
Bane Child

(Looking for FanArt cover) Qing Shan is an existence that goes against the laws of nature. He is raised thinking of himself as useless trash, when his life is suddenly flipped on its head. Will he be able to adapt to situation and overcome all obstacles, turning them into stepping stones, or will he fall at the hands of the people who killed his parents? This is an Eastern fantasy Novel being written by a young amateur. I hope that you all can Help and Support me on my journey to becoming an Author NOTE: You should actually read this, it is good (Title and Cover are temporary)

Yu_Starrunner · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

A Brand-New Creation

Tang Hua watched with baited breath as Qing Shan finally began making his weapon. However, he was quite curious upon seeing the material chose by Qing Shan.

It was Black Steel!

After much debate on what material would be the base for his new spear, Qing Shan settled on this metal, which was created from a mixture of materials with heavy earth elements. However, because the core of the material comes from a volcano, there is also a bit of the flame attribute mixed in. Even though this material was notoriously hard to handle, Qing Shan could not think of a better base.

Qing Shan threw six lumps of Black Steel into the furnace, and adjusted the heat accordingly with the runes. True to its nature, Black Steel's metling point was amazingly high! The furnace started to heat up to the point that Tang Hua, who was not even in the room began to sweat. However, Qing Shan had dealt with heat much greater than this before.

'Once I have enough money and a high enough cultivation to stay close to it for a long period of time, I should really set up a forge near the Primal Fire… I would be able to melt anything!'

It took about an hour for every piece of Black Steel to melt, but Qing Shan was not idle during this time. He had already begun mixing the herbal poulticies for the runes that he planned to add to his weapon!

As soon as the Metal was ready Qing Shan moved it to the mould that was usually used for spear bodies. Qing Shan also did something that Tang Hua found quite strange. He put steel sheets in even sections along the mold, about thirty-three centimeters apart. He then moved away, away, waiting for the Black Iron to harden once more.

As the mold was only used on purely liquified metals, it had a runic cooling system added to it, which made the hardening of the liquid metal that much faster. Qing Shan adjusted the cooling system perfectly, so that the Black Steel would harden in perfect condition.

With the body of the spear being prepared, Qing Shan began working on the head. He got out another bit of metal, but this one was a different type. It was called Reflective Iron, known for its amazing sharpness and mirror-like quality.

Once again, Tang Hua was confused by Qing Shan's metal selection. Although Reflective Iron had amazing quality, it was mostly used for swords, as it was much more delicate than most spear heads. While this could be solved with 'durability' runes, it did not change the fact that you couldn't rely on the flat of the blade block attacks or deal them.

Unlike Black Steel, Reflective Iron did not need to be completely melted in order to be molded. Once the Reflective Iron was hot enough, Qing Shan moulded it so that it was about one and a half centimeters thick, and tapered off into a sharp edge. He then began shaping the blade, so that It extended for about half a meter, before turning in a jagged curve backwards. The finished blade had the main shape of a fishing hook, and there was multiple short blades on outside of the blade, with a sharp, yet smooth inside of the hook, that wood be perfect for catching and redirecting a blade. The curve and the branching blades gave off a wicked vibe, and the blade alone gave off an oppressive aura, albeit one that did not carry any weight. After some thought, Qing Shan straightened out one part of the blade, so that the curve was more like a connection to a normal spear head. This way, he would still have the same amount of effectiveness from his attacks. In total, the blade was one and a half centimeters at its thickest, and flat, excluding the tapered edges.

The spear tip started off with a normal diamond like shape on its left side, but its right side only traveled downwards a little before branching off into the wicked curve. After the curve, the blade arcked across the gap before protruding out in a long spike, the longest part of the blade, before reconnecting with where the side of the spear body would be.

Once Qing Shan finally finished fixing the little nuances of the spear head, the Black Steel had finished cooling. Qing Shan opened up the mold to see six identical pieces of cylindrical Black Steel.

