
Meeting the Boys

AN: The images will be posted later as my street will be out of electricity for a few hours because of scheduled maintance, have a nice day.

Butcher POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

After my meeting with Meave, I rush back to my apartment to hide the folder on Soldier Boy and deal with that shit that Meave gave me.

But just as I'm about to pour that Temp V shit into the sink, I hear a fucking familiar sound, and so I quickly close the Temp V capsule's cork while taking a glance at the balcony of the living room that can still be seen from the kitchen and seeing the figure of that cunt I quickly hide the Temp V capsules into the dog shaped jar made of lead.

Then I slowly walk toward the living room, keeping my gaze on Homelander as he is calmly standing on the balcony with his hands behind his back staring back at me.

I move even closer and open the door and say, "If you want to watch me have a wank, it'll cost you a tenner."

Homelander simply raises his eyebrows and asks, "May I come in?"

After a moment of silence, I simply leave the door open and go back into the kitchen to pour some water into a cup, meanwhile, Homelander calmly walks inside and asks, "Where's Ryan?"

I stand still for a moment, hearing that, then I resolve myself to get ready for what could happen and picking up the cup, I walk toward the table while replying, "He's at 673 Nosh My Bollocks Ave. You want a pen and paper?" and calmly sit on the chair while looking at him.

Hearing that, Homelander simply comments, "You know I could... could just pull you apart limb by limb. Make you tell me."

But I fearlessly rebut, "Nah, that'd be worthless. The victim always goes into shock. You got to start small. Fingers, toenails, ears."

But he interrupts me declaring, "He's my son, William. My family. I'm gonna find him sooner or later."

We stare at each other for a couple of seconds, then I click my tongue and say, "Look, uh... I don't mean to be rude, but can we just skip to the part where you laser my fսcking brains out?"

Homelander then exclaims exasperated, "Oh, for Christ sakes. Where's the sport in that? No, look at you." he then sits on the chair on the other side of this small circular table as he continues, "It'd be like putting down a wounded dog."

Hearing that I smirk and reply with an amused expression and tone, "You're the one with your tail between your legs on all them fսcking talk shows. And then they go and make Starlight cocaptain. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! That's got to sting."

Homelander stares at me for a couple of seconds and replies with an almost impressed, "Touché, William... Touché."

Then I ask genuinely curious as it seems he isn't here to blow my fucking brain up, "What are you doing here?"

Homelander stares at the floor in silence with his head twitching as if he is struggling to let the words out, then he looks at me and complains, "Vought and the fսcking bureau. The wheeling and dealing. And-and-and-and giving and taking. Just to keep everything exactly the same. And you and me? Well, they treat us like old playthings and put us up on the fսcking shelf? Hmm? Treat us like we're obsolete. Doesn't that make you angry?"

I stand in silence for a few moments, because as much as I loathe to admit it, I fucking agree with him especially thinking at all the useless shit that happened this past fucking peaceful year, and so I nod and reply, "Yeah. It does."

Hearing that, Homelander asks, "What if... what if it doesn't have to be that way? What if... you and I... Well, what if we share a different destiny?"

I drink some more water as I look at the fucking cunt as he continues with a happy smirk on his face, "Something... a little more... scorched earth, shock and awe, blood and bone. And in the end, only one of us left standing." then after a long pause with an expression that seems almost like he has a hard-on he asks, "Isn't that what you want?"

Hearing that, I lean forward and reply while smiling back as I think at the image of this cunt's corpse laying at my feet and reply, "Too fսcking right. More than anything."

As he listens to my answer, Homelander smiles back, nods, and says, "Mm-hmm. I look forward to it."

I then take a moment to glance back at the dog-shaped jar where I hid the capsules of Temp V and think, 'And maybe... with that shit I can do it with my own hands, ripping him apart one limb at a time, looking down at his broken body as he begs, without relying on some fucking alien or some stupid weapon or other things like that...'

