
Batman : A world without Justice League

Panos_Boukas · Ação
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3 Chs

- ( Chapter 1 ) : All Alone

- ( Batman ) : Always fighting crime alone was a nightmare . That one day . . . Two bullets could kill a two , and this people are my son and my wife . . .

- ( Alfred ) : Thomas do you needsomething to drink ?

- ( Thomas ) : No alfred thank you .

- ( Alfred ) : I'm going to get some coffe for you Thomas . You didn't slept well yesterday .

- ( Thomas ) : I know Alfred .

- ( Thomas ) : The wars begun after superheroes and antiheroes fought side by side to kill Aquaman and Wonder Woman .

- ( Aquaman ) : Control the Sea and control everything !

- ( Alfred ) : Thomas i thought you where and antihero but i don't know anymore .

- ( Thomas ) : I need to find anything about this !

- ( Alfred ) : Us that Black Adams medal ?

- ( Thomas ) : Yes .

- ( Thomas ) : I trusted Adam and ge was trusted me suddenly something happened to his hideout .

- ( Batman ) : Computer scan the cause of the death .

- ( Computer ) : Scanning . Fund multiple hits with lightnigs and some punches on the upper head .

- ( Batman ) : Intresting . . .

- ( Batman ) : I could feel the power approaching me a electric shock .

- ( Shazam ) : Who are you ? What are you doing here ?

- ( Batman ) : I will take revenge for Adam .

- ( Shazam ) : Bring it on oldman .

- ( Batman ) I keot dodging his power until . . .

- ( Shazam ) : I xant believe i am out of electricity . I guess i have to do it on the old way .

- ( Batman ) : His fighting technique was useless .

so it was easy to grapple a window and some explosive batarags to fall all the roof below him .