


Years had passed. The warrior of the cold desert had had several wives. Equal children were born. Several died at birth. Other parasites, leukemia, typhus, fevers and plagues charged him for the affronts he had wickedly done. Bitter in his tent the last humiliation he suffered.

A useless bastard duchess, with black hair and eyes with an excess of water in their color, had mocked his men, defenestrating him, making him ridiculous before the members of the tribal council. Vengeance was to be exacted.

The one from busan did not want to pay Tributes, the one from urunchi sent him to go to the countess to see if she wanted to pay him, then he would think about it. His proposal caused laughter. No one respected him anymore.

He saw the witch covered in humble attire. She was a famous sorceress. She only asked for food, camel's milk and some provisions. She only wanted to do mischief and the procuring laughter was the currency she liked to receive from evil hands, to enjoy every day more.

The woman had made a fire, looked at the stars. She asked to bring her a child of the first mother, she grabbed him by the feet and slit his throat, she saw how his blood fell into the fire, the smoke told her what was happening, she analyzed. Then she threw the corpse to the dogs. Later she would analyze the shape of the footprints on the bones. Strange form, but they said it was the most effective among the pastu.

In trance the woman danced to the music, she danced well, but an ugly body is never graceful, it was better to see a slave from Siberia move her hips with sensuality. Annoyed, the son of the desert sat down.

The woman with a scream on the ground collapsed, she spoke a strange language. Language of other lands, of there, further down, of moons and coconut trees, where lions and elephants ran in savannah in night of full moon....

Then he sat up.

--Don't pay me," he said, "I'm leaving..... I have seen nothing... I have not received any message. I'm leaving right now.

--Tell me, you dirty whore? You don't make fun of me. You saw something. I'm sure I'm...

-Nothing. -Kill me if you want. I'm old. I haven't seen anything. I swear...I swear. I'm going now.

The woman ran through the desert. Sad fate had her master.

-- Kill her. Go," he said to one of his archers, who mounted a dromedary and ran after the witch....

When the witch saw the man chasing her with a foul smile the desert thundered.

--Not a witch... Not a witch... Suddenly he understood... In her ravings to know even an idolatrix she looked for; her soul was already lost, but it was the last straw, so much was her affliction that witch and sorceress looked for, making the fateful oracle, worse sin she committed, because she did it in a sacred month, she had forgotten to be in the first day of the lunar new year...now her soul definitely had no salvation...Those were the laughter of the witch...With rage she spat on the floor...With rage she spat...