Then I glance back at Homelander, but soon I realize that he took advantage of that brief lapse to leave, and with him gone from sight, I regain a little of control and reason, '...But even with my own powers granted by that shitty Temp V, that doesn't mean that I'll be able to defeat and kill him, not when no regular Supe is able to be his match... No, to deal with him, I need something more than powers, sure, they can help to level the ground a little, but to tilt it to my advantage I need something more than that... a weapon...'

At this point I glance back at Soldier Boy's folder, thinking about that B.C.L. RED that may have done Soldier Boy in, then I look at the clock and see that it is almost time for the meeting with the Boys and that fucking alien while thinking, '...Or some unexpected helper that could very well deal with everything...'

Then I once again grab my coat and put it on, turn off the lights of my apartment and close the door while muttering, "I fucking hope that this doesn't bite me in the ass..."

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

After working hard for a while, I'm finally done and look at the seven round masterpieces I created lying on the kitchen table, seven pizzas all with different toppings and flavors.

The first four are the most classic pizzas in southern Italian cuisine, one is the most classical and always loved Margherita, with tomato sauce, mozzarella, and fresh basil leaves.

Next to the Margherita, there is a pizza with a white topping, it's the Pizza ai Quattro Formaggi (Four Cheese Pizza), another Italian classic, seasoned with Gorgonzola, Fontina, Mozzarella, and Parmigiano Reggiano all mixed together.

The next two pizzas are the Pizza Capricciosa, with tomato sauce, mozzarella, baked ham, mushrooms, green and black olives, and artichokes, and the Pizza al Tonno e Cipolla (Tuna and Onion), with tomato sauce, canned tuna, and red onion.

After the four classics, the last three pizzas are what can be considered gourmet pizzas, my own personal creations, and probably something that every regular human being should consume only once a month if they want to remain healthy.

The first one is the Incazzata (Pissed Off), a very spicy and delicious pizza, its topping is made of fresh provola, Calabrian 'nduja, a spicy, spreadable pork sausage from the region of Calabria which is made using meat from the trimmings from various meat cuts, fatback, and sundry Calabrian chili peppers, which give 'nduja its characteristic fiery taste, fresh sausage, baked tropea onions, the sweetest and most delicious onions in Italy, known to the world as the red queen, and olive oil.

Basically, if someone likes to eat spicy food then this one is going to be his or her favorite pizza.

The next one is sweeter but also very delicious, its name is Noce (Walnut), and its topping is made of milk cream, walnut cream, baked tropea onions, freshly baked sausage, and flakes of Parmigiano Reggiano.

It has a quite unique taste but all the ingredients mix well with each other creating a symphony between the sweet and salty flavors.

And the last one, is Saori's favorite one, basically is a GAP (Goddess Approved Pizza) among all the pizzas, the Tartufata Bianca, (White Truffled).

Its topping is made of white truffled cream, porcini mushrooms, milk cream, and provolone del Monaco, then once this base is baked, I pull it out and add also buffalo milk cherries and pistachio grain.

After admiring my masterpieces for a couple of seconds, I put them in a temporal stasis and go back to check what Cratergann did in the meantime while I wait for Hughie, Annie, and the others to come.

I sit on the couch near the laptop and ask, "So, how did it go? Did you find something interesting?" which Cratergann immediately replies in its mechanical voice, "Quite good in fact... I used the backdoor in the Vought's network to enter once more, and then from there I hacked into their satellites and gained access and control over all their digital TV data. At the same time, I hacked all the other networks in the world that are accessible, to gain as much compromising data on Supes as possible, then I also attacked the most closed-off networks like those of governments and military all over the world, and while it took a while to find an opening in some, still I was successful in the end."

Then it adds, "I found many more incriminating photos and videos of a lot of Supes and even the video of Flight 37's Tragedy which was on William Butcher's laptop. Moreover, I found something that could be interesting to you in the Russian networks."

Cratergann then opens a folder on the laptop and lets me see its content, which makes me mutter out loud, "So the Russians still have Soldier Boy and kept experimenting on him trying to find a way to kill him or at the very least how the Compound V works and its formula spectacularly failing at both..."

