
To The Grand Line

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue, Polestar Island - 20 GAP

After messing around a little bit with Smoker, I quickly apologize to him and explain, "Sorry, sorry. It was a bad-taste joke on my part but I did it to show you that you shouldn't ever underestimate your opponent no matter how ridiculous or harmless he appears to be because there are really too many abilities and techniques that are as ridiculous as they are dangerous... like turning someone into a toy with a simple touch, or like I just did paralyze you with a simple touch. As a wise man once said constant vigilance is the only way to survive."

Then I started to give him some serious advice on what to improve, "But if I can be totally honest, you seriously need to start training your body and senses some more. Your foundation is good enough, but now you need to build on that so that in the future you can awaken and train your Haki more easily, especially since it is something fundamental to become a true powerhouse. It is the only power that can truly allow someone to resist Devil Fruits' powers that any person can cultivate, you can't continue to rely on your Sea Stone-tipped Jitte." 

Smoker nods and thanks me for the advice, quickly after that we end our sparring on that note as it is useless to continue further as Smoker realizes that he has no chance against me. 

Then Smoker ends the morning training session letting all the marines return to their duties under the command of the marine ranked Petty Officers and above, Tashigi included, and after that, he invites us to his office as he wants to tell us something. 

Once in his office, Smoker sits on a nearby couch and goes straight to the point without any hesitation and tact, "So, the higher-ups decided to show their stance, attitude, and goodwill by granting me the authority to give your student Koby the special rank of Journeyman Recruit, something I'm quite sure is an idea that the Fleet Admiral Sengoku pulled out of his ass just for this special occasion." 

Then he focuses on Koby and starts to explain, "It has basically the same privileges and authority of a regular Seaman Recruit, which are basically next to none to tell you the truth, but you will still be treated as an official member of the Marine, wage and all, while retaining the freedom to follow your mentor in his journey until he deems you fully ready to start your career, at that moment you will go through a special exam to grant you a rank suited for your abilities, in fact, the Elitè Recruits at the Marine HQ go through the same process. Plus there is the benefit that no other higher ranked officer can order you to do something, at least not until you get promoted to a higher rank. In simple words is more like an unofficial rank meant to show that you are affiliated with the Marine more than an actual official one. Of course, if you commit a crime such rank will also be instantly removed and a bounty will be issued on your head instead." 

After the explanation, Smoker looks at both of us and asks, "So, what do you think? Do I make this official?"

Koby quickly looks at me, his eyes silently asking for my thoughts on that, but I calmly smile and say, "Koby this is something that you have to choose, what is important is what you want to do. But personally, I don't think this is a bad deal for you. After all, your dream is to be a strong marine Admiral to protect the innocent from the evil pirates, and to do that, you have to start from somewhere."

Hearing that, Koby falls silent and starts to seriously think about it, then after a few minutes of contemplation, he looks at Smoker and says, "Captain Smoker, Sir. I accept."

Smoker nods then he declares, "With the authority bestowed upon me by the Fleet Admiral of Marine and the World Government, I grant you the rank of Journeyman Recruit. Welcome to the Marine, kid... well, kinda."

Then he brings out what looks like the standard uniform and gives it to Koby while saying, "This is your uniform, and you have to wear this whenever you want to enter a Marine Base, of course, with this on you can only access to the same areas Seamen are allowed to be. Outside the base, you can simply wear your cap to show your affiliation as it has a unique serial code connected to your ID to avoid impersonation."

The uniform consists of a white, short-sleeved shirt emblazoned with the Marine emblem, a simplified gull with the word "MARINE" underneath it with a small "旅" next to it, which can be translated into "travel", "trip", or "journey", on the back, a blue neckerchief, dark blue trousers, and a baseball cap also with the word "MARINE" with the same kanji across the front. 

Koby takes the uniform with shining eyes, and quickly thanks Smoker, after that, Smoker asks, "So, what are your plans now?"

I smile and casually reply, "Well, of course, we are going to head to the Reverse Mountain and experience the first half of the Grand Line, the one called Paradise, while continuing Koby's training and helping those in need that we meet on our way."

Smoker nods, then he lits up a new cigar as the one he was smoking before was consumed, and says, "Usually I would tell you guys to be careful... but after that humbling experience in the training field, I don't think there is any need for that. Have a good voyage."

I smile and reply, "Farewell, Captain Smoker. I wish you the best and don't slack off your training, after all, this world really needs more good marines like you and with enough power and prestige you can become an example to follow for the new generations." 

Then I get up and with Koby we walk out of his office and leave the base, heading back to the Athena God's Bidoof, which is already ready to depart for the Reverse Mountain at any moment. 

Once back on the ship, we have breakfast with the kids and the girls, and then without wasting any more time, we depart and head toward one of the most iconic locations of this world, the Reverse Mountain.

