
Bahati- The Divine Alchemist's Tale

Have you ever wondered in your geeky heart what it would be like to transmigrate to another world? Yea, I know I did. I thought this would my chance to the live out the fantasy and maybe even get a few answers to the questions I have about my birth. Even the family I had been taken from back on earth is here too so maybe we can finally get a chance to reunite and move forward from a past I don’t completely remember. New world, possible new romantic relationships, a world system with classes and skills, and a chance to grow into the woman I always thought I could be. Yea maybe transmigrating isn’t such a bad thing. That’s what I thought until I was betrayed and sent away to learn to be grateful to my betters. I am alone in a world that is hostile to my kind and my rage will make those who betrayed me regret their actions. I will find my pride and I will build up those who the oppressors have mistreated for centuries. They can have their war and their play their games but we of Astrella will take back our home new and old from the hands of those who have tried to blind and bind us from the truth. We are who we make ourselves to be. We can grow and overcome any obstacles. They just ignited my drive to win and I will win this game even if I have to unite this country to do it. My people call me Bahati for they consider me to be the good fortune catalyst they have been prayering for. Only I think I’m just an alchemist who just wants a place to call home and will reshape Baozhai with their help to make this place a home we can all claim as such. The main characters will be in a reverse harem (Fmc and 3 male mates). All romantic focus will be on fmc. No mm in the fmc's harem. There is potential for there to be depictions of other romantic relationships of various combinations represented ( examples but not limited to mmmmm/ ff/ mmmff). I will do my best to let you know at the start of a chapter of any potential triggers. Enjoy the journey. I know I am (Cover isn't mine- got it from Pinterest.)

AliceElyse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Truth Revealed pt 1

Adrian (March 20, 2015)

The next two days came and went by fast. We heard nothing through out those two days. I played video games with my brothers, swam in the pool with the whole family and completed all the school assignments sent to me. 

I was just coming out of the shower and getting dressed when I heard my Aunt call out that dinner was ready. 

Aunt Undina made her famous lasagna and fresh baked rolls. There was wine on the table for the adults and grape juice for the rest of us. 

The table was silent at first as we dished food onto our plates. Once we had all filled our plates, Dad prayed over the food then we got to eating aunt's delicious cuisine. As a world-renown executive chef for the various restaurants, she and uncle own around the world we are truly lucky to be dining on her dishes.

We did small talk around the table as we ate; catching up on anything we hadn't already talked about. 

We had just started cleaning up the table when Uncle Hartley's phone went off. We all froze in anticipation as he answered the call. From his expression, as he listened to whatever he was being told I could tell the news was not going to be positive. While he was on the phone, we continued cleaning up the table. He sat back down and was talking in low tones when he looked up at my parents with a bewildered expression. 

"If everyone can finish up the cleaning, we need to head into the living room to hear what Mack has to say. He also has some matters he would like clarity on for search purposes." Uncle finally spoke after looking at my parents for a moment longer.

We finished putting everything away and then my brothers, Lina and I headed into the living room as requested. Dad and Mom came into the living room behind us with uncle following behind them like a prison warden with a strange look in his eyes.

My brothers and I settled into one side of the large L shaped couch and my parents settled into the other end with Selina. Soon my aunt joined us and sat on the love seat to our right with Uncle Hartley.

"We are all here and ready now. You have the floor, Mack." Uncle set his phone on the large coffee table then leaned back into the couch with his focus still on my parents.

"Hello Samuels Clan, I will give you a quick update on my findings so you will all be up to speed then I have questions." Mack's smokey voice was calm and had a no nonsense tone to it.

'That's the kinda voice I hope to have one day. Cool, calm and authoritative.' My mind sidetracked for a moment before getting back on track as Mack continued talking.

"March 14th around 2:15 pm was the last time Adele was seen according to our investigation. After reviewing and checking the staff roster, we have found one person who was not authorized to be there. The person in question was dressed up as a staff member so no one questioned his presence on site. We identified the person when we did facial recognition on everyone who arrived and left via the parking lot or the walkway exits. There were hidden cameras on all exits of the park due to the high possibility of such crimes happening in this large park. The person in question left the park with a large rolling suitcase. He drove away in a personal vehicle. If this person did take Adele, she was likely in the suitcase." 

'My sister was taken and has been in their possession for six days now. Six days of anything happening or being done to her. There has been no ransom, so we have absolutely no clue if she is even still alive. She must still be alive. I have to believe that she is alive.' I tell myself as my eyes stare blankly at the phone trying not to assume the worst. 

'I have to keep hope alive if I'm to help my family get through this.'

 As I come out of my thoughts I realize Malachi and Killian have each taken a hold of one of my hands. 

I grip their hands back.

'Yes, I have to stay strong and keep hope alive for my family.'


Malachi Samuels- 15 years old

'This situation is so messed up. Adele must be so scared right now. We have to find her no matter what. I hope Mack has more information for us to work with. Maybe there will be a way I can help find Adele. I'm pretty good with computers so maybe there will be a way I can help on that side of things.' I start feeling a bit excited at the prospect that there might be a way for me to help. 

However the revelations that followed showed me I was way out of my depth of being any help.

"We were able to track the car for a while. Whoever this person is, they were a professional. The route and driving style they implemented would have given any pursuers a hard time in keeping up with them." The typing of keys could be heard through the phone. The tension in the room was going up by the second.

 "They tried to give any pursuers the slip multiple times but we are professionals as well so we kept on the camera trail until they entered an airport parking deck. There were no working cameras in that parking deck at the time of their arrival. The cameras were down for an hour for routine maintenance. On top of that, the time they entered the parking deck was a very busy time for arrivals and departures so we have no idea if they left the parking deck in a new car or went into the airport in disguise." Mack let out a frustrated growl and it sounded like he threw something breakable at the wall. 

"We just don't know this long after the event. I have one of my guys going to the airport to check out the site but the chances are low for any clues."

The more I hear, the more I feel my parents handled this all wrong.

'I just can't believe that we may have had a better chance at getting her back if they had just continued looking for her when they found out she was missing.' I raged in my head and squeezed Adrian's hand even harder. I felt him squeezing my hand back just as hard so I know we must be on the same wavelength. 

On the other side of Adrian, I can see Killian is fidgeting like he wants to get up but when I take a look at where Killian is holding Adrian's hand I see he is gripping just as tightly as I am as if to anchor himself to his seat.