
Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Humans are weak. Yet, harm the people they love, and they become fiercer than any demon.~ Unknown. ____________ "Heavenly Sword! Give it up and surrender! There is no longer any way for you to win this!" Sweat fell down his brow as Hiroyuki stood in a sea of enemies. Extremely fatigued from fighting by himself non-stop. The man wondered how the situation could be turned around. Despite being called Heavenly Sword, it was almost impossible to win against an entire continent alone. Yet even in the face of death, he refused to surrender. Hiro forced himself to stand using his swords for support. He then nonchalantly answered. "Can't, I promised my girls I would come home early today. They will be sad if I am late." Suddenly, three gorgeous women appeared beside him, surprising everyone else. The army grew wary as they phased in like ghosts, despite the man being surrounded by enemies. Beautiful, alluring, and overflowing in both power and sex appeal. The women made thousands of boners stand up in respect. "Darling, we had a date! Look at how bloody you are! Why do you need to worry me like this?" "Shush, can't you see he is injured? My love hold still, I will heal your wounds." "Husband. Pain? Rest. We cooked. Lots of food. Eat later. Now, we'll kill enemies." "But, I can still fight, I will take point... " The wives supported him to take a seat. Each beauty then gave him deep and passionate kisses one after another in a display of lust and desire. Three confident voices assured him afterwards. "Darling, so long as you are with me, I will never lose to anyone. Wait for us, rest for now." "My love, your wellbeing is most important. We made your favorites, let's celebrate at home later. please let us take out the rubbish okay?" "Husband rests. Husband strong. But wife worries. Be obedient. Safe. Reward later." It was obvious to everyone how much they loved their husband. Silenced by the passion of his women, the man quietly waited, defeat wasn't even a possibility. After tending to their beloved, the wives turned to face the army surrounding Hiro. The ravishing women then began to unleash power that made the skies quake and the earth shatter. "I count a hundred thousand. As we are all extremely pissed, how about a game to make it interesting? The winner gets to keep darling for an entire Saturday. Deal?" "...Please make it the entire weekend including nights. They laid hands on the man I love the most. Their lives are mine." "Don't bother. Livid. I will win. Weekend sex. Creampies. My rewards. You girls rest. No longer needed." The commander who saw the three women display tyrannical powers grew frantic. Aside from being an unmatched swordsman, his superior told him that the target had a factor even more important to consider. "Listen carefully! When you hunt the Heavenly Sword remember one thing. Do everything possible to separate him from his battle harem. Fight him alone. ALONE! UNDERSTAND?! "If his women are with him, retreat immediately! Do not engage them period!" "But..." *SLAP* "NO BUTS! HIS WOMEN SHOW UP, YOU HAUL ASS! DO I MAKE MYSELF ABSOLUTELY CLEAR?!" Finally understanding the words of his superior. The commander was about to order a retreat. However, something instantaneously blew his head apart. The sounds similar to a watermelon violently exploding forced the entire army to halt. As blood, flesh and brain matter rained around the area of the former leader, a cold voice spoke amid the silence. "One." "Oh, come on! We haven't even started yet!" "Cheating bad. Saint image weeping." "Two." "....." Thus began a one-sided massacre involving 100,000 men against three very vengeful women. This was only one of such stories surrounding the strongest force to ever walk the lands of the Valorious continent. The Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword *Cover Commissioned from suryabaswara516*

Yinghuo_392 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
316 Chs

The Battle Harem System 3

'NTR? FUCK! NTR EVEN HERE? NTR people can go to hell. But dammn. Doesn't that mean no Sub is safe if you have a high enough Dom rank? Feels bad man.' Hiro quipped in his mind.

"Numerous Subs in the past who held overlord or lord ranks were seduced, bribed, NTRd so much so that people just stopped doing such Links in fear of the consequences. On top of losing 30% or 20% of your power, you also lose the one you held dear. The notion is frightening to me.

"As royalty, I saw the worse examples. Some enemies sent what we call Traps. A Trap is basically a Sub sent by another for the purpose of being NTRd by the one who sent it. Dylan sent some traps my way and I was powerless to stop them from taking my Links by force. These Traps got my trust and then betrayed me by getting dominated by Dylan or his faction.

