
Barbarian Emperor: Blood Tattoo

This is just a story it neither related to living nor dead. Well.. I Getting stuck in hospital wad and it was boring as hell so I decided to write some random novel that even possible classes as completely garbage. read this novel at your own risk. !!!Disclaimer!!! -this novel is not original and copy from other -some people may get Brain demage while reading this because there are lot of broken sentences and words. -I did not responsible if any demage done upon your brain during reading this. Okay after the disclaimer let the real synopsis begin ................................................................................................. Slam! Tik! tik! tik! tik! "Dammit! Dammit! dammit! Why Do i Keep losing! This must because of my pig like teammates" Roger slam his old spare keyboard as he cursed his teammates for making him lose the promotion game to gold. This is not his first time today, losing the promotion game in fact it was his 3rd time in row. To calm his mind and release the tension that filled his rice sack like body he then visit not so family friendly website to discuss culture of human behavior with his little brother.. But he did not know that he will regret this decision sometimes later.

the_mighty_blanket · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Sitting inside the hole shelter in middle of night, it dark and humid with only sounds of two people breathing slowly.

Roger did not know what to do, he are getting more bored as time passed, he can't look outside nor could continuously chatting with Ah Da as Ah Da say that loud voice can attract the Evil.

He wanted to sleep as he feeling bored, but was interrupted by Ah Da whispering.

"Ah Li, you maybe don't remember and maybe will forget again but, if you ever lost in the forest look up at the tree."

"why?" Roger whisper back puzzle by Ah Da guidance

"If you look carefully at tree, to be precise at two and half persons tall part of the tree you may find a engraving of black bull, look where the horn pointed, it a direction to our Black Bull Village" Whisper Ah Da to clear clouds in Roger mind.

"Oh and we also not far off from our village, at most half day of walk if counted by your speed of walking"Whisper Ah Da again.

"um" Nodded Roger signaling he understand but in his mind he keep protesting 'two and half person hight and half day walking? dammit what kind of savage people use this method to calculate height and distance.'

'Oh wait... he is a barbarian...never mind that.'

Silence resume in the dark hole as Ah Da finished giving Roger his last piece of mind.

Again he wanted to close his eyes as he getting bored but his body still tense, then suddenly purple light flashed from hole on the cover.

Surprised, Roger wanted to ask what is that to Ah Da but his mouth was cover by Ah Da.

Ah Da shaking his head while his other hand making wait gesture and only after few minutes after the purple light gone that Ah Da take back his hand.

Roger raising his eyebrows to Ah Da as if asking questions 'what is that?'

As if understand Roger gesture, Ah Da answer in whispering tone "That is The Lost Light Of The Night"

"Lost Light Of The Night?" asking Roger as Ah Da answer is more like puzzle than answer.

"Lost Light, they are like floating light, alone they posing danger to normal people as they will suck the vigor out of them if touched but not so much for warriors that have much more vigor than normal people" Answer Ah Da whisper to Roger.

"Then what are you afraid of that light thingy? you are warrior aren't you?"Whisper Roger.

"I am not afraid of that purple light, like I say alone The Lost Light is dangerous for normal people and not so much for warrior like your uncle, but The Lost Light have three colors purple is the strongest among them, follow by blue than orange" Ah Da explain.

"The purple Lost Light is not much stronger than other colors Lost Lights, not even more half stronger as orange Lost Light, but the scary thing about purple Lost Light is they come in horde with other colors Lost Light s" Continue Ah Da

"Even the strongest warrior in our village are not dare to face The Purple Lost Light alone, even more so me."Ah Da carry on the conversation.

"Ah.. sometimes there is strength in number" exclaimed Roger in whispering tone.

"Of course, even more if even you hunt them it pointless as they will comeback day after and you will get nothing from them, no meat to eat nor blood you can drink." saying Ah Da.

"it just look like wasting time" Roger utter while shaking his head.

"exactly! what more warrior vigor come from food they eat, to kill them we warrior need to apply our vigor to our blood than smear it to our weapon! each one of that damned floating lights we take down cost us vigor and vigor not gonna generate on they own, it requires food!"

"umm" nodded Roger signaling his understood Ah Da.

Did not know what to do anymore and boredom grasping his heart, he started to feels sleepy again.

