
Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic

At a young age Yuki loses his parents in front of his eyes. He learns life doesn't fight fair and that reality stabs us in the back. His entire goal of protecting others and becoming stronger is built on a promise. Yuki a boy in a world gifted with powerful people fights to become the strongest and protect others, but also ends up doing the opposite. He experiences love and loss, happiness and sadness, being good and evil. In a powerful world only the strong can survive; so they say.

Narcissistic_Tiger · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 25: Stream Slash

Yuki pulled the sword out and kicked the assasin, the kick caused the assasin fall on his butt.

Blood flowed out of the wound in his shoulder, he used his palm to cover the wound.

"You bastard!!!" The assasin yelled in anger and pointed the finger out his right hand at Yuki.


Yuki's right hand which was clenching his sword made a quick movement, the assasin couldn't follow what Yuki just did. But he felt a sharp pain in his wrist, he looked at his right hand and noticed it was on the ground. It was no longer connected to his body, Yuki had cut off his hand with a swift slash. Blood gushed out of his wound.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The man shouted and clenched his right arm, tears flowed out his eyes.

He cried while rolling on the ground.

"I told you that I would wipe that smile off your face." Yuki said while making the ice sword disappear.


A loud boom called Yuki's attention towards the apartment building, a large man was blasted out of the last window on the third floor. He landed on his feet in the middle of the road. He wore dark boots, had a bald head and wore black trousers and a black sleeveless tight shirt. He was really soaked.

"That girl is really powerful." The man said to himself while looking at the window he just got blasted out from.

Yuki stood by his side and asked. "What's happening?"

"The girl I was supposed to kill is really strong." The man answered with looking at Yuki.

"So you're an assassin sent by elder Giyu?" Yuki asked.

"Yes." The man answered and then looked at Yuki whose clothes were a bit burnt. "Wait, you're one of the people I'm supposed to kill!" The large man finally realized his target was right next to him.

Elder Giyu sent numerous assasins after them in one night. Yuki and Yukari had no idea what was about to happen.

The large assasin punched towards Yuki. Yuki instantly created two ice gauntlets around his fist and also punched towards the assasin.


Both of their fists collided creating a loud bang. The man retreated a few steps backwards. 

'This kid is really strong. He is relying on the strength his body can provide, the only reason he created those ice gauntlets was because he wants to protect his fists.' The large assasin thought before he jumped back a couple of feet. He had jumped fifty feet away from Yuki.

He pushed both of his hands towards Yuki, his hands began to stretch towards Yuki with great speed. His kizo allowed him to stretch any part of his body.

"The kizo reminds me of an anime character." Yuki said to himself.

The long arms were moving towards Yuki with much speed.


Yuki didn't even notice when Yukari arrived in front of him. Her clothes were also partially burnt, she was holding a katana. The katana, had a blue handle and it's blade was a bit blue.


Yukari slashed her sword towards the arms that were stretching towards Yuki, she had cut off both arms.

"AAAAAHHH!!!" The large assasin screamed in pain. His arms went back to their normal length as blood gushed out his wounds. There was a spray of blood in the air.

Yuki looked at Yukari who had just cut off the assasin's hands.

"That's what you get for ruining my alone time with onii-san." Yukari said while pointing her sword at the large assasin who was running away.

"Yukari, are you okay? Did you get injured?" Yuki asked with a tone of worry.

Yukari turned to Yuki and revealed a joyful smile. "Onii-san is really worried about me."

"Nevermind, it's seems you're still your regular self." Yuki said while looking around.

The street was completely empty, it seemed everyone had vacated the area. There was a burning car next to Yuki's apartment building. Smoke filled the air.

Yuki and Yukari felt a huge amount of ki from behind them, they both quickly turned around. There were numerous men standing opposite them, they all exuded their ki from their bodies. It was clear that they were all here to kill Yuki and Yukari.

"There's too many enemies. Onii-san can you handle yourself? I'm sorry but I don't think you're not strong enough to fight these guys. So just let me handle this." Yukari said while tightly clenching her sword.

"Listen to me Yukari." Yuki said while putting his hand on her shoulder. "You and I are siblings, when we fight we will fight together. And the both of us are gonna punch that elder Giyu in the face together." 

Yukari smiled and looked forward.

"Elder Giyu sent us here to kill you. There's only ten of us and he also gave us permission to cause havoc however we want, which means we can kill you and anyone we want to." The assasin in front shouted.

Yuki clenched his fists which were covered with ice gauntlets. 

'It won't be long before I run out of ki.' Yuki thought.

They could obviously run away because the situation was out of hand. But because they were from the Kinatarou family they couldn't, the Kinatarou family was made of the strongest and bravest kizo users. So even if they could run away it wouldn't come to their mind, because it wasn't in their blood to run away.

All ten of the assasins ran towards Yuki and Yukari. 


(Stream Slash)

Yukari spoke and swung her sword sideways towards the assasins even though they were still very far away.


A slash made out of water was released from the sword, it was moving towards the assasins with much speed. Three of the assasins managed to jump into the air avoiding the water slash, while the rest who couldn't dodge were all sliced in half.

There was a spray of blood that filled the air, the body parts of the assasins lay on the road with blood flowing out of them. The road was now coated with the red of blood, the air was filled with it's smell and the spectators watching from their various homes felt chills run down their spines. Hana was also one of the spectators watching from her apartment window.

Earlier Hana had heard a loud explosion come from Yuki's apartment, she and her aunt which she lived with went to knock on Yuki's door. When they arrived infront of the door their bodies were hit with heat and they also noticed smoke protruding out of the door post. They instantly realized that the apartment was on fire. Hana's aunt proceeded to ask for help from the neighbors, while Hana went into her apartment to call the Chikyu Gado. The Chikyu Gado also handled all the types of rescue.

Hana was about to call the Chikyu Gado when she noticed loud boom sounds coming from outside, she looked out the window and saw Yuki fighting with an assassin. She was even more shocked when she saw Yukari arrive at the scene, the way Yukari cut off both of the assasin's hands made Hana feel a bit of fear towards Yukari. She noticed more men arrive at the scene to fight with Yuki and Yukari,  she instantly called the Chikyu Gado and informed them about the situation. 

But when Yukari used her stream slash Hana started shaking due to the gory sight.

Yukari was also part of Chikyu Gado before, but she decided to leave when she heard that Yuki had moved out of her mother's house and started living on his own. The Chikyu Gado accepted members of eleven years old and above, regardless being a kizo user or not.

Yuki was shocked by how Yukari killed the assasins without even blinking. Yuki couldn't bring himself to kill someone, but Yukari could because she had killed lots of villains during her time in the Chikyu Gado.

'Wow, that was an amazing attack' Yuki thought. 'She has obviously gotten stronger than the last time I saw her fight.' 

It was obvious that even without Yuki's help she could easily defeat all these guys. With only one attack she had killed seven of them instantly.

The remaining three assasins were shaken by Yukari's powerful attack, they could still feel the powerful ki emitting from her body.

'This isn't good, this girl still has lots of ki left. There's no way we can kill any of these guys.' One of the assasins thought. They looked at Yukari as if they were looking at death itself. In their eyes it was like she was covered in a shadow, her eyes and sword seemed to glow light blue. The assasins were forced to run away with full speed.

The ice gauntlets on Yuki's hands disappeared.

Yuki looked at Yukari with a face filled with admiration. "Yukari that was really awesome, I can't believe you defeated them all that easily."

Yukari turned to face Yuki.

"That was really amazing. I'm even more pumped up to get stronger." Yuki said with a look of determination while holding his fist infront of his face.