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue, Reverse Mountain - 20 GAP

We are now all sitting on the bridge of the Athena's God Bidoof, admiring the spectacle in front of us, when Nikita exclaims in wonder, "It's so rugged, wild, and big..." making me sigh out loud again as she continues to say things that can easily be misinterpreted.

What we are admiring is the sight of the Reverse Mountain, an extremely tall mountain, one of the points where the four Blues meet and is also one of the two known entrances to the Grand Line. 

It is located in the Red Line and is on the opposite side of the world from the damned Mary Geoise. 

This place is unique in that rivers from the Blues flow up the mountain, meet at the top, and then flow down into the Grand Line, a true wonder of nature. 

This is because the mountain, being a "Winter Island" using Grand Line terminology, is much colder than the surrounding sea in the Blues but not in the Grand Line. 

The mountain has five rivers, four of which are ascending from each of the world's four Blue Seas and one descending into the Grand Line. 

In the distance, the apparently "small crack" that is the entrance can barely be seen, and as I look at it, I instantly notice that on the entrance of the river there are ten square arcs that are decorated with tribal patterns and depictions of sea creatures, and without any hesitation, I tell Bidi about it, and leave the controls to her, then I propose, "Why don't we head to the deck and enjoy this experience from there?"

The girls and the kids quickly agree to my idea, while Koby appears to be a little worried about it, but I quickly reassure him and so we all head to the deck to experience our ascension up the Reverse Mountain to the fullest.

Once on the deck, I instantly notice that the currents get stronger and stronger the closer we are to the "small crack" which is, in fact, big enough to easily allow a vessel the size of the Athena's God Bidoof to pass through it, but still it is also narrow enough to be dangerous especially. 

The reason why many pirates entering the Grand Line die before they can even get up to the top of the mountain is because the hostile water currents and storms often force them to crash into the mountain walls if they don't sail in at just the right angle, luckily this won't be our case, because, one there is no storm today as the sky is clear, and second, Athena's God Bidoof is just too good of a ship to make such mistake, and even if it crashes against the mountain walls it is more likely that the mountain's walls would get damaged.

Athena's God Bidoof picks up her speed and in the next moment, she flawlessly enters the narrow gap at the perfect angle and starts her ascension up this mountain riding the strong currents, and, like the roller coaster of an amusement park, we start to scream as we enjoy the ride, but I do think that among us there is Koby who is genuinely screaming in fear more than excitement, but I could also be mistaken and those tears are, in fact, tears of joy.

Soon we pass through the cloud layer and the top of the mountain can be seen in the distance where the four currents originating from the four Blues clash against one other and where the only descending current flows down the mountain into the Grand Line. 

At this moment, as we get closer to the top I can't help but remember that scene from my childhood, where the Straw Hats also enjoyed the exact same sight I am now sharing with my friends and family, and can't help but use my Spiral Cosmo to produce the fantastic ost that always followed the most iconic and adventurous moments in the anime, To the Grand Line.

As the splendid music echoes, I can't help but feel my smile widen as the girls lean their bodies on mine while commenting, "This is so beautiful..."(Seika), "Thank you, Jayr."(Saori), "I'm so glad we are all here together."(Eri), "This one is getting wet, and for once isn't for that reason..."(Tio) while the kids are watching everything with their eyes sparkling with excitement and mouths wide open in wonder making me once more feel the warmth of our family.

As Athena's God Bidoof is about to reach the top of the Reverse Mountain, I quickly yell, "Brace yourself! We are about to jump!" making Nikita and Koby quickly rush toward the handrails and firmly hold onto them, the the girls simply held on my body.

Soon the Athena's God Bidoof reaches the top of the Reverse Mountain where the currents of the four Blues constantly clash against one other and thanks to the force of their collision, the Athena's God Bidoof is sent flying into the air for a few seconds before magically landing on the only descending current that leads to the first half of the Grand Line, the one called Paradise.

Quickly, the Athena's God Bidoof starts sliding down the Reverse Mountain, and after a few minutes, we finally arrived at the true starting point of the Grand Line, the Twin Cape, which is located at the bottom of Reverse Mountain, at the exit that leads into Paradise. 

The area is located precisely where the Red Line and the Grand Line meet. 

From here, sailors can choose one of the seven routes of the Grand Line by waiting for their Log Pose to set on the desired one. 

Of course, the only important landmarks here are the lighthouses located at the exit of Reverse Mountain, especially since one of them is the home of Crocus, a doctor and the overseer of the Twin Cape Lighthouse that guides ships coming down from Reverse Mountain into the Grand Line. 

But more importantly, he was also a member of the mythical crew of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger.

Of course, he is also currently the caretaker of the whale Laboon, a poor and loyal creature that has been still waiting for the return of his companions for over 48 years, the Rumbar Pirates, which unfortunately are all mostly dead, with only Brook somewhat still "alive" but who is currently trapped in the Florian Triangle, if I remember well.