His stomach that half full with river water and dry meat increasing his sleepiness, it not that he eat a lot of dry meat only few strip.

But only god know what kind of meat is this, only few strips is enough to make him feels so full that his stomach almost feels like about to explode.

Combine with dark environment of this hole under the ground, his eyes lids almost give up.

Few minutes latter, his eyes lids did give up, he started to relax his body and the tiredness that his mind been holding back finally consume him and he fall fast asleep.

In his deep slumber, he did not dream nor he is sleep talking.

As his sleep becoming deep and deeper, his breathing started to slow down and the sound of his breathing gone just like that.

At first it make Ah Da startled, because Roger sleeping like dead man, if not for his chest moving every few minutes, Ah Da might already slapping Roger to try wake him up.

Few hours passed so fast like it was nothing when Roger sleeping with only left Ah Da awake for night watch.

For warrior like him, he can handle few months of not sleeping as long as his vigor hold on, so he did not mind stay awake, what more he need to take care his weak nephew.

Time really go by fast to someone sleeping, like when a person open pack of chewing gum in class room, in blink of eyes the chewing gum gone ravage by his classmate

But his deep slumber is cut short when he hear a voice say "wake up! becareful! They already find you!"

In panic Roger wake up and ready to jump out from the hole shelter and it startled Ah Da who infront him.

Roger ready to jump out but he paused for a while to analyze his surroundings in fear.

When he saw nothing happened, only then did he sit down back. He trying to remember what the voice sound like.

He than realized that it not Ah Da voice but it a voice akin to him...no it not a voice akin to him, it his voice!

After Ah Da seeing Roger sitting back at his place, Ah Da ask him a question "What happened? Why are you jumpy?"

" erm...umm.." Roger hesitate whether to answers or not.

"Tell me what is it? is it nightmare?" Ah Da whisper urging Roger to answer.

"No..no.. it not nightmare, but I Hear my own voice say 'wake up! becareful! They already find you!' but it not me who say that" Roger answer to clear Ah Da doubt.

Roger already wanted to take the warning voice as he hallucinating because he too tired, but strangely Ah Da body become more tense and prepare for any danger to come.

it puzzles Roger why Ah Da reaction is like that, he ask Ah Da question but Ah Da did not respond.

It all because Ah Da remember that when he first time joined the hunting team to hunt for foods, his village shaman give speech to whole new young hunting squad.

"Sometimes a weaker person can sense dangerous things more clearly than the strong person"

"That why sometimes a weak person survived but the strong person die"

"if you are in powerless situations listen to the weak person intuition but know the difference between coward and weak, it may serve you well"

"As the strong person may charge head first towards danger and end up dying while weak people may taste the water first before deciding whether it worth it or not"

"Those that born weak usually have very sharp intuition towards danger, sharper than a metal blade that can cut a tree"

This speech is the usual speech that Black Bull Vilage shaman will give towards new hunting squad, few will remember this speech but for Ah Da he will not forget because this word engraved deep within his bone.

This words save his and his hunting squad life countless time to count.

Lo and behold, not even one minutes passed after Roger answered Ah Da question, a purple like floating fireball dive right through the hole cover as if the wood cover did not exist and stopped right infront Roger face.

The hole shelter become bright with purple light.

The Lost Light did not wait another second and jump right to Roger face wanted to devour Roger Vigor.

Luckily for Roger and unlucky for this blob of purple light, Ah Da who have prepared for this kind of situation when hear Roger answers quickly active his vigor, cut his palm and smear his blood at his spear head.

' puff'

The floating purple light blob extinguish and gone like smoke when getting stabbed by vigor imbue spear head.

"Let go out! if we stay holed we may end up dying from them rushing in!"Ah Da shouted in hurry.


The hole cover was smashed open by Ah Da fist and he jumped out right after. When the cover blow away, light permeate right inside the hole shelter making Roger confused it with day light.

Without wasting time Roger follow Ah Da out from the hole.

He steadying his foot and look around.

" Fuck!" Roger involuntary cursed because of shocked.

This is because, surrounding dark forest become bright as day when there is almost more than 300 floating lost light!

"oh Shit! we are so dead!" Roger cursed in panic.