Then I remember all I learned about Soldier Boy and ask, "Say, do you think we have to put him down too or leave him in that hellhole?" and Cratergann replies, "I think that he is a rabid dog and that he's got a lot of innocent blood on his hands, maybe you should give him the Anti-V and let his victim deal with him as a form of closure..."

Hearing that, I ask surprised, "There are victims of his still alive that still seek revenge?" and Cratergann replies, "Yes... one of them is Marvin T. Milk..."

That name doesn't tell me anything so I ask, "And he is...?" but instead of replying, Cratergann opens a photo on the laptop and I see the image of M.M., Mother's Milk of The Boys, making me mutter in wonder, "What a small world..."

Then Cratergann says, "Anyway... I'm done here. Everything you need for your plan is ready. I have created a basic AI called Craty to help you with the boring details of your plan. You just have to click on my icon on the desktop to activate it and it will start to hack into all the TV channels, personal computers, smartphones, smartwatches, radios, streaming sites, and all other media all over the world, while also automatically generating the subtitles in the native tongue of who will be watching your whistleblowing speech. It will also help you in bringing out the needed files, links, images, and videos."

Hearing that I nod and say, "That's perfect! Thanks, partner. Without you, this would have taken a lot more time than I would have liked..."

Then Cratergann turns back into its Cloth Form and returns to the Core Drill on my neck, while saying, "It isn't a problem, Jayr. I too want to hurry and go back home to watch over Athena, especially considering her current state. Something I'm sure the other Saint will make you pay for when they learn of it..."

Crateris' last jab, reminds me of one of the problems I tried to ignore the most since I and Saori decided to have a child, thinking about the reactions of my fellow Saints, especially the Gold ones, a wry smile forms on my face as I mutter, "Well, luckily I merged my energies, awakened my 9th Sense, and became a God... So even if all 12 Gold Saints work together and try to erase my existence and a good part of the Universe by using the ultimate forbidden technique of a Gold Saint, the Athena Exclamation, I should still be able to stop them, even if they use 4 of them at the same time... probably as their combined power should be just a tiny bit weaker than Antispiral's Infinite Big Bang Storm... maybe..."

After a while, I sense that something is happening around Hughie, so I focus more on him and realize that he is following a couple of Supes, a male, and a female, into a deserted alley, spying on them.

Then the two Supes start to fight and but quickly the female one gains an advantage over the other and makes him explode, I obviously could have stopped her, if her victim was an innocent one that is, but the Supe that she offed had a lot of innocent blood on his hands too, since I felt that is soul was very close to being pitch black.

By the effects of the female Supe's power, I realize that she is Hughie's boss, Victoria Neuman real name Nadia Neuman, director of the FBSA, and former resident of the Red River Institute, another of Vought International shitty facilities, group home that acts as orphanage for Supes, where children that have developed "undesired superpowers" could be thrown away, some of course are then set up for adoption, but many other are further experimented on, and other even trained as "weapons" to be used by Vought International.

Sensing Hughie's situation, I let out a sigh and teleport him here and see him sitting on the ground almost hyperventilating with a horrified expression on his face, so I crouch next to him and pat him on the back sending my Spiral Cosmo to calm him down a little while saying, "There, there, everything is fine you are safe here... take a deep breath."

It takes a few moments for Hughie to realize what happened and calm down a little then he looks at me and mutters, "S-she... she... Victoria... she..."

I nod and say, "I know..." I then use my telekinesis to bring a glass of water here from the kitchen and say, "Drink."

As Hughie follows my instructions, I say, "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. The situation will get better soon. They all will pay for their crimes, I will make sure of that."

Thanks to my words, and my Spiral Cosmo, Hughie calms down and finally starts to look at his surroundings and realizes, "This is my apartment... How did I get here?" making me simply explain to him that I teleported him here.

Soon after that, I hear the sound of the entrance door opening, and hear Anne's voice as she asks, "Anyone home?" and I reply, "We're here!"

