
Developed Ye

Chapter 457 – Developed Ye

Zhang He and everyone returned to Xiangyang a few days later, along with the extra men. Upon returning to Xiangyang, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Cheng Pu, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, and 2,000 mercenaries left the city by disguising as merchants, traveling via Henei-Xiangyang trade route.

Huang Zu caught wind about the escape a day later during a morning assembly. After a thorough investigation, he got so angry to the point that he punched his subordinates.

"Useless bastards! How did you allow them to leave!?"

"W-We didn't! We guarded the resident, but we didn't see anyone left the buildings!"


"I-I don't know!"


Huang Zu punched his soldier again, knocking him out cold.

He turned to the other subordinates, "Dispatch a messenger! Send them to Jianye and inform Sun Ce that his family ran away!"