
Ballad Of Blood (R-18)

A Young Serbian Soldier loses his life but that is not the end. Reborn as a member of the downtrodden Aelven Race with a singularly bloody task. awaiting him is a world of carnage, blood, lemons and death. No Ntr. Lots of Gore. Lots of Lemons. Lots of War Crimes.

Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Ch 13 The Ring, The Vixen, The Crone

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[Town Of Valewood]

"And this is the Best goldsmith in all of Valewood! And also the only gnome!" The little Aelven girl chirped as we stopped in front of a small but well built stone building.

A large wooden sign hung above the steel reinforced door which read


In bold cursive letters.

Seemed my guide had taken me to the right place.

I turned to the little Aelven girl and placed three silver pieces into her little palm.

Almost instantly her eyes widened in shock at the sum...

"Its too much Sir White Hair! If you don't have coppers the gnome lady can trade for one of these!" The little girl spoke while trying to hand over the coins.

"My debt is paid, If you think it's too much just buy some offerings for Goddess Aellarith okay?" I asked while patting her head.

She smiled brightly and nodded cutely before skipping away.

"Thank you Sir White Hair! I'll get cakes and cookies for the Goddess!" She chirped out while running happily down the road.

I walked closer to the Jewelers door and tried the handle.


Almost immediately after stepping inside the dark store i noticed about a dozen glimmering gold and silver jewelry that sat neatly in clear glass display cases.

Everything was intricately made, all truly unique pieces which no second rate goldsmith could even dream of making.

In one particular display case were many wedding ring sets, some which particularly caught my eye.

After nearing the glass case I analyzed them thoroughly for a long moment before hearing a high pitched voice from nearby.

"Oh wow!....That Mythril is so Pure.....And The Engravings....As if made by the Dwarven God!!!....."

I immediately turned to the source and spotted a three foot tall gnome woman with a smoothe white face, chubby cheeks, and long brown hair rolled into a bun, her big hazel eyes sparkles as she eyed my armor.

"Thank you for the compliment miss, they were A gift from my Wife on our wedding night."

I spoke and i saw the small gnome woman nod in approval.

"Good choice of Wife White Hair.....Very Good choice.....Can I take a look?...Please?...." The small Gnome asked with her little pudgy hands extended as if a child asking for a toy.

"Of course." I spoke respectfully while slowly unclasping my right Vambrace.

Before i was finished removing the Mythril Vambrace, the little gnome woman rushed around a counter where she disappeared since they were more than a foot above her head.

Then I heard some fumbling as she slid a stool over from the corner of the room then climbed atop it.

Soon enough she was attaching some steampunk looking goggles onto her little head, she seemed to notice my interested gaze at her gizmo.

"Like my loupes? Made them myself! They are a runesmith and Jewelers best friend, now bring that Vambrace over here and let me take a peek!" The Gnome woman spoke excitedly.

Soon enough I'd set down the piece of armor.

It didn't take long until I was listening to her make impressed noises.

"Oooh it has twelve runes weaved so perfectly!"

"My master could never get something like this done!"

"And is that a strengthening and lightening rune side by side! Impossible!"

She continued on in amazement for five minutes, I really didn't mind the wait however.

My instincts told me this gnome woman would be a good friend to have in the future.

Eventually she set down the Vambrace and her gaze next turned to the intricately crafted Curved blade at my hip.

"The Sword?" I asked with an amused smile.

"Yes! Give! Give!"

She spoke cutely while licking her lips, she reminded me of a puppy looking at a bone.

My hand grasped onto the hilt of my blade and I slowly drew it from the black and gold scabbard.


The black blade sung and glimmered under the dim light.

the Gnome woman's excitedness only increased as I slowly moved the sword towards the countertop.

When i set it down her little pudgy hands immediately pulled it closer.

The i watched as she zoomed in her strange loupe magnifier.

"Is this real.....am i dreaming....." I heard her mutter under her breath while inspecting every square inch of my sword with a careful eye.

"Hardening....seven chained Sharpness runes!.....Fire Resistance....Easy cleaning.....lightness runes.....and so much more.....is that a mana convergence gem!...and its purity is unheard of!...Holy Thrumnir!!! its a sword and a staff simultaneously....a blood binding array as well!..."

I heard the little gnome woman's excitement only grow the more she looked at my sword...she was inspecting a holy relic after all.

Then she looked up at me and lifted the loupes from her eyes.

"Have you used the blood binding array! If you haven't can you do it now! Ive always wanted to see one in person!"

She shouted excitedly while jumping up and down uncontrollably on her little stool.

"I have not, how exactly would I do that?" I asked curiously.

"Cut your finger! Press it hard right here and say a prayer to your deity of choice! Ask to be bound to the blade! And the array will do the rest!" The little gnome yelled excitedly.

Immediately I pulled my small dagger and she nearly jumped over the counter to snatch it up as well but her little body didn't get very far.

"S...Sorry...." She spoke embarrassedly but i just smiled.

"Its okay, you'll get to inspect it as well." I spoke before bringing the wickedly sharp glimmering blade to my thumb and making a small cut.

The gnome watched intently as the dagger effortlessly sunk into my flesh, it was quite painless actually...then I set the dagger down as well, the Gnome lady's body trembled as she reisisted inspecting the dagger at that very moment.

Then i brought my thumb toward a certain engraved part of the cross guard where a small red ruby surrounded by intricate engravings was placed.... The blood binding array no doubt.

As my blood touched the ruby i could hear the gnome woman's breath grow heavy.

"Goddess above all, Goddess Aellarith, heed my humble prayer and grant your Holy Blessing, Bind this sword to your devoted servant....." I spoke then felt a powerful magic force descent upon me as the blood binding array lit up in a brilliant golden and red hue.

The little Gnomes eyes were as wide as saucers while watching the blood array ritual taking place, her little body trembled in excitement and she didn't dare blink once for fear of missing even a single moment.

Eventually the magic array died down and the golden glow dissipated to reveal my Incredible Aelven Sword now bound by blood magic to me.

"Go on...." The little gnome woman spoke and my hand moved to the sword slowly.

As soon as my fingers touched the intricate handle it hummed with power like I'd never felt before.

the beautiful curved sword felt like a racehorse itching to be let loose onto the track....but the blade's itching wasn't to run, instead it was a thirst for human blood to devour.

It seemed the Gnome felt the sinister desire emanating from the beautiful curved blade as well.

almost immediately she jumped from her stool and sprinted away into a backroom in fright while waving her short arms cutely.

"Put it away! Put it away!"

She shouted, the fear in her high pitched voice was palpable.

The dark aura around the blade only lasted for a moment longer until I finally slid it back into its intricate scabbard.


The long curved blade clunked into the scabbard and instantly I saw the little gnome's head peek from around a doorway.

"D...D...Don't take it out....." She spoke with a trembling voice.

"Very well." I spoke with a gentle smile and I saw her nod before sheepishly comimg back out from the rear of the store.

"W...Who are you...." The little gnome asked while staring up at me in amazement.

"My name is Kalinik Hilandar it is a pleasure to meet you." I spoke gently.

She nodded cutely before climbing back up onto her stool.

"I...I am Hirni of Lichenstone, Former Runesmith to the Dwarven Kings of Mount Hardbier, I am a Master Runesmith.....that is why i know Only Dwarven King Hargraves Ancestral Hammer and Armor can even come close...."

The little gnome spoke with glistening eyes as she looked over my equipment.

"Are you the descendant of the Aelven Emperors....Only they should have their hands on something like t...t...that..." She spoke while pointing her little finger at my sword which still seemed to scare her.

"Only the Goddess has an answer to that question Hirni, but my lineage and equipment is not really the reason i visited your shop..." I spoke with a faint smile and I saw her face become deeply embarrassed.

"I...I...I'm sorry ...I just cant help it...." She spoke nervously.

"I don't really mind, I'm not in a hurry after all but I do need an engagement ring and wedding bands for my second wife...."

I spoke and her eyes locked onto my hand, I could almost see the gears turning in her incredible mind as her imagination raced for something suitable.

Eventually a little smirk spread on her face and she rushed over to a certain ceramic looking cabinet, it had no handles or locks except for an amber colored stone at its center.

The little gnome woman placed her hand upon the stone and I felt a faint magical pulse emerge from her palm.



The magical vault's door slowly opened to reveal a several sets of mythril jewelry, among them Was a set of wedding rings for a male and female.

"These were my first masterpiece but i never found someone who should have them.....They have quintuple enchantments...the most i am able to do.....they are not the same quality as your armor or sword but it is my best work...."

Hirni spoke while walking back with the small boxes where the rings were placed.

after a bit of effort she climbed her stool once more and set down the Jewelry on the countertop.

"What do you think Sir Possible Aelven Lord?" She asked with an expectant look.

I looked down onto the wedding rings for a long moment....one engagement ring and two wedding bands...

they were stunning.....

perhaps only second to that given to me by Aellarith..

"Beautiful.....your skills are second to none Hirni...." I spoke while lifting the male wedding band and sliding it onto my finger.

Almost instantly it thrummed with magic before expanding to fit perfectly onto my finger.

"Resizing magic?" I looked into the gnomes little eyes and asked.

"Y...yes.... something special i created during my service in Mount Hardbier.... they also have location magic, incognutus runes, projectile reflection, and the highest quality storage gem...." She spoke with a proud look.

" Incredible..." I responded and she squirmed happily for a moment.

"The price?" I asked finally while gesturing to the rings.

"L...Lend me your dagger....only for a day or two...to study it...i know it's priceless but i promise not to lose it..... I'll even lend you my best dagger for that time.... it's not equivalent but its the best i can do...." She spoke with hopeful eyes and begging little hands.

"Very well Hirni, we have a deal....but remember that this dagger was a gift from my wife, Ive peeled off faces for less."

I spoke with a serious tone and immediately she shivered in fright before swearing upon her God to not lose or damage it.

I removed the dagger from my waist and passed it over to the little cute gnome.

"Oh! Thank you! Kalinik You'll always have a friend in me! I swear it!"

She jumped up and down excitedly while holding the holstered dagger as if it were the holy Grail.