After taking a glance between the size of the spear balde and the six pieces, Qing Shan lifted one cylinder of Black Steel and put it back with the selections of metals. It seemed as though he had made his spear blade larger than expected. Each of the five cylinders left were five centimeters in diameter, and thirty-three centimeters in length. Qing Shan picked out one of the cylinders and began inscripting runes on one end of it with his finger. He used Pure Qi for this, as he was making sure that the parts of the Spear stayed together. The adhesive rune was shaped like a spiral on the end of the cylinder. Qing Shan inscribed this rune on each cylinder face that was going to be stuck together. However, he did not actually activate the runes with the herbal poultice yet. Qing Shan then inscribed 'durability' runes across every single piece of the cylinder, and across the blade. As these runes were the easiest to make, and also had a simple herb activator, they were by far the cheapest rune to put on weapons. Qing Shan also knew that most creators did not use this rune so that they would get paid for whatever repairs they made. Luckily, Qing Shan was too smart to risk not having those runes.

After making sure to inscribe the durabilty runes across each cylinder, Qing Shan activated the adhesive runes with the herbal poultice and stuck them together. The runes worked so well that it was as though there was only one cylinder, and never multiple. However, Qing Shan's Spear would be that much more durable because he had made multiple different pieces. Usually, only one of the same rune can go on one piece of a weapon. For spears, that would mean on the blade and on the spear body. However, Qing Shan's spear would be that much more durable because of the multiple parts he had started with.

After he finished putting together the spear body, and before he activated the durability runes, Qing Shan slowly began melting a groove into the end of the Black Steel cylinder. Qing Shan then stuck his blade into the groove and used the runic adhesive to keep it in place. Qing Shan most likely did not need the groove, but you never know if the rune may fail. At least this way, if the runes wear out during a battle, he may still be abe to finish the fight without the spear body separating from the blade. Qing Shan made sure to do this part very carefully, so that the Black Steel would hold the blade in place. He even tried melting part of the Black Steel together with the Reflective Iron, but he was not sure how well that would work in place of an adhesive.

After this, Qing Shan got out a bit of gold, which did not have much value as its Qi density was low, and used that to make a sort of cuff around the meeting of the body and blade, before beging to move it down the outside of the blade in a spiral, as a sort of decoration. As Qing Shan was not usually one that cared to much about appearance, he naturally had a reson for doing this.

In order to get the best effect possible, two attack runes should not be on the same surface. As Qing Shan planned on putting both offensive fire and wind runes on his weapon, he naturally had to put the runes on separate surfaces.

Once the adhesive runese were used to connect the gold to the weapon, Qing Shan finally began inscribing the finishing touches on his weapon. He extended his left middle finger, and began using his fire attribute to inscribe the 'ignite' rune across the gold spiral. This rune would cause the gold to be coated in flame when he put his Qi into the weapon. 'Ignite' is an activation type rune, and not one that is passively effective. This is actually the case for most offensive type runes. Because of the rune's nature, it would not melt the gold or anything like that. The weapon would be unaffected by the heat of the flame produced.

For the last and final rune that Qing Shan was putting on his weapon, Qing Shan chose the 'attract attribute' rune, and made the rune with his wind attribute on his right middle finger. This rune was normally used for items that help with cultivation, so he knew that it was out of place on a weapon. However, he had a clear reason behind the rune. While this was not strictly an offensive rune, it was not really a supporting rune, aand it was an activation type.

As the final two runes were created with their designated attribute, they faintly glowed their respective colors, red and green. However, this could only be seen when the Third Eye was used. However, Qing Shan had unknowingly started the habit of keeping his Third Eye at a squint, so these details did not escape him.

All in all, the weapon looked amazing. It had a two centimeter, and almost two meter long body, with a colden coil around it. This coil also connected to the base of the mirror-like blade that almost gave off a white light. These three colors, along with the red and green glows across the gold and black made for an amazing sight. And this was not even accounting for the wicked-looking blade on the spear, that had some parts almost reminecient of Death's scythe.

