

BATWOMAN fight for justice in Gotham,...................... what else were u expecting, ok. Kate Kane has a chance to do over, this time not only will she stop her sister but also save her, and she has the perfect plan. none of this is mine,all belongs to DC,cw all anyone else who owns it enjoy.... I will be focusing more on her relationship with her sister, family and friends than just being batwoman, but there will be fighting of crimes just not all the time.

Favour_Tunde_5465 · TV
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11 Chs


"It's the riddler"someone said , Kate and Alice eyes met,'i said it 'she mouthed to herAlice just rolled her eyes 'this was going to be interesting 'she thought.

Kate heart was pounding in her chest, this must be the bad feeling she has been having lately, the only thing she didn't do was check if there was any break out from Arkham had she knows she could have prevented this.

The riddler and his goons tied everyone hands behind their backs with zip ties, Kate could get out of it if only there wasn't a mini bomb strap on it, she looks at Alice and saw her looking calm.the riddler walked up her and pulled her to the center of the room.

"It's nice to see you miss Kane!"he said walking close to her and whispers in her ear.

"Well I hate to break it to you but we've never met before!"said Kate.

"I know who you are!!"the riddler said.

"Well..duh..I am Kate Kane "she said.

"No.. you are batwoman.. and I'm going to prove it.."he said.

"You are delusional.. everyone who knows me knows I hate Batman "Kate said.

"Ha..ha.. you are right but I hate when people insult my intelligence they regret it"he said.

"Well it might be mine that is the problem"said Kate"I can't imagine what is it you could possibly want if you are here!?".

"Don't worry what I want is priceless,I couldn't wait any more,I mean look at the audience and this became a perfect stage "he said.

"For what!?"Kate asked.

Looking at her the riddler smirk"to show the world who batwoman is under her mask!!!!"he shouted.

Kate heart Skip a beat"and how are you going to possibly do that?!!"she asked putting up a facade she hopes was believable.

"You... miss Kate Kane, you are BATWOMAN!!!"he said and throws his head back and laughs.

"And what in the name of sanity makes you think that!!?"she asked in a surprised voice pretending she was calm meanwhile she was freaking out, she has planned her movements making sure Batwoman and Kate Kane doesn't have any connections or whatsoever.

"I don't think it miss Kane,I know it"he replied.

"Then you are either wrong or imagining things "Kate said,people was starting to calm down looking at the both of them, the goons were blocking all the exits even Alice couldn't escape from her position without raising suspicions.

"Really?, that a famously wealthy, athletic young woman, who has no need to work and who watched her mother and sister fall to their death right in front of her, grows up to be a mask vigilante who terrorizes streets criminals? that's too out there?"he asked.

"...ok,I can see how you arrived at the theory, but that is too concidental..."said Kate.

"Well..I found out who Batman was..."

"What.. did you say?!!"Kate said.

"I found out who Batman was behind the cowl!!, but he left before my big reveal...I wasn't going to make the same mistake with you..."he said.people gasp, they were paying much attention now which was what Kate was hoping for so that Alice can slip out without anyone knowing.

"You are delusional!!!"she said hoping he will keep talking, she doesn't care if he revealed Bruce identity because once she proves she wasn't Batwoman nobody would care about that.

"Hmm...no... When I found out, he somehow realized-very quickly -that I had ,he wasn't going to kill me,nor was going to imprison me and hoped I did keep quiet and I wasn't going to a bribe to keep his secret,. .. well actually I could have but then revealed it anyway.... the only thing he could do was vanish.... Batman gone... that way I couldn't capture and unmasked him in public... and I have no evidence....,I should be flattered.. out of all of us..am the one he ran from.. but you don't know how maddening it is...I have completed my masterpiece but can't unveil it....I wasn't going to make the same mistake"he said

"You have my heartfelt sympathies..."said Kate"unfortunately this is all coincidence...if you can't find evidence..."

"Evidence..no..no..,I just have to keep you all here for the next 24 hours, and if you are not Batwoman she will come and save you all but if Batwoman doesn't show... well...I was right..."he said smiling, he then walked up to his goons.

