
25. Raymond's Confession

Raymond looked up and stared at her. His smile spreads beautifully on his handsome face. Victoria sat next to him and her smile turned coy.

"Hi," said Raymond.

"Hi, Ray. What do you want from me?"

Raymond pulled a flash disc from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. "Take this."

Victoria didn't accept it right away. "What is this?"

"This is the flash disk my coworkers are looking for."

Victoria widened her eyes. "So, because of this thing, you got tortured?"

"Yes, and you came to save me. I thought it would be safer if you held the copy. I keep the original in my house."

Victoria was forced to accept the small flash disk. She looked at the keyring in the shape of a small bird. "Are you sure you want me to save it for you?"

"Yes. You are the strongest and greatest woman I have ever met. I trust you."

"Hey listen, I never knew myself that I had that much power. Everything happened just like that. I've never done martial arts before."

Raymond took Victoria's hand then turned it over to stare at her palm. "Your hands turned green at that time."

Victoria immediately pulled her hand back and rubbed it. She slipped the flash disc into her tiny bag and pulled the zipper shut.

She felt scared. What if her hands turn green again? She just realized that there is something strange in her and not only she who can see it, Raymond, too.

"Don't you afraid to see me?"

Raymond knit his brows. "No. Why do you think like that? "

"It's because I'm afraid of myself. Yesterday it was the first time I fought thugs alone. The power appeared suddenly beyond my consciousness."

Raymond smiled. "Even if you are green like Kulk, I will still like you, Victoria."

Her heart was beating fast. She promised that her heart would belong to Baron forever, but she also melted when Raymond spoke such beautiful words.

"Look, your feelings for me are not real. If I didn't have superpowers, you will never like me." Victoria put her hands in her cardigan pocket.

"Why did you say that? I even liked you before I knew that you had superpowers."

Raymond sat closer and closer to her, then he took Victoria's hand. She could feel the electric current stinging her hand and then spreading through her body.

She felt weak. How can a handgrip make her melt? She felt pity for herself. During this time, she was always alone without the love of a man in her life. Now two men come simultaneously into her life.

However, the other man had not seen her again until now. There was a hesitation as she stared at Raymond's hand. She looked up to meet those brown eyes.

"I'm in love with you, Victoria."

"That is so cute."

Raymond brought his face closer, but Victoria moved backward. She understood what Raymond's attitude meant. She didn't want him to kiss her. She had to make sure everything was clear.

Raymond reluctantly let go of his hand. Victoria stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"Forgive me. Looks like I got too carried away. "

Victoria looked around them. There are only vehicles passing by occasionally. The sun was shining bright and the air was hot enough. What was the thing that made Raymond get carried away? Victoria doubted it.

"We just got to know each other. Okay?"

"Okay," Raymond replied with a grin.

"I don't think we're at that kissing stage yet. I'm sure that your feeling of love is too fast. If you know who I really am, the more you know me, you probably don't want to be with me."

Raymond narrowed his eyes. "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know. We can be friends first. I'll take care of your flash disc," said Victoria, patting her bag. "Ray, I think I'm thirsty."

Raymond immediately jumped to his feet. "I'll buy you a drink. What would you like to drink, Victoria? "

"You can call me Vicky if you want."

"It's a really cool name. Okay, Vicky. I'll buy you a drink." Raymond smiled like a child. Victoria did not know what the man felt like now. Hopefully, Raymond doesn't take offense at her refusal.

"Okay then, I want some orange juice."

They walked into the mini-market. Raymond took two bottles of chilled orange juice from the refrigerator. After paying at the cashier, they then drink the orange juice in the front seat of the convenience store.

Victoria tried not to be awkward in Raymond's presence. She hoped that what she had just said was clear enough. She wanted to be friends with Raymond first.

They both finished the orange juice and then threw the wrappers into the trash.

"Next time I'll take my bike so we can ride the bike together," Raymond said as he walked beside Victoria who herded her bike.

"Where is your house?" asked Victoria.

"My house is on East Coconut Street," Raymond replied, looking down at the sidewalk.

"What do you do?"

Raymond turned to her. "Are you getting interested in me?"