Looking on from the side room, Tang Hua could feel the aura thaat this weapon gave off. It looked deadly, yet also beautiful, at least, in the eyes of a Runic Forgemaster. He wondered if Qing Shan had used one of his wind crystals to get that green glow, but othere than this stray thought he was absolutely amazed by Qing Shan's creation. It has a uniqueness that didn't stray from practicality, and the principal behind the activation-type runes gave Tang Hua a few great ideas for the future. Although the idea was somewhat unorthodox, there was a big chance that the effect would be geater than Qing Shan had imagined.

Once it seemed like Qing Shan had broken free from his creative trance, Tang Hua walked into the room.

"Woah. That is one beautiful weapon. I love the blade."

Qing Shan grinned at his employer.

"I know, right? I had a bunch of different ideas in mind for the blade, and thought that this wouldn't work because of how unwieldy the shape is. Luckily, I was able to fix that because of the lightweight Reflective Iron. And with my Strength, wielding it shouldn't be a problem. Now that I have broken into the Origin Soul Realm, I should be able to use even more logically unstable weapons in the future. Because at that point, weight won't be a problem, and I am fast enough to cover for my own mistakes! This jagged hook I addid in is also great. It adds to my cutting power without taking away from my thrust. And it ccan even be used for parrying!"

Tang Hua just stared for a second. Even though it was great that Qing Shan was this excited, the most excited the man had eever seen him, that was a helluva lot of information that Qing Shan just spouted!

"Well… I am glad to see that you are so proud of your work. Hell< If I made that I would be just as proud!"

Qing Shan didn't respond, and just loked at the weapon he had just created.

"I'll take it with me tonight. Oh, by the way, why are you still here so late, did you forgt something?"

"Ah, yes, I forgot my money purse."

Lucky for Tang Hua, Qing Shan was to focused on his weapon to notice the man's eye twitch and the obvious "I Lied" look on his face.

Tang Hua quickly fixed his facial expression, before looking at Qing Shan seriously.

"Are you sure you want to take that weapon with you now? Shouldn't it stay here over night to cool off and set?"

"I have the perfect place for it."

Tang Hua watched as Qing Shan carefully lifted his new spear as though he was cradling a baby and walked out the door. Then, a thought hit him.

'Wait. He is gonna pay for using the Reflective Iron right? I have a lot of Black Steel, but that Iron stuff is expensive!'

Tang Hua shrugged before muttering under his breath.

"Oh well. I guess I'll just take a bit out of his monthly pay."

Meanwhile, Qing Shan finally exhaled after leaving the Smith's Respite. Based on the amount of Reflective Iron left in the metal storage, he was absolutely sure that Tang Hua was going to make him pay for it. Luckily, he had managed to leave before the thought crossed his mind.

"Hah. Its been a great day. I made an amazing new weapon, and Iused the materials for free. But I do feel like I am forgeting something."

It was only once Qing Shan arrived back at Building 18-A that he realized what he was missing.

'I remember! Didn't Senior Teng say that every good weapon deserves a name?'


Qing Shan pondered for a while, sitting outside his building until he came up with a name.

"Aha! I will call you 'Sky Bane'! You will be the bane to all those above me in power!"

Finally completely satisfied, Qing Shan went to his room and deposited Sky Bane on the island in the center of the Primal Pocket Dimension before going to sleep. There was certainly no place safer than that for his new weapon.

Check out the comments at Webnovel.com Bane Child Chapter 58 to see a sketch of Sky Bane's blade!

I haven't had to put this much thought into a chapter in a while... Can't say it wasn't fun, and worth it, though.

I'll put a little sketch in the comments to show you my image of the blade if you are having trouble picturing it. It was really hard for me to get a solid discription about what I was thinking.

Yu_Starrunnercreators' thoughts