Talking about Laboon, I quickly hear his song originating from under us, and sense that he is once again bashing his head against the Red Line to break through it and reach the other side, and he is hurting himself in this futile attempt.

So, I quickly use my Telekinesis to grab a hold on his body and stop him from bashing against the Red Line, then I slowly bring him to the surface.

At the same time, I warn everyone, "Do not panic, something big is about to emerge but it won't be anything dangerous." hearing that, all the girls and Koby nod in understanding, while Nikita asks, "Is it Laboon, right? Poor guy his story is so pitful... we should help him."

Hearing Nikita makes the girls curious, so she starts to give them a brief summary of Laboon's story, "In his early years, he was a happy little Island Whale who formed a strong bond with the Rumbar Pirates. However, his happiness was shattered and he fell into a deep depression after he was told that they had fled the Grand Line, leaving him behind, something that isn't true as they actually died. His strong will and determination were led by a blind ambition to see his friends again, clinging to what little hope he had for their safety. Because of this, he tries to break through the Red Line, so that he can get to the West Blue and rejoin his friends." which instantly makes them all feel sympathy for the poor creature. 

In the meantime, Laboon emerges in all his glory showing everyone his appearance.

Laboon is an extremely large whale, comparable in size to most of the Calm Belt's Sea Kings, his eye alone is several times larger than the Athena's God Bidoof, his skin is blue, coupled with short fins and a fluked tail. 

And just like I remember, much of his head is crisscrossed with scars, from his many years of tackling the Reverse Mountain.

(Image Here - Laboon)

Seeing Laboon's size Koby can't help but exclaim in surprise, "So huge... Are you sure that it isn't dangerous Jayr-san?" to which I reply and at the same time teach him, "Yes, he isn't dangerous. He is an Island Whale, the largest whale species in this world. The Island Whales originate from West Blue, and are highly intelligent, as they are able to understand complex human dialogues between several people, as well as reading their body language. Their "brain oil" allows them to sense obstacles or search for prey, and apparently can also be used to recognize music. The foremost part of their head, called "hammerhead" has spike-like protuberances, making them very resistant to physical damage. Island Whales are mellow and not hostile towards other creatures. Being social creatures, they normally swim together with other Island Whales in pods but may adopt another family if needed."

Of course, while I'm explaining this, Laboon does try to move and break free, but I'm firmly holding on to him to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself anymore.

Then I command, "Bidi, bring us closer to one of his eyes, I want to talk to him and calm him down."

Quickly the Athena's God Bidoof once more starts to move and following my instructions, it slowly heads toward one of his huge eyes, which instantly focuses on us, making Koby next to me gulp loudly. 

Seeing that, I stepped forward and yelled, "Yes, I'm the one who is currently holding you still in place, sorry for being so forceful, but since you were simply hurting yourself I felt obliged to stop you. Especially since you won't be able to find them even if you break through this mountain."

This seems to surprise Laboon, and seeing that, I nod and say, "Yes, I know about you and the Rumbar Pirates-" but just as I'm about to continue, I notice that his side opens up, and from it a small circular piece of land a small floating island, which is in fact a ship, with only a tall palm tree and a deckchair comes out of it, and sitting on the deckchair is an old man that I can easily recognize as Crocus.

Crocus' appearance is based on the flower with the same name, as seen with the petals around his head. 

He has a rather stocky and muscular body, is bald on the top of his head, but has white hair with yellow flower petal-like things, that have purple near the bottom of them, and a white beard that splits into two parts, his lower lip is noticeably larger than his upper, he also has a noticeable scar on his left arm.

He wears a pink shirt with a yellow and green stripe with purple circles in the yellow along with blueish-grey shorts with sandals, he also wears glasses, a seaweed necklace, three gold bracelets, and a green gem bracelet on his left wrist. 

(Image Here - Crocus)

As soon as he comes out, the first thing he does is check on Laboon as he asks, "Why did you suddenly stop before I could even inject the sedatives? Are you okay Labo-?"

But notices our presence and quickly brings out a harpoon and aiming at us he asks, "Who are you guys? Did you guys do something to Laboon!?"

I step forward and politely introduce myself, "Good morning, sir. My name is Pucci Jayr, a doctor exploring this world with my friends and family. And indeed, I was the one who is currently stopping this wonderful Island Whale from harming himself by bashing his head against the Red Line."

Hearing that, Crocus mutters, "A doctor, huh..." at the same time, he glances at everyone on the deck, and seeing the girl, Koby, and the kids, he slowly lowers his harpoon and says, "Thank you for stopping Laboon, I was just about to inject him with a dose of sedatives to calm him down as he was about to truly hurt himself."