Annie quickly reaches us and instantly notices Hughie's state and asks worried about what happened, then Hughie, who in the meantime regained his bearings, starts to tell her how he saw a suspicious man following Victoria and worried about him he followed after them, only to see Victoria blow him up, then he tells her how he suddenly found himself here with me helping him with his small panic attack.

After that, Annie looks at me and asks, "So, how did it go? Were you able to hack into the network and find anything useful?"

Hearing her question, I give her a thumbs up and say with a smile on my face, "Of course, I did! The Vought International is doomed!"

But before she could ask more the doorbell rings, and Hughie says, "It should be Butcher and the others."

Then he looks at me and explains, "I asked them to come..." but I interrupt him and say, "I already know, don't worry about it."

Annie then goes to open the door and soon after, she returns with 3 other people, a male and a female walking in front, and a man with a constantly angry face walking behind them.

The man in front is in his 30s, around 1,73 meters tall, with black hair styled in a buzz mohawk, brown eyes, and a 3-day stubble beard, he is wearing a green jumper with brown square trousers, like all the others he is very similar to the actor Tomer Capone, I easily recognize him as Frenchie.

(Image Here - Frenchie)

The female next to him is clearly an Asian woman in her 30s, she is 1,55 meters tall with long black wavy hair and dark brown eyes, wearing a white shirt with a black jacket, black skirt, fishnet stockings, and black boots, she is the knock-off Wolverine Supe, Kimiko, a copy of the actress Karen Fukuhara.

(Image Here - Kimiko)

And of course, the 1,84 meters-tall man, with spiky brown hair and black eyes, sporting a full-blown beard in his 40s, wearing a long black trench coat, a blue short-sleeved shirt, and jeans, he can only be William "Billy" Butcher, which also is very similar to the actor Karl Urban.

(Image Here - Butcher)

Of course, as soon as Butcher spots me he exclaims, "Are you fucking kidding me!? He is just a damn huge kid!!"

Hearing that, I simply smile and calmly say, "Yes, I'm a 17-year-old kid. A kid that was able to walk into the Vought Tower undetected like I own the place and steal all the data in their servers while also creating an undetected backdoor in their network granting me full control over it."

But before anyone can say anything else, the doorbell rings once more, and Anne asks, "Were we expecting someone else?" Butcher answers with, "Yes, I invited someone who is also interested in bringing down the Vought and that also helped us a lot in this past year."

Hearing that, Anne nods and goes to open the door once again, only this time, I hear her yell in surprise, "Meave!?"

Then after a few seconds, she returns with another woman following behind her.

She is quite good looking Caucasian woman, she is around 1,73 meters tall with an athletic body, long auburn hair gathered in a bun, and blue eyes, obviously, she is in her civilian's clothes as she is wearing a lilac shirt, and jeans and a dark grey coat, she is the only other decent human being of the Seven, Queen Meave, that just like everyone else in this universe, she looks very similar to the actress that portrayed her role in the tv show, Dominique McElligott.

(Image Here - Queen Meave)

Meave looks at me and exclaims just like Butcher, "Are you fucking kidding me? This is the one that will take care of the Vought and Homelander once and for all?" then she asks, "Are you even old enough to drink or vote?"

Hearing her question, I smile and reply, "Nope!" then I say, "Anyway, nice to meet you too Miss Margaret Shaw, born the 26 March 1982 in Modesto, California, daughter of Sebastian Shawn and the late Lourdes Chantel, graduated at Vought's Godolkin University as the top of your year and was then drafted into the Seven as its second member. Also being the person subjected to the highest concentration of Compound V after Stormfront, Soldier Boy, and Homelander."

Hearing that, Meave asks in shock, "How do you know all that? All my personal information is protected!?" to which I reply with, "Simple, I made the Vought International's network my bitch and took everything from it... Probably I'm the one that knows the most about all the Vought's dirty secrets... and soon I won't be the only one..."

At this point, Frenchie interrupts and comments in a, well, in a French accent, "I already like this kid..." and Kimiko next to him silently nods.