"I have since stopped using Links above admirer due to my experiences. The only people I can guarantee are not sent by Dylan or his faction are transmigrators, thus since then I only create spouse Links with them alone."

Rhyne who curled up like a baby showed just how much it affected her to have her people taken or for them to betray her. Her mood plummeted just remembering the Traps she encountered.

'I can't take this seriously, seriously emperor, first NTR now Traps? The whole Dom-Sub is from BDSM no? What the hell were you thinking? Still to subject a child to such would definitely give them trust issues. This Dylan is a devious fucker, to say the least.'

Hiro who felt saddened for her started to hate prince Dylan, wanting to change the topic he then confirmed the questions Rhyne asked her before.

"With all that and how poor my stats are, you still wish to make me one of your spouse-ranked Links? Why? How sure are you that I will not just waste the Link you give me?"

Rhyne knew dwelling on the past wouldn't be well, so she stood up and extended her hands to Hiro.

"I meant what I said when I haven't stopped thinking about you since I first saw you Hiro-sama. It is quite saddening that you no longer believe me, but I trust only transmigrators.

And yesterday you were extremely cool, (it actually made me a little wet) not backing down. Among those in Starfall few could call Artorius a Chunni and a handsome bastard. Even fewer would even stand up to him."

Hiro then noticed the playfulness of the raven-haired princess when she suddenly murmured in an inaudible voice and then laughed at the words immediately. The words he used were from Earth, he knew her understanding them had something to do with the emperor, but he wanted to ask anyway.

"Did your father teach you those terms? If your father conquered the kingdom millennia ago why are you the oldest, are you really twenty years old? Maybe you are over hundreds of years old and only look twenty?"

Rhyne pouted in a cute manner and slapped Hiro in the arm. Thwack! "How rude, you saw my status page right? I am only twenty! If you don't believe me believe the status screens they do not lie after all."

Hiro who got smacked by the voluptuous beauty felt his entire arm hurt from the force. "I think my entire arm just died right now princess. You owe me a new one." Rhyne giggled at the transmigrator's attempts at humor and said in a serious tone.

"Based on the determination you showed me Hiro-sama, despite being faced with an enemy many times stronger than you, Hiro-sama neither retreated nor surrendered. You may be weak right now, but such indomitable will is what I desire.

"I believe that you are not lacking against the other transmigrators. Let me be direct. Be my strength and let us grow stronger together. Devote yourself to me and I will grant you my trust and affection."

Taken aback at the noble and powerful demeanor of Rhyne's speech and fierce gaze, Hiro marveled at her transformation. The cheery and mischievous princess from earlier seemed like a lie and the one to remain carried the grace and majesty of a ruler.


Left speechless Hiro remembered the mission he was given since arriving in this world. He then said in full seriousness. "Make Rhyne Fair Dominii empress of Valorious."

Rhyne, who heard the statement thought she heard it wrong, so the princess asked for confirmation.

"Excuse me? What do you mean?"

Hiro then got off the bed and announced to the beautiful woman in front of him in a voice full of conviction. "That is my mission, you said your father got a wish once he completed his right? The mission I was given as a transmigrator is to make you empress. Didn't you see it?"

The princess then shook her head as she said. "People from my world cannot the mission part of the status screens. I tried it with my husbands; I couldn't see any of them. They told me what the missions were supposed to be but without proof, I cannot know if what they are saying is true."

The black-haired middle-aged programmer from another world then kneeled in front of Rhyne. He then gently took her hand and raised it in front of him.

"Rhyne Fair Dominii, I Hiroyuki Mitsurugi pledge that I shall devote every fiber of my existence to making you, empress.

"I follow you alone as my lord. I swear on my life that I will never betray you nor forsake you from today until my life ends. Your enemies shall be my enemies and where you are there I will be.

"Please allow me the honor of being your husband."

After his spill, he gently kissed the back of Rhyne's hand akin to a knight and looked up once more to ask.

"My Lady, do you accept my pledge?"

Rhyne, overwhelmed by the sudden promise of devotion turned red like a tomato and covered her mouth with her free hand.

Hi All,

New book made in WN Cocktail Format. This is part of the Initial 30 chapter release, please support it if you want more chapters.

see you in the Next Chapter.

To God be all the glory honor and praise.



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