

I was walking down the school hall when some one shouted "Hey what's up Dickson," of course someone had to bring up my horrible name I had by trying to convince Mrs.Drake to let me change it although things could be worse I wasn't a girl it wouldn't normally be a bad thing at all, but with my name that would not be the best thing in the world. I had made it to English Class after what seemed like forever being insulted more frequently than you breath does that to you thankfully none of the people who make fun of me had the guts to insult me in front of a teacher I wasn't a teachers pet by any means however I was a somewhat respectable human being so I was better than the majority of the people in my class, the class itself was fairly boring we where studying Shakespeare honestly can you get any more unoriginal than studying Shakespeare in an English class, the period went by at the speed of a slug so in other words better than normal.

Finally it lunch time that's see what artificial monster has come out of that kitchen today, will it be the infamous green chicken, or will it be the mythical Mac in Cheese filled with hair, or maybe the well known recently expired microwaved ramen, okay it was ramen the best of the three sometimes on rare occasions it was actually okay and I was hoping this was one of those days after I got my food I went to the secondary cafeteria where I sat down and had one bite of Ramen and that's when I had started chocking, I tried to cough it out as quickly as possible, but it had gotten itself in my vocal cords and it wasn't getting out any time soon and screaming hurt like hell what was a man to do run nah I wasn't making it so steps with this kind of pain however if I was going to die I was going to make the people who put me through hell experience it themselves I immediately got the belt I had stolen form one of the jerks who made fun of me I was simply going to pants him, but now I was going to tie this belt into a noose and make it look like he bullied me to the point of suicide I wiped myself with the belt till I bled and with tears in my eyes I shoved the large pencil he had brought to school down my throat it was full proof there where no cameras in this place and I died with a look of fear in my eyes.