Kate couldn't get through to Luke outside, the riddler must have cut the calls line, she looks at her family,her father was looking at her with disbelief, he must have believed what the riddler said, Mary was calming everyone down meanwhile Sophie was trying to cut herself loose.

"Is it true?"Kane asked.

"Is what true father?"she said.

"That you are batwoman!!"he said.

"Father, you called me to town after batwoman appeared,I can't be in two places at the same time, check the flight manifestos, you will see I came back to Gotham after batwoman appeared, the riddler is just looking for a scapegoat to justify his Maniac tendencies"she said,her father still doesn't look convinced.

*********Few hours later******

"It's been ten hours already Batwoman is no show.. this proves I am right"the riddler said.

"It proves nothing besides you said 24hours not ten... what made you even think Kate is Batwoman!!?"Alice asked, she been trying to sneak out of her bondage but was unable to, this was a waste of time..if she was Kate that man would have lost a tooth or two, just then she saw someone at the corner of her eyes wearing the batsuit, she was shocked, looking back at Kate she noticed she just found out too.

"I am going to start killing the people now... one person every one hour"he said.

The moment he turned to face the people,a batarang was imbedded into his chest electrocuting him, he fell down immediately without knowing what has happened, the hall was immediately in disarray, the goons were trying to run when Batwoman swings in taking them all out, she then walked up to Kate.

"You took your sweet time"said Kate knowing who was wearing her suit.

"Hello honey, traffic was hell!!"the lady said, she then cut off the ziptie freeing her, Kate released Mary and Sophie who in turn release everyone else, who wasted no time in rushing out of the hall.

"Stop.."said Kane "where is Alice..? the lady you took from the bank months ago?"he asked the mask vigilante.

Turning to look at Kate the mask lady said "she is no longer with me!"and left the hall the same way she came.

"What do she mean by that!!?"Kane asked.

"What she meant was beth is no longer with her... but... with me instead"Kate said, doing this her father was going to stop being hard on her other persona.

"What!!!!?"everyone gasp.

"I was able to communicate with the Batwoman, she gave me Alice back on the condition that I don't let her loose, beth has been with me father... just she is not ready to meet you"Kate said looking at Alice who shook her head.

"What did you mean not ready to meet me ,I'm her father!!!"Kane screamed.

"Yes, the same father who abandoned her.. the same father who listened to what everyone was saying... the same father she vows to ruin... yes father..I have been doing everything possible within my power to change her mindset about us, instead you galavant with the enemy... Catherine was at fault in making us think she is dead but you forgave her easily, beth doesn't want anything to do with you "she said.

Her father was shocked... Kate looked at him"I didn't tell you because I don't want to hurt you, when beth is ready to talk to you I will let you know... but for now..I don't think so"said kate saying goodbye to Mary and Sophie,she and Alice left the hall together.

"Why didn't you try to convince me to talk to him?"Alice asked.

"Not now..if you come out as beth today I will lose my advantage with dad...let him reflect on his mistake, beside am doing this for you "she said.

"Thanks.. and I wanted to ask who was that on your suit!?.."she asked.

"That will be me love..."Alice heard behind her and turned.

"Alice meet Julia, Julia meet Alice my sister "Kate said, the moment she saw the person wearing her suit she knew it was her, Luke must have called her after finding out the riddler plans.

"Nice to meet you, Kate said a lot of things about you but never said you were alive!!"Julia said.

"Well..I do know for a fact she hasn't mentioned you!"said Alice.

"Ouch.. I'm her ex..""she is my ex.."both Julia and Kate said at the same time.

"Wow...I never thought I will one day be interested in your love life..tell me everything.."Alice said taking Julia hands.

"Were is Luke!!?"Kate asked Julia who was being chummy with her sister.

"He drove back to the bat cave, and I think you should go talk to him,I think he is freaking out!!"Julia said laughing at what Alice whispers to her.

kate nods her head, what happened today was disastrous,if anyone was to believe the riddler her plans could have been derailed.