
Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic

At a young age Yuki loses his parents in front of his eyes. He learns life doesn't fight fair and that reality stabs us in the back. His entire goal of protecting others and becoming stronger is built on a promise. Yuki a boy in a world gifted with powerful people fights to become the strongest and protect others, but also ends up doing the opposite. He experiences love and loss, happiness and sadness, being good and evil. In a powerful world only the strong can survive; so they say.

Narcissistic_Tiger · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 22: Contract Killer?

"Huh?" Yuki was confused by the smell of a cigarette. 

He noticed the presence of someone behind him, he was about to look back when he noticed that there was a tight grip on the back of his head. He couldn't turn his head to see who it was because of the person's grip, but he could easily tell that this person was male.

The person who had gripped Yuki's head forcefully rammed it into the mirror.

The sound of glass breaking filled the apartment. The person pulled Yuki's face out of the broken mirror.

Yuki's face wasn't injured but instead it was covered in ice, Yuki had covered his face in ice moments before it hit the mirror this way he wouldn't sustain any serious injuries.

The man grabbed Yuki's neck from behind and lifted him up, Yuki's feet were no longer touching the ground. The man forcefully threw Yuki at the wall.


Yuki's body broke through the bathroom wall and landed in the bedroom. The ice that covered his face shattered in seconds. Yuki stood up but he was punched in the stomach. 


The punch was so powerful it sent Yuki flying threw the bedroom wall, this time he landed in the living room. Dust filled the atmosphere, Yuki's vision was blurry but cleared as he got up.

His shirt was filthy and a bit torn, he stood on both his legs and stared at the hole in the living room wall. He could see someone standing in the bedroom, the person stepped through the hole into the living room. Yuki couldn't see this person clearly, because of the dust.

'Who is this guy? I can't sense any ki from him, that means he's not a kizo user. But his strength is unbelievable for a normal person.' Yuki thought.

The dust in the room cleared up and Yuki could clearly see the person who assulted him.

It was a tall man who seemed to be in his mid thirties. He wore a brown cowboy hat, brown boots, a long brown coat and had a robotic right hand. There was also a revolver hanging on his belt. His face was covered with a bandana.

"I never thought a cowboy from the future would wreck my place and try to kill me." Yuki said while dusting his shirt.

"I'm not a cowboy you jackass!" The man yelled. "I'm a contract killer."

"Really? You're not a cowboy, that's to bad." Yuki said and scratched the back of his head. "Wait, what's a contract killer?"

'Is this kid really that stupid?' The man thought. "Didn't you go too school?" The man asked.

"Of course I did. But I still don't know what you're talking about."

"I kill people for money you jackass!" The man shouted.

"That means you're an assassin." Yuki exclaimed.

"Yes." The man said before proceeding to punch Yuki's face.

Yuki who had already anticipated the attack caught the robotic fist of the man.

'What? This kid has unbelievable strength even for a kizo user. He easily caught my fist!' The man's mind was thrown into chaos.

The man didn't waste any time in pulling out his revolver and pointing it directly at Yuki's left eye.


He pulled the trigger, but Yuki simply tilted his head to the right, dodging the bullet.

'How did he do that?' The man was once again surprised.

Yuki kicked him in the gut causing him to slide a couple of feet backwards. Yuki's kick would have caused him to hit the wall but because of the cast on his leg his movement slowed down.

Yuki's leg had already healed, he was going to have the cast removed the next day. But he had to get it off now if he wanted to beat this guy.

The man regained his balance and once again pointed his gun at Yuki.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He shot three bullets at Yuki who dodged it by swaying his body from left to right. 

'How is he dodging my bullets? According to the information I was given, he has a natural concept ability and not a form ability like superspeed.' The assasin was still trying to figure out why Yuki was able to dodge bullets when he was punched in the stomach.

He vomited a mouthful of blood and fell on his butt. He once again pointed his gun at Yuki's head and fired.

Bang! Bang! 

Yuki easily dodged the bullets by squatting. He was squatting right in front of the assassin who was sitting helplessly on the floor. 

'So that's how he dodged all my bullets. He's predicting where I'm going to shoot by looking at my eyes and the movement of my gun.' The assassin finally figured it out. 'But that means he can't dodge at close range.' The assassin pointed his gun at Yuki's right eye, the gun was only an inch away from Yuki's eye. The assassin quickly pulled the trigger.