I ignore that and start to introduce myself, "Anyway, now that you are all here, let me introduce myself first. My name is Jayr Pucci, 17 years old hum- hmm, now that I think about it, I stopped being a normal human quite some time ago... Oh well, let's just say I'm a former human and from your point of view a random omnipotent being, anyway I come from a different Earth from this one. And despite my young age, I'm both a full-fledged doctor, some kind of religious figure, and a warrior with a lot of experience."

At this point, I use my fingers as I start to count, "I have already fought, defeated, and killed countless monsters, mighty warriors capable of destroying this world with a flick of their fingers and... hmm, let's see... 3 gods, and 1 almost almighty cosmic horror."

Done with my small introduction, I raise my head and see that everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy, then Butcher asks, "Are you telling us that you're some fucking kind of space Jesus or something?"

But I quickly reply, "No, I'm not Jesus and the space Jesus' name is Anakin. But personally, I think that I'm more handsome than both of them, not that they are ugly..."

At this point, Butcher asks, "Are you shitting us!?" then enraged he faces Hughie and yells, "Is this really the one that is gonna destroy the Vought and kill that fucking cunt of Homelander!? What did you smoke? He is clearly only a crazy kid!! This is a total waste of time!"

Meanwhile, Frenchie and Kimiko look confused, Meave looks disappointed, and Annie seems ready to interfere and say something in my defense.

Realizing that it is time to stop joking with them, I let out a sigh and say, "Hey, there is a simple way to prove to you all that I can easily bring down the Vought International and Homelander."

Seeing that everyone is once again focusing on me, I explain, "Before, I showed you that I was able to hack into the Vought's servers by bringing up Meave's protected information... Now, I'll show you that I can deal with Homelander."

Then I look at Meave and say, "Meave, you are one of the most physically powerful Supes to have ever lived, only surpassed by Homelander himself, to the point that even Homelander will be slightly harmed if you hit him. So hit me with your best shoot."

At this point, everyone looks between me and Meave, while Meave herself seems to hesitate, so I encourage her, "Don't worry, I took Starlight's energy blast head on and it did nothing."

Hearing that, Meave looks at Anne who simply nods back, then says "Get ready!" and rushes toward me.

Once she is close enough, she throws a powerful right hook aimed at my body, but in my eyes, it is way too slow, so while the fist slowly approaches my ribs, I have the time to think, 'Her technique isn't bad, it is clear that she trained in various martial arts, and even mastered a few of them...'

Just as her fist is about to hit my ribs, I notice something else and relax my muscles as much as possible to absorb as much of the impact as possible, because if I flex them it is very possible that Meave's fist and arm will break and probably even explode, especially since I can clearly see that the bones of that arm are also weaker simply because a previous old injury didn't heal very well.

Soon Meave fist hits me, but instead of the loud sound of impact, a muffled one comes out, and confused Meave takes a step back and looks at her fist while Butcher complains, "Hey, don't take it easy!" but Meave comments in wonder, "I didn't I punched with all my power but when my fist hit something strange happened... It felt like I hit cotton or something..."

Hearing that, I explain, "Yeah, at the last moment, I relaxed my muscles and absorbed the impact because I realized that if you had hit me in my normal state, then you would have broken your arm... especially considering its current state..."

While Meave still looks confused, I move at the speed of light, and before anyone can realize what happened, I grab Meave's right arm and use Restoration Magic on it to bring it back to its peak condition.

Then I hear everyone as they exclaim in surprise at my sudden movement, meanwhile, Meave who just realized that I'm holding her arm asks alarmed, "What are you doing?" to which I reply with a calm smile, "Stay calm, I'm simply fixing your arm."

Once done, I let go of her arm, take a few steps back, and ask, "How does it feel now?"

Curious about what I just said, Meave shakes her right arm a few times, and soon her eyes widen as she instantly realizes the difference, and mutters in wonder "It feels so light... How did you do this? The doctor said that it was impossible to fully recover..."

I don't answer yet, but take a quick glance at everyone and ask, "So? Is this enough to prove to you guys that I can bring down the Vought International, Homelander, and the other shitty Supes or do I have to also destroy and recreate the moon?"

50 Stones Bonus


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts