

A man who fell asleep on a train seat because he was tired, suddenly when he woke up from his sleep he was already in another world.

Sasukeh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Mana Training Book #1

In the morning...

In a village there are so many people who trade and walk here and there for shopping.

Shops here are quite diverse some who sell vegetables and fresh meat, food ready to eat, clothing stores, swords and armor, magic tools and many more.

I was carried by my mother, I looked around and never get tired of watching one or two magic tricks used by traders to attract customers.

When a magic tool trader shows the trick of the magic of it, I immediately shouted happily, I really can't wait to learn magic.

By the way, I'm now in the market, it's usually a few months my mother invited me to go here to buy clothes.

Honestly when my mother took me here to buy clothes, I really didn't like it. Because she would force me to try every clothes and it was very annoying.

We finally arrived at a large shop that had a thread and clothing display board.

*Tring tring

When the door opens the sound of the bell will ring, which indicates someone in. 'Ugh it looks like my time to receive the inner pressure of this store will begin soon.'.


A short-haired woman approached us, she was the owner of this shop.

"Ara~ See who is coming, Hello Alen ~ sweety~" Ugh, I can see a cunning smile clearly visible on his face.

"Hello Cyntia, I want to buy some clothes for Alen"

"Ohoho ~ Of course ... after all I made a lot of toddler clothes for him try it~"

She laughed evil towards me, he deliberately did it right? Yes? She made a lot of clothes for me to try to attract customers, she was truly a devil.

We walked to the children's clothing rack there were some women who also carried a baby while looking at clothes.

They saw us walking towards them.

"Ah, Hello Ms. Alea Are you here to buy clothes?"

"Ah Hello, yes I want to buy clothes for Alen because he is increasingly growing up, the clothes that are in the house are too small"


"Well, then what about we let Alen try every clothes, I'm sure we will know the clothes that are suitable for him or for your children," said Cyntia

'Damn, I know he will say it.'

"Wow, it looks like it's a good idea" said one of them

"It's okay if ALEN tries all the clothes here?" My mother asked scared of being troublesome but it was seen on her face that he would want to see me try every clothes here.

"Aiyo ~ no problem, after all I have said, I've prepared clothes specifically for Alen" A scary smile back she showed me.

After that my mother was happy to accept her offer. Finally this hell began, people began to choose the clothes they saw to try it.

First clothes, second, third, fourth clothes and so on. The longer the more people arrive to choose clothes for me, even among them who don't have children but still take the clothes for me.

After an hour finally they were tired of their own behavior, it looks like this hell was over.

They stopped because a lot of clothes that suited for me, all toddler clothes here are perfect for me. So they can't stop choosing clothes for me.

"I-I'm confused about choosing clothes where else, everything looks cute ~ Gosh ~ "

"Gosh, you're right"


"What if we try to wear it in girl toddler clothes?" Cyntia said

"EEEHHHHHH!!!" They were all surprised and I was also surprised.

"Well you know, boys toddler clothes are all suitable for him, I'm sure the girl toddler clothes will also be suitable for him and I guarantee Alen will be 2x not 5x more cute"

Everyone returned enthusiastically, even without getting permission from my mother, they began to look for cute girl toddler clothes.

I opened my clothes again and wore new clothes.


After wearing his clothes, the angel is very beautiful and adorable, even though Alen is a man but he is cute and more cute>////<.< p>

"Woaaahhhhh~!!!" Everyone's mouth open up with blood dripping through his nose, they have seen the angel babies and even more excited

'I think this hell isn't over.'


After 2 hours I tried various clothes, I finally came out of the hell. And you know what more to make me angry? I spend 2 hours tiring only for 7 clothes?

'Arghhh I was really angry when I thought about it', I saw my mother's face that smiled cheerfully without feeling guilty on her face.

After walking 15 meters from the clothing store I saw a bookstore, Yeah was my goal to come here, every mother invited me to come to the village I always forced my mother to come to the bookstore.

"Aga aga aga" I pointed at the shop.

My mother seemed to realize something from me, she tried to distract me with toys and dolls sold in one shop

"Wow, see ALEN, there are funny toys, do you want this doll?" But I still forced want to go to the bookstore.

"AGA AGA AGA" I shouted hardly while pointing at the bookstore.

And finally my mother relented.