Click! Click!

A clicking sound could be heard from the gun.

"You're out of bullets." Yuki informed the assassin.

The assassin tried grabbing Yuki's neck using his robotic arm, but Yuki grabbed his robotic arm before it could reach his neck. 

"You're gonna tell me who sent you." Yuki's tone was fully threatening.

The assassin tried pulling his back but he couldn't even move it. When Yuki noticed the assassin's struggle, he used his kizo to freeze the robotic arm.

Within seconds it was completely frozen.

"No matter what you do I won't say anything." The assassin said with full determination.

"You trashed my apartment and it's going cost money for me to repair it. I can't fix the holes in my walls with what I earn." Yuki pushed his hair back with his free hand. "So, you're only going to give me two things, the money for my apartment and the name of the person who asked you to kill me." Yuki squeezed the frozen robotic arm and it shattered into pieces.

The assassin crawled backwards trying to get away from Yuki.

Yuki stepped on the man's leg preventing him from moving any further, Yuki created an ice dagger and quickly stabbed it into the man's leg.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!" The assassin let out a high pitched scream which made him sound like a girl.

A splatter of blood stained the floor, the assassin was about to grab Yuki's leg when Yuki lifted his leg and forcefully stomped it on the dagger. 

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!" Another high pitched girl like scream sounded out, it could be heard from anywhere in the street.

"Listen, I'm really angry cause you wrecked my place. So just hurry up and talk before you lose your leg." Yuki's tone was threatening but his face carried an ' I don't care ' expression.

"Elder Giyu!" The assassin suddenly shouted. "It was Elder Giyu who hired me to kill you."

"Elder Giyu. Why does that old fart want me dead?" Yuki spoke to himself .

"Kid listen, I don't know anything else. So please spare me, today is actually my first day on the job and I just took this job because I couldn't pay my rent." The assassin pleaded.

"Did Elder Giyu give you any down payment?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, five hundred thousand yen." The man immediately replied.

"Great, transfer it to my back account now." Yuki said with smile.

Meanwhile somewhere in that same street Yukari was running. She was running with all her might towards the apartment. Earlier an assassin also tried to assasinate her, but she easily killed him. Before she killed him he told her that other assasins were going after the Kinatarou family.

After killing him she immediately started running towards the apartment, hoping that she wasn't to late.

She ran all the way to the apartment and found Hana standing at the door, this was the first time Yukari had seen Hana and she had no idea who she was.

Knock Knock 

Hana knocked on the door before Yukari could get to her. Yukari walked up to Hana and asked. "Who are you?" 

"Huh?" Hana looked at the girl standing next to her. She was beautiful, had blue hair and blue eyes. She was about the same height as Hana.

'She's so beautiful.' Hana thought to herself.

Before Hana could answer Yuki opened the door.

"Konnichiwa." Yuki greeted.


Yukari immediately jumped on Yuki and hugged him tightly, she was really glad he wasn't hurt.

Yuki had changed into some clean clothes and that was why Yukari assumed nothing happened.

Hana who stood by the side was shocked by the hug.

'Who is this girl? Is she Yuki's girlfriend? She must be his girlfriend to be able to hug him like that.' Hana was analyzing the entire situation.

Yukari finally let go of Yuki and stood by his side while hugging his arm.

"What was with that hug?" Yuki asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Is it wrong for me to want to hug you?" Yukari asked with a straight face.

"Nevermind." Yuki looked at Hana who was looking at Yukari. "Hana, do you need something?"

"No." Hana looked at Yuki and responded. "I just came to check on you because I was hearing loud noises from your apartment and I think I heard a girl scream." What Hana heard was actually the scream of the guy who tried to assasinate Yuki.

"Oh, sorry about that. It was the TV, I accidentally sat on the remote." Yuki smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Hana squinted her eyes at Yuki.

"Who is she?" Yukari suddenly asked.

"She is my friend, her name is Hana." Yuki said and looked at Hana. "Hana, this is Yukari, she is my...."

"Thats not important right now, I have something urgent to discuss with you." Yukari said while dragging Yuki into the apartment and closing the door.

Hana stood there with a dumbfounded look. There was only one question going through her mind.

'Was he about to say girlfriend?'