
Battle Tower with 2 Bodies

A newbie author suddenly came up with an idea for his new novel to practice his writing skills, but he blacked out after thinking of a name for it. Waking up from his slumber, he found himself in a strange white room that healed all of his scars and injuries. That's not the only strange thing, as he also sees everything from 2 perspectives: one from his original body and the other from a girl who is completely unrelated to him. Now both bodies shared a consciousness, his consciousness, it tried to find an answer by checking through the memories of the two bodies, but it only found his, the attempt to find her memory was met with failure. Her memories are nowhere to be found, and the only clue it has is a hole in the middle of her shirt splattered with blood, indicating that she had lost her life due to a stab to the heart. Accompany them in their adventure within the place that he gave the name to: Battle Tower This novel is in the format of the character narrating their own adventures so there will be a lot of things omitted since they aren't omnipresence or omniscience and the narrator can lie.

Deltvin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 3 - Get a Team

'I shouldn't treat my bodies recklessly.' I, the consciousness, thought to myself. Referring to my old body as "I" was making me pay less attention to Eliza, leading to me not paying that much attention to her perspective. Because of that, I tripped on the root of a tree. I need to change my perspective. It shall be consciousness that rules over the two and not Leonard that rules over Eliza.

Now with that done, Leo and Eli walked through the door, once again seeing the green field with a giant tower sitting in the center of the field. Things mostly went the same with the Headless man appearing on top of us and introducing us to the [Status]. This time I made Leo position himself in front of a boy a bit younger than us. Before he was about to scream, Leo put his hand in front of the boy's mouth, signaling him to shut up.

"Don't make a fool of yourself" Leo whispered before putting down his hand.

Eli was just looking around for anyone with a weird reaction to their status screen, but since it's the first time I've actually paid attention to my surroundings as Eliza, I found out the weird gazes were directed toward Eli, specifically the chest. Eli looked down to see the bloodied clothes.

"Oh right, don't worry, I was acting for a home-made movie. This is fake blood." (Eliza)

After that was said, the gaze on me lessened a lot.

'I gathered too much attention, why didn't I remember this before I regressed?' I thought about how I disregard most of Eliza's surroundings in favor of my own perspective.


As the Headless Man finished his line, he disappeared back to the tower. Eliza grouped up with Leo and trod toward the tower like many others.

We reached the tower after a few minutes of walking, and the tower was still the same. I looked around for the boy using Leo and Eli and found him quite easily since he was walking toward us, specifically Leo.

"Thank you for earlier, but how did you know?"

"What do you think?"

"You also have a Unique ability?" The boy asked, and I just smiled at him.

"Well, what's your name?" (Leonard)

"My name is Jake." Jake answered

"Well, alright, Jake, want to go with us?" (Eliza)

I looked back at the tower to see the man touch it and disappear.

"Follow us if you want." (Leonard) 

I proceeded to walk toward the tower and come into contact with it.

Once again we found ourselves inside the forest, but this time the man was in front of us. He looked at the forest confusingly before turning back and finding us looking at him.

"Who are you guys?"

"We saw you disappear when you touched the tower, so we touched it, and we got here." (Eliza)

"Let me start the introduction, I'm Leonard Kevler, 17 years old."

"I'm Eliza Chrona, 17 years old."

"Name is Howard Johnson, and I'm a 25-year-old medical student."

I moved my head to look at the rising smoke in the distance.

"Is that smoke over there?" (Leonard)

"Should we check it out?" (Eliza)

"No, have you heard stories about a tribal village in the Amazon forest gutting a guy? This place is named Battle Tower, so I don't expect the people here to be the welcoming kind." (Leonard)

"You're right, do you have any suggestions, Mr. Howard?" (Eliza) 

The conversation I had with myself made me cringe inside, but It would be unnatural to stay silent. Before Howard could answer, another voice came up.


I turned back and saw Jake standing there.

"So you decided to follow us?"

"Hi kid, who are you?"

"Hello, my name is Jake."

"Now, back to the discussion, I think we should team up." (Leo) 

I already knew what would happen if we didn't tread carefully. Without notice, a blue screen popped up in front of my visions.


The player has met the requirements to unlock the option [Party]

The player has met the requirements to unlock the option [Menu]


""Huh?"" We said in surprise.

'Party' I thought, and another screen appeared.



Party Name: Nameless


>Leonard Kevler

>Eliza Chrona 

>Howard Johnson

>Jake Merten


"Well, this is new, why is it only unlocked now?" (Leonard)

"Maybe because we need 4 people to unlock the options?" (Eliza)

"Maybe." (Leonard)

"As survival in the wild goes, we should find a river first, assuming this place is untouched by human hands, somewhere near the river will be a safe enough place to have as a shelter and a source of clean water." Howard said

"Alright, how are we going to find a river in this forest?" Jake asked

"We just need to stand still and not make a single noise. We should be able to hear the noise of water running even if it is far away."

We stood there silently for a while. . . .

Nothing remotely close to the noise that a river should make was made.

"So there's no river nearby, what are we going to do now?" (Eliza)

"I think we should make some tools or weapons first." (Leonard)

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Howard agreed.

"Me too."

"We should find some rocks and branches first." (Leonard)

"I will find some branches, Jake, can you come with me?" (Eliza)

"Alright, big sister."

I led the boy a bit further away from Howard and Leonard.

"Jake, can you tell me what your unique ability is? I promise I will keep it a secret. I will tell you mine too."

"My unique ability is [Shapeshift], I'm like that dog from the cartoon I watched 2 years ago. Let me show you." Jake excitedly said, and his hand started to get bigger and bigger, but I stopped him.

"Okay, my unique ability is [Time Stop]."

"Like that Vampire from the bizarre anime? That's so cool. Can you show me?"

"Yes, like that vampire from the bizarre anime, I won't show it though since it took a lot from me just to make it stay for a few seconds."


While Eliza was having a conversation with Jake a bit far away from Leonard. Leonard was hammering a rock with another rock, and it broke into sharp pieces.

"Yes! Finally after 4 tries." I finally managed to make a sharp piece of rock after injuring my hands multiple times and failing with multiple rocks.

"Damn, it hurt."

"Hey Mr. Howard, I got the stone rock done" I said before looking around to see no one. "Howard? Where are you?"



Objectives: Slay goblins: 0/10

Reward: Access the Safe Zone



The player has met the requirements to unlock the option [Quests]


"What?" I heard rustling noises behind me, and I turned around to see a stone coming straight toward my head, which I narrowly dodged by ducking.


I just came up with character's name and story on the spot without any planning. If there's any plot holes, tell me.

Deltvincreators' thoughts