
CH5.3: Don't Sleep Alone

If he used his wallet to fight, he could purchase many cameras and set up a surveillance room. Though it didn't matter, they were in a spot where waiting was the right move. On horseback, he was close enough to ride to the herd and return with them. He didn't need exactly 50 riders to rustle cattle.

When in doubt, double down and accelerate plans.

"Double up the guard; no one sleeps, eats, or shits alone. Spread the word; we are about to become even closer than before." An ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure. "Get the corral dug and fenced in. I'm going to go find the herd and lead it here."

Vincent turned and left the tent and stopped. For some reason, he didn't think it was poison or the elves. How the elf acted like he was dead inside reminded him of someone on drugs. Elves were a naturally magical race with surprising tolerance to psychedelic mushrooms. Some of them drank strong wine like water.


It was forbidden to learn from their ancestors of the ancient magics of the past. No elf should become so strong again to overthrow the natural order. The teachings of Deus would not dissuade him. His daughter had been taken, and the strength of his arms was not enough to overcome evil.

"This isn't you; we walked in the moonlight together, proclaiming our love. You read me poetry and sang the 9 incantations of love and happiness. I love you Rising Sprint Shoots." His wife said.

"That is no longer my name; I am Arise." The elf said.

She was tied up in the center of a ritual circle in the middle of the floor. Symbols covered her body, written in the sap of magic-filled trees. As Aris's wife, she was his property to do with as he desired in practice; the laws of their society gave her far more power than him. With every generation, it seemed his house lost more power to taxes and spending plans they could ill afford.

With a heated needle and ink, he tattooed the forbidden incantation into his hand. He remembered the sight of the human mating with his beloved wife and daughter. Then the mud man used magic to capture his daughter, turning her into a hostage. He wanted to use him as a cuckold and a lackey. Aris's dishonor would be complete if he allowed the human his way.

The ink dried slowly on his hand as the candles winked out. "I love you too. That's why I ask you to make the sacrifice willingly and become my power." The elf said.

She nodded, and he activated the spell and ritual circle. Greenlight invaded her body, and she screamed as her skin flaked away and the symbol in his hand glowed the same color.