
Banished From My Village And Mated To The Cursed Heir And His Brothers

[MATURE CONTENT] In a land plagued by creatures with a centuries old curse, the villagers of Ironedge are separated from the forest of Azar by beaded shaman strings to protect them from the dangers beyond. Yué was born different—silver hair the color of the moon and two toned eyes, the hue of shimmering gold and the Tamir ocean. Ever since he and his father moved to Ironedge 15 years ago, more beast attacks have been happening along the borders, causing the villagers to fear them. But when the Governor of Ironedge falls for Yué's unnatural beauty and his advances are rejected, he brings Yué to trial unfairly. For craving the touch of men, he is cast out into the forbidden Azar forest as all the others who were guilty before him to be devoured by wolves. But right when they start chomping, The Cursed Heir of Mythos himself saves Yué and brings him into a world of magic, danger, and secrets pertaining Yué’s family past he never knew existed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to expect in this novel? - Dark Fantasy - Cultivation - Original Lore - There's curses, Chinese gods, and other cultures weaved into the areas around the map. - Fighting - Elves and magic and mythical creatures, including Wendigo's. So much more! Come check it out and be sure to join the discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/RHZcxJu8DM

TheLastRemnants · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

6.| Erosta Day (1)

[Song for scenes: Billie Eilish - Lovely]


The dining room was more electorate than before, the tablecloth was a beautiful earthy color unlike the dingy brown it'd been the day before, and the boring portraits were all replaced with otherworldly and unfamiliar people to Yuè.

Gunter dragged him further into the dining room, pulled a chair out, and pushed Yuè down by his shoulders. "Marcellus! Tell Yuè you said he had to play with me at the lake while you guys celebrate Erosta day!"

Marcellus held the back of his head, crimson eyes narrowed, showing just how irritated he was. "I said he'd stay near the lake. Not that he had to play with you."

Gunter huffed and stuck his tongue out. "You're just mad because I bashed your head in with my porcelain elephant!" He yelled out before snatching a piece of toast off Emery's plate and running off as he always did when he couldn't have his way.

Yuè sat there tense and silent, eyes fixed on the polished wooden floor instead. Leave it to Gunter to place him directly next to the one who'd tried to kill him only a few hours ago. His hand reached up to caresse the bruises that peeked from beneath his collar. He could still feel the large calloused fingers digging into the tender flesh of his neck.

Marcellus let out a raspy rumble.

"It isn't that hard." Emery said from across the table.

"I have other things to worry about. Erosta. Father." Marcellus' words came growled out.

"Two words." Emery spoke in an almost airy, sing-song voice.

Marcellus' hands slapped down on the table. "I shouldn't have lost my temper." Came growled out, and Yuè knew the beastly man was speaking to him.

Yuè flinched away at the loud sound, looking up at Marcellus fearfully before his words sunk in and he blinked in surprise. "Oh, you're apologizing." He said more in confusion than anything else. The hairpin jangled as he tilted his head. He hadn't been expecting an apology at all.

"I'm not apologizing." Marcellus muttered. "I'm just saying it could've been handled better." But Yuè kept going.

"I am sorry as well. I should have been more mindful of your rules. This is not my home, nor do I know fully what things lurk in the woods. I should have known better." Yuè was never one to hold a grudge, even to those who had wronged him. Something he inherited from his father he'd been told.

He gave Marcellus a smile that creased his eyes. "I really am grateful for your hospitality." He told him genuinely. "It is because of you that I still have breath in my lungs to worry for my father."

Marcellus' crimson eyes roamed over Yuè's mouth where a bright smile shone. "I take it your father is a good man? Or as good as you humans can get." He asked, lifting a glass of wine to his lips.

This morning, his dreadlocks were pulled into a low ponytail and golden beads were intertwined along the two locs that hung at the sides of his chiseled and bronzed face.

Yue hummed in thought. "Babà was strict when he needed to be. I was a bit of a troublemaker growing up you see." He gave a fond chuckle. "He was a warrior in our homeland. He never spoke much of it, but I found his armor stored under the floorboards. To me he was a good man." He said fondly.

"What war did he participate in?" Emery asked and the tension in the air grew.

Yuè sensed the tension, sitting up a bit straighter in his chair. "I do not know. It was fought before my birth. As I said, he did not speak of it much. He only ever said that it was what killed my mother."

"The war?" Marcellus asked Yuè, but his gaze drifted to his brother as though they were having a silent conversation with mere glances.

