying dad, she just isn't ready "

Kane took a deep breath"ok... can I at least talk to her on the phone...just to say hello, you do understand me right,i do miss her and it's killing me that i abandoned her for this long.."he tried to hold back his tears.

Kate walks up to her father and hugs him "it's okay Dad we will get beth back..I promise!".

After some they both sat down.

"So how did you know Batwoman"asked Kane.

"Oh..umm...well... it's kinda a long story... and no I don't know who she is under the mask...we are close doesn't mean we're close.."her father raised his eyebrows at her.

"If you say so..., and I was proven right when I say all this heroes put the crazies at there in the streets...I mean for three years the Batman has been missing we got the occasional bank robbery or gangs shooting but now it's the riddler maybe next we will get the joker..."Kane said.

"Ok..Dad,am leaving I will let you know when to talk to beth I promise it won't be long..,I only came here so you can see how serious I am.... bye Dad"she couldn't stay any minute longer if her father was going to continue complaining about a alter-ego.

Once she came out of his office she let out a big sigh of relief, she was going to look for Julia when she heard Sophie called out to her.

"Kate!!"she turns and greets her back "Sophie".

"So..how have you been?I tried to get to you but you ignored my calls even texts!!"

"I thought my father would try to get to me through you so I didn't answer you....am sorry "

"No problem... just next time eh.. but you guys are ok right?"

"We will see... hope you are doing ok!!?"Kate asked.

"Am fine...so are you free,am on my break and on my way out to get something, want to grab some coffee..!?.

"Ummm...."Kate looks around her, she didn't seem to find Julia anywhere,"maybe next time,I came with someone and I think she is missing,I will go look for her.."Kate was about to go find Julia when she saw her coming towards her direction.

"There you are love...are you done with your dad?"Julia asked.

"Yes....! come on let's go"she took Julia hand she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, she was having a bad feeling about this.

"Won't you introduce us.."facing Sophie Julia stretch out her hand "hello am Julia, Julia pennyworth... and you must be Sophie!!"

"Yes... how do you know that,I don't think we've met,Kate hasn't mentioned you before.."Sophie said.

"You Kate Kane ex right,so am I!!"Julia replied.

"Ok introduction out of the way.. good to see you Sophie,I will call you, bye, Julia lets go.."Kate practically drag Julia out of there, she has a feeling both of them are going to like each other which leaves a bad taste in her mouth.

"Me too Sophie...!!"Julia said laughing as she leaves with her.