
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


"Damn looks like I lost them" I said as I slowed down, checking behind myself just to be on the safe side.

From the moment I left Val and Rayla, I had been running nonstop for almost a whole day, the only good thing was I didn't lose my backpack so I had water and some snacks to keep me going as I ran.

"I don't even know the way out of this forest" I said as I sighed "I hope Val and Rayla are okay" I thought as I wandered the forest.

I moved all over the forest not knowing where I was going not knowing I had stumbled into a place of legends and horrors 'THE FOREST OF MYRIAD BEINGS' a place which gave even the gutsiest of gods nightmares and I just foolishly wandered inside.

The forest of myriad beings was home to spirit beasts, monsters, and mysteries which had been unsolved since the beginning of time in the Realm of gods. It held untold and unseen treasures but just like every treasure there is an equally frightening amount of danger lurking in it.

The forest of myriad beings was inhabited by Spirit beasts at the Demigod Realm to Spirit beasts' way above the Void God Realm of power.

I wandered the forest till the sun was slowly setting before I managed to find a small opening behind some tall bushes which blocked the path into a well concealed cave.

I managed to walk through the small opening as I emerged into a huge open space right in the middle of the cave with a pond at the end of it, it seemed as if someone had lived there a long time ago and I could tell since there was this chair made out of stone in another corner of the cave, the walls of the cave were lined with these rocks that glowed as it provided light inside the cave despite the fact that the sun had set.

"This isn't so bad at least I won't have to sleep outside tonight" I said to myself.

I walked closer to the pond as I gazed at it, the pond seemed to be filled with a milky substance, while the rest of the place just needed a quick cleanup and I could sleep for the night even if it was only for a couple of hours since I didn't know if this place was that dangerous.

"I just have to sleep for tonight and worry about tomorrow when sun is up" I said out loud just so I did not feel all alone, but the only voice I heard was mine as it echoed inside the cave.

I quickly unpack my backpack to check what I still had left apart from my clothes, I finished organizing everything to discover I took the backpack with just a couple of clothes, concealed knives with a book on cultivating and sword play with just enough food to last me a day or two but what made me feel safe was the medic kit I found underneath all my clothes, it seemed as Olivia added an extra medic kit without letting me know.

After cleaning around the dark cave, I spread the huge beast skin which I had seen behind the stone chair on the floor after beating the dust out of it to use as a makeshift mattress, before I laid down for the night.

The night was longer than usual and the sun hidden behind clouds, I could slowly feel how isolated I was from the rest of what is known as human civilization.

I looked around the forest and everywhere looked the same to me, the same trees all around me, but the most important thing was to figure out how to survive in this environment where I have practically zero supplies.

"Maybe I shouldn't have run off on my own" I thought as I looked my current situation.

I walked back into the cave to get my sword as well as a couple of concealed knives with something to snack on while I made sure the immediate environment was safe.

"Damn, only two flasks of water left, I have to find a water source and quick" I thought to myself as I grabbed one of the flasks before heading out.

I carefully left marks to help me get back to the cave since everywhere looked the same, while on it I bumped into a few strange spirit beasts but managed to avoid them, the first one I saw was a Panda but the strange thing about the panda was that the black and while on its body kept inter-switching and since I didn't know how powerful or why it was that way I avoided it to the best of my ability and the winged tiger I saw as well which froze not only my body but also my thoughts the moment I saw it jaw was filled with such terrifying set of teeth.

As I scouted the area I was able to see a water which flowed from the other end of the forest which went farther from the cave and deeper into the forest.

The best thing about my exploration was the fact that I was able to find some edible berries and clean water at least I was pretty sure I could manage with those for a couple more days, while I figured out how to leave the forest.

I spent the afternoon hunting for rabbits so I could eat them instead of only eating berries which turned out to be harder than how it seemed on Tv shows. I was only able to catch two of them after running around the whole afternoon.

The night was cold and unusual with the cold wind blowing in from an opening somewhere in the cave as it gave me chills and the howl of wolves in the dead of the night.

Boom, a loud sound like the crashing of thunder upon metal rang out in the middle of the night waking me up from my sleep as I grabbed my sword afraid I was being attacked.

"What the hell was that?" I wondered as I held on to my sword tightly afraid that something could pop out of nowhere.

I sat on the floor the rest of the night since I was too scared not knowing what happened, the sun came up and so did another day of trying to survive, I started to practice the sword technique which I found in the bag and when I finished that I started to cultivate based on the teachings in the book.

I was able to absorb the Aura of the Universe at least several folds better than what the book described when someone with matchless cultivation talent could, and that was only while I was not able to focus my mind on one thing.

I had to figure out a way to get out of the forest and the only way I would be able to leave is by getting stronger.

On the third day in the forest of myriad beings I found a strange fruit which had the colors of the rainbow all over its body, with a mouthwatering aroma and I couldn't help but eat it without thinking if it was dangerous as my body slowly cooled inside.

I heard the roar of a beast nearby and without wasting another second I ran back to the cave since I didn't know how powerful it would be.

When I got back to the gave I started to feel uncomfortable as my stomach began to boil, first the pain was bearable at the moment.

"Argh" I screamed as it became more intense until I couldn't take it anymore and passed out on the floor.

I just laid there not moving with the whites of my eyes completely black as I stared up at the ceiling of the cave eyes open but passed out.

Day 4 of 15 days of crazy updates

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