Yuè's brows pulled together. "Is something wrong?" He asked cautiously. He did not understand the sudden tension. "The war Babà fought in was in our home country LánWēi. He said that my mother sustained injuries while she carried me. She only lived a year after my birth due to it."

"Nothing. Just a surprise is all." Emery quickly added before giving Marcellus a pointed look. "Anyway, do you like the hanfu Gunter made for you? He stayed up all night even though we told him you couldn't attend the festivities. Of course for your safety."

Yuè perked up at the mention of his hanfu, a bright smile on his face as he held up his good arm, showing off the flared sleeve. "Isn't it beautiful? I had no idea he could sew so beautifully. It really is a talent." He said excitedly.

"He has a lot of free time on his hands." Emery chuckled.

Marcellus finished his plate of eggs and bacon, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Tonight I will need you to obey my orders," He changed the subject. "If they find out a human is being kept beyond Ironedge in my territory, it will cause me issues. Do you understand?"

Yuè turned to him, seeing the seriousness in his eyes and nodded. "Yes, I understand." He said before he noticed the smear of food left at the corner of the man's mouth. He reached forward without thinking, wiping it away with a napkin. Up close those red eyes really did glow.

Marcellus seemed frozen in time, his gaze unwavering.

"I just don't understand." He whispered. "Why save me if it is so much of a hassle to have me around? Isn't it dangerous for you and your family?" He asked. None of it made sense. Why was he risking so much for a human when he so clearly hated them?

He stood up abruptly, the chair screeching across the floor. "Pity." Marcellus told him, his hand fixing the collar of his white tunic. "I have matters to attend to. Make sure he does what he is supposed to, Emery."

Yuè sat back in his seat, hurt flashing in his eyes as the man left. He knew he shouldn't feel that way.

Marcellus owed him nothing. Yet, Yuè would have liked to think that it was more than just pity that saved him. It didn't make sense to risk their livelihood for the sake of pity. He also did not know the other man very well to judge what he deemed worth pity.

"Marcellus has always been the type to hide his true intentions, leaving others to pick apart their brains only to come up with nothing. It'd be easier to forget the why. Sometimes we just never get our answer." Emery explained as he also stood from his seat.

The golden haired man stretched his arms above his head. "But I'm sure it's because once upon a time ago it was me Marcellus saved, and when someone reminds him of that time, he thoughtlessly plays the hero."

"I see…" Yuè's words trailed off, a thoughtful frown on his face. "I suppose the why is not relevant. What matters is that I still live."

He stood as well, offering a small bow to Emery in thanks. "I believe I have a playdate with Gunter. It is the least I can do for upsetting him last night. Plus I should thank him properly for the clothing." He gave Emery a half smile. "Would you mind taking me to him?"

"Of course." Emery nodded his head, leading the way toward the front door and out into the early morning air.

Everything about Azar was different than Ironedge. The air was more refreshing and clear; the sunlight pierced through the clouds better than it had back at his home. Even though the shamen beads were the only thing that separated the two areas, it felt like an entirely different world.

"What will you do when you leave here?" Asked Emery after a long moment of them descending the path along the mountain side the mansion was built atop.

Yuè's steps faltered for a moment, coming to a stop. What would he do? He hadn't really thought that far into the future. The question was what could he do? He would try and go back to his father. To make sure he was okay, but he also knew his father would not survive the journey through the cursed forest. Yuè had only been in twice and had nearly died both times.

What could he do? There was no way he would ever truly live freely knowing that his father was probably suffering and cold and hungry with Yuè there to tend to him. He was probably doing that now.

All alone in their small cold cabin where the air seeped through the cracks in the wood and mice hid in the empty cupboards. Who was hunting for him if not Yuè? The villagers were not bound to help him due to Edgar's acquisitions.

They probably shunned him, leaving him to wither away alone and thinking his son was dead.

How self could he have been. Here Yuè was basking in the light of the sun with a full belly while his father suffered alone and mourning. All because of him.

He should have just given in. His body was not worth his father's life. He should have let Edgar have him when he demanded it. That way he would still be there to take care of his father.

Yuè felt weak all of a sudden, his lungs too tight in his chest. His father was going to die suffering and alone because of him. He was mourning this very moment alone. Because of him. It was all his fault. He should have let himself be taken. He should have….

He should have.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. After everything you've been through. I just wanted to make sure you'd have a safe place to go since you don't like it here." Emery quickly added.

Yuè reached up to wipe away the tears from his cheeks. Crying seemed to be the only thing he could do right.