"Very well, Thank you Hirni.... I'll be back in a day or two for the dagger." I spoke and she gave me a little bow as I took the ring set into my pendant's storage.

Soon enough I'd exited the small store and was once again greeted by the clean and bright Aelven town.

It was nothing like the human town I'd seen at Elisnore....those humans seemed like filthy rats compared to this....

To think a Utopia on earth was decimated because of one Selfish God....enraged me....

My thirst for human blood seemed to surge for a long while as my hands clenched in rage.

The Aelven townspeople nearby seemed to sense something wrong as well since many froze.

Most turned to look in my direction with terrified looks in their eyes.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath before walking down one of the roads higher up the huge hill upon which Valewood was placed to try and avoid any more attention.

I was looking for the temple of Aellarith, it wasn't one of Aellarith's original temples since the only remaining one was in Aen Carnith but it would have to make due.

I needed directions however....

Eventually I spotted a Milfy Aelven woman, but it wasn't her incredibly proportioned body which drew me to her however...(MC swears that's true)

Instead it was the polished wooden pendant of Goddess Aellarith which hung around her seductive neck, just below her low cut dress which showed her huge milky tits...

Her green eyes and jet black hair still seemed to retain their youthful luster as well, If i wasn't asked by Natalka not to womanize i would have definitely tried my luck...

"Excuse me madame, would you be so kind as to guide me to the Goddess's temple?" I asked while doing my best to avoid staring down at her huge juicy tits.

The Aelven woman turned to me and i saw a blush develop on her face but it seemed she was mature enough not to be phased in the slightest.

"Of course young man, you need to continue up this road until you reach the fountain, after that the steps to the temple will be obvious." She said, but before i could thank her she spoke once more.

"Young man would you be interested in meeting my niece? She is around your age and searching for someone suitable...." The woman asked with an erotic edge to her voice while seductively biting her lower lip.

"I am sorry madame but I am not looking for another serious relationship....I already have a Wife and Fiancee." I spoke while raising my gold hued mythril ring.

"I can see why~.....a young vigorous and wealthy young man like you could surely handle more than a few girls, but have you ever been with a Woman boy~" she spoke while eyeing me up and down as if I were a piece of meat.

Before I could even speak she closed the distance between us until both our bodies were touching, her sweet scent of cherries filled my nose and caused my cock to throb hard.

"My name is Valia... come to the large marble house on the northwest side of town....My boylover husband and I separated only two weeks ago you know~....And Goddess as my witness, I haven't been touched in years~" she spoke while brushing my cock with her warm hand.

My cock throbbed and she gave it one final gentle squeeze before walking off.

I couldn't help but look at her departing, A narrow waist and wide birthing hips....a thick fat ass and thighs and long legs to boot....

My cock throbbed for a long moment before she eventually turned a corner, her fragrant scent of cherries still lingering thick in the air...

"Clear your mind Kalinik...Now is not the time..." I spoke to myself before continuing up the white cobblestone road.

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[Elsewhere in Valewood]

Natalka sat at the edge of a large bed with thick silken sheets as she hugged a sickly looking but still beautiful woman who shared Natalka's vibrant green eyes and Chestnut hair.

"Sounds like you found yourself a good man my baby, but what you've said he's done in that human town is quite concerning...." Aeri, Natalka's mother spoke Softly while hugging her daughter lovingly.

"I wont lie to you mother.....I was scared of him too....I saw him do unspeakable things to human knights....and then their families.....but he is not dangerous to me or anyone of our people.....He's kind, and caring, and passionate....." Natalka spoke while looking into her beautiful mothers pale and sickly face.

"Very well i trust your judgement....but what of his family? Which Clan does he hail from?"

Aeri asked as Natalka used a wet handkerchief to dampen her mothers burning forehead.

"He has not told me what lands he's from...but he is from the 'Hilandar' family.....He might be a descendant of the Antediluvian Nobles....At least that's what I think....." Natalka spoke

"Oh and what makes you think that baby?" Aeri spoke weakly while holding her daughters hand.

"Well, first of all there's his hair....." Natalka continued speaking as her sickly but beautiful mother listened intently.

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[Elsewhere In Valewood]

An ancient Aelven woman dressed in heavy woolen robes and wearing a golden necklace with the sign of Aellarith sat while staring into the beautiful green flames from a magical fire.

Her body had long since withered to barely more than bones, and her face had deep wrinkles which spoke of centuries long past.

But her deep orange eyes were brimming with untold power.

The Old Crone stared into the flames and saw a face looking back at her for only a moment.

Instantly her eyes closed slowly and her hoarse voice was heard at just a whisper.

"So He's Finally Come....The Herald...All these centuries and the Goddess sends him now..."

The woman seemed to tremble for nearly a minute before she let out a hoarse haunting laugh which would instill terror in the heart of whoever heard it.

"..HA...HA....HA....HA...Humans!!!!.....Vengeance Comes!!!.....Death Comes For You All!!!.....HA.....HA...HA...HA....." With each laugh and word the magic flames in front of her roared louder and louder as if just by laughing her brimming magical powers were leaking out uncontrollably.