Then after a long pause, he introduces himself, "My name is Crocus, the lighthouse keeper of the Twin Capes I'm 69 years old, a Gemini, and type blood XF." which almost makes me instinctely mutter a "Noice." like everytime I hear that number.

After that, I invite Crocus on the Athena's God Bidoof's deck and offer him something to drink as he briefly explains, "The reason why Laboon keeps on bashing his head against the Red Line, and bellows while facing the Reverse Mountain... is because long ago, while I was minding my business as a lighthouse keeper, a certain group of friendly pirates came down Reverse Mountain, and following their ship was a little baby whale. That whale was Laboon. It seems that Laboon had accompanied their journey in West Blue, but fearing that the Grand Line was too dangerous, they left him behind or so they thought."

Crocus sighs then he continues with his story which we already know but it is kind of rude to interrupt an old man's story so we patiently wait for him to finish, "Normally, Island Whales are known to swim together in pods, but to Laboon those pirates were his pod members. Their ship was damaged when they arrived so they stayed here for several months to fix it. I became quite good friends with them during their stay. And so, on the day of their departure, their captain asked me, "Could you please take care of Laboon for 2-3 years? Once we've sailed around the world we'll come back for him no matter what." Understanding their intent, Laboon patiently waited for them here... It's been over 48 years since then... He still believes his friend will come back..."

Crocus once again sighs this time even more sad as he says, "However the cruel truth is those fellow left already. Left the Grand Line through the Calm Belt, that is. I heard from a reliable source. That is why I do not know whether they survived or not. But even if they did survive, they would never dare to return here again... A place where the season, climate, currents, and winds could not be any more chaotic... A place where common sense fails to uphold... That place is this sea, the Grand Line, and it rules with fear over the faint-hearted."

Then Crocus drinks some of the fruit juice I offered him and says, "What is even worse is that I already told Laboon the whole truth about it, and nothing but the truth. But he refuses to listen. Ever since then... Laboon has been bellowing at the Reverse Mountain, and bashing his head against the Red Line as if trying to stubbornly assert that his friends are beyond the wall and that they'll return someday...!"

He looks at the still immobilized Laboon with eyes full of concern as he says, "I've tried telling the truth many more times since then, but Laboon still refuses to accept the truth. This whale's home is back in the West Blue, which is on the other side of the Red Line. But it's too late for him to go back. That's why his only hope, is the very friends he came along with here in the first place."

At this point, I step forward and say loud enough so that both Laboon and Crocus can hear me, "You don't have to feel so sad. The Rumbar have never abandoned Laboon here like you thought... The sad truth is that almost all of them died in these dangerous waters, only one of them is still alive, but he is currently trapped in the Florian Triangle..."

Crocus looks at me and asks, "And how can you possibly know that?" I smile and reply, "Because I'm someone that travels and knows a lot of things... Like the fact that you were in fact the ship doctor of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger..." making him instantly wary, while Koby exclaims in surprise, "Whaaat!?"

I ignore them and continue, "Or the fact that Gol D. Roger was terminally ill and that you took care of him for most of his journey through the Grand Line... Do I have to continue?"

At this point, Crocus asks, "Who are you?" to which I simply reply, "As I told you before, I'm a doctor who likes to travel and knows a lot of things."

Then I face Laboon and say, "You don't have to harm yourself anymore, I promise you that I'm going to bring back the only surviving member of the Rumbar Pirates, Brook."

But it seems that my words have no effect on him, so, I decide to bring out the heavy weapons, I quickly use my Spiral Cosmo and materialize a piano, I sit in front of him and say, "Since you still won't listen to me. Let's try to communicate in another way..."

I take a deep breath and look at the piano's keys for a few seconds as I try to remember the exact notes of that song, at the same time, a curious Crocus asks, "What is he trying to do?" to which Saori replies, "What he always does, he is trying to help Laboon."

I focus and then I start to play the piano at the same time, I release my hold on Laboon, who as soon as he hears the first notes calms down and focuses on me.

Then I start to sing, "♪ Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho. Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho. Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho. Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho. ♪"

At the same time, Crocus mutters in wonder, "This song..."

I smile and continue to sing and play, "♪ Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo. Umikaze kimakase namimakase. Shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu. Sora nya wa o kaku, tori no uta. ♪ (Going to deliver Binks' Sake! Following the sea breeze! Riding on the waves! Far across the salty depths! The merry evening sun! The birds sing as they draw circles in the sky!)"

Indeed, I'm singing the iconic Binks' Sake, Laboon's favorite song, trying to use it to send my feelings and intentions to him and it seems that it is working as now Laboon is slowly and gently moving his body following the rhythm of the song while also somewhat singing together with me with some tears falling from his eyes, and like that we continue to sing together for a while as everyone around us watches in silence as the merry tone of the song turns slower, becoming a kind of sad farewell song.

50 Stones Bonus!


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts