
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Anime e quadrinhos
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49 Chs

A Visit

The next afternoon, Bruce sat at the Batcomputer reviewing data. In the medical wing of Cave 2 half a dozen kids were hooked up to monitors. 

Bruce stood up and walked to them. Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Michelle Jones-Watson, Harrold Theopolis Osborn, Edward "Ned" Leeds, Gwendolyne Maxine "Gwen" Stacy, and a new kid Bruce didn't know of until he rescued the kids from the spider room, Miles Gonzalo Morales. 

"Peter, Mary Jane, MJ, Miles, and Ned are pretty ordinary, but Gwen is the daughter of the Captain of the New York City Police Department. Harry is the son of Norman Osborn of Oscorp. 

Gwen also works for Oscorp, these two probably weren't intended to be part of the experiment," Bruce says.

"Experiment, Master Wayne?" Alfred asks.

"Unless I am wrong, that room with the spiders was a trap. Oscorp is probably desperate for human trials, off the books. I know Norman is dying of some kind of hereditary disease," Bruce said. 

"They targeted children?" Alfred asked.

"No, it was open for anyone to fall into the trap. It's just that these kids happened to be the ones," Bruce explains.

"I'm afraid that I do not understand, Master Wayne. If Mistress Stacy and young Master Osborn weren't meant to be trapped, then how did they wind up in there?" Alfred asked. 

"It seemed odd to me that a bunch of high school kids could penetrate Oscorp as easily as they did. I think Oscorp turned off their video monitoring device so that they could claim the kids broke in. Thus they can escape any sense of responsibility," Bruce answered.

"Forgive me, Master Wayne, but what could they possibly get from this?" 

"Once the kids are found passed out in the spider room, Oscorp will offer to personally treat the children at their expense to make up for the "accident. In their medical facilities, they can conduct whatever experiments they desire while collecting as many samples as they want in the name of saving the children." 

"Then why set the room on fire?" Alfred asked next. 

"When they discovered someone breaking out of the room, they tried to erase the evidence," Bruce responded.

"Quite Machiavellian, Master Bruce," Alfred concluded.

"That's why I'm going to visit Norman tonight. He has a lot of explaining to do," Bruce said.

"This will be the first fieldwork the new suit will perform, I'm sure you are excited," Alfred answered.

"Make sure those kids remain unconscious. Their bodies are still changing, it's better to let the process finish before waking them," Bruce commanded Alfred.

"What about your body, Master Bruce? It too is still changing. Shouldn't you also rest and wait for the process to complete?"

"I can't wait, I'll rely on the Batsuit, besides, this is intelligence gathering. There's a low possibility of hard negotiations," Bruce said. 

"Very well, sir, I shall watch the children. Have you informed their parents?" Alfred asked.

"Of course, each of the parents or guardians knows that these children, among others, are the victims of a kidnapping ring run by "The Servants of the Slumbering Serpent," Bruce answered. 

"That organization was destroyed by a joint United States and Israeli operation over fifty years ago. Will anyone believe that a dead organization is behind this?" Alfred asked.

"It won't be hard to convince them, defunct organizations spring up once more all the time. Besides, this is only meant to have everyone chasing their tails while I help rehabilitate the children," Bruce said. 

"I'm going to get some rest, wake me up at midnight," Bruce commanded Alfred and left.

"Very good, sir," Alfred responded.

Bruce left the room and the sounds of monitors and beeping. Alfred remained behind standing stoicly, if not statue-like. 

Later that night, Norman Osborn lay in his bed with tubes and monitoring equipment attached to his body. His body was deformed in parts. It looked as if he were transforming into a nightmare. His sleep was fitful, asleep but only between moments of half-consciousness.

"Norman Osborn," a voice spread quietly through the room. The voice rose like an ill wind and entered Norman's ears. His torturous sleep became more disturbed.

"Norman Osborn, awaken!" the voice moved through the room like a tremor. Norman's eyes opened, but when he looked into the darkness, he saw nothing. 

"Two red dots appeared from a shadow," Norman saw those devilish eyes and almost cried out in terror!

"Who...Who are you?" He asked as he shivered.

"I am the Bat...Man," the voice whispered. Norman noticed a dense fog rise from the ground, and his room slowly changed. At first, it was his luxurious bedroom.

Slowly the room transformed as the things in the room became like dripping and melting tar. The offensive smells entered Normans's nose. Around the tar, flames began to burn hotter and hotter. 

"Confess, Norman," the devil said.

"Confess, confess to what?" Norman fearfully responded.

"What brought me here tonight? Confess, and I will leave. Lie to me and you will join me in hell," the demon spoke. 

A devil emerged before him.

"What...do...you want to know?" Norman asked as tingles of fear shot up through his arms.

"Tell me about the room of spiders," the demon smiled wickedly.

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