"No, no, the fault is not yours." He said to Emery, resuming his steps. "I do not have anywhere to go after this." He admitted. "I'm sure I will find something." He offered a strained smile. "Tell me of Erosta. Gunter only explained a little of it to me."

Emery looked like he wanted to speak more on the situation of where Yuè would go, but seemed to settle on explaining to him of the upcoming celebration. "I'm sure he told you most royals participate in it for breeding. Making sure the bloodlines continue to stay strong. Each clan is gifted with abilities, not just the shape shifting we can do. Sometimes if you cross the right ones, you'd get something unique."

When they reached the bottom of the mountain, a flock of birds flew overhead, their musical notes drifting off the further they went into the cloudy blue skies above.

"Annnnd, the rest of them look for love. Mates. Or fun. Sometimes you'll bump into a few assholes. The full moon always brings out our primal and animalistic sides." Emery finished, and the lake was before them now, glistening like diamonds in the distance.

Yuè stared out at the lake for a moment. "Ah, so Gunter was not exaggerating the breeding part." His cheeks were slightly pink as he cleared his throat. "And will you and your brothers be participating in the… festivities?"

He asked, eyeing Emery from the corner of his eye. "It is none of my business, I apologize. You need not tell me." He cleared his throat again, shuffling awkwardly.

Emery chuckled. "Don't act like a virgin," He playfully elbowed Yuè. "Men talk about these things all the time. But yes, we participate, just not with the mating thing. I'm not fit, but I indulge in the alc and fighting tourney's. Marcellus doesn't like anyone enough to bed them. I'm sure he'd be a virgin for life." He added.

Yuè's face was completely red by now, and he turned away so the other couldn't see. "What's so wrong with being a virgin? It's perfectly normal." He defended, swiping a strand of hair behind his very red ear.

Emery hummed. "Guess nothing, but it's sad they don't know how good it feels to be body against body with someone you're in love with. Though I guess not everyone sleeps together for love." He looked at Yuè. "What's that game you people play?"

His brows furrrowed, and Yuè just blinked. "Uhhh. Right. Fuck, Marry, Kill. If you had a choice out of us all. Who would you fuck, marry and kill?"

Yuè sputtered. "I beg your pardon! I have never played such a game before in my life." He squeaked. "How would I even know? I've never even-"

He pressed his lips together before he could say something more. He had only ever kissed someone before. "What sort of humans have you been studying? Barbarians?" He gave a flustered wave of his good arm, sleeve flapping.

Emery looked amused, but only watched as he continued speaking.

"Honestly. I don't really have a heart to kill anyone. But I suppose…" He gave an embarrassed huff. "I suppose being wed to you would not be horrible. Although Gunter makes a very strong case." He said with a small grin.

"So you'd get married to a barbarian?" Emery teased him. "Because I've played this game quite a few times. Just for fun of course."

"What's a virgin?" Gunter's voice came from behind them.

Yuè yelped at the sudden voice, bringing his hand up to his chest he spun around. "By the moon! I'm going to put a bell on you." He said to the taller man, closing his eyes as his heart slowed. "Do you remember what I told you about sex? A virgin is someone who has never had it."

"Oh, the thing I plan to do with you." Gunter spoke so nonchalantly for such a bold statement, his eyes closed as he smiled brightly.

Emery whacked him upside the head. "You don't say things like that, and you don't smile like it's a guarantee."

Yuè buried his face in his sleeve. "I told you not to say such things. You don't know what that means. Plus I am not a woman or a wolf." He pointed out, looking back at Gunter with a frown.

"I once heard my father say, where there's a hole there's a way. I don't know what that means, but it was on a consumption night and I'm starting to think consumption and sex are the same thing." Gunter pointed a finger in the air as he spoke in a matter of fact tone.

Emery ran a hand down his face. "Are you sure you don't want me to just make Gunter come so you can have some alone time away from this weirdo?"

Yuè simply shook his head. "No need. I'm sure he will behave. If he doesn't then I won't play with him." He gave Gunter a pointed look. "Right Gunter?" He raised a brow.

"Nooooo!" Gunter yelped out in a deep voice. "I'll behave."

Emery smiled. "Good, make sure to protect Yuè. We wouldn't want some stray trying to show him a good time." The blonde man eyed him up and down, smirked, and headed off the way they'd come. "I'll see you two later."

Yuè watched him leave cheeks still flushed. Had he imagined the hungry look in his eyes?

I love writing Gunter, he’s an interesting character. So far, which brother do you like the best?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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