

Marianne Carolina was the only daughter of the mafia boss, Vivan who terrorized country A. His name was to be feared by not only Country A but also a few of the surrounding countries. It.was no secret he was not the best father. So after a argument with her father. She plans a amateur plan with her best friend, Katherine to escape. The amateur plan works and Mary runs away but only after being free for a while. She is entangled with King of the business world, Damon Tyson who makes her his wife.

offical_alex · Adolescente
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25 Chs

The party (2)

"No.... Never in a million years would I ever date her." Xavier said instantly in reply.

"I see.... Well, nice to meet you. I am Ruby and you're?" She asked.

"I am Marianne but you can call me Mary for short. Sit down Ruby and Aqua." Mary said being polite as ever.

"Okay!" The twins both said sitting down.

"I think you dropped something, Mary." Aqua said.

"I don't think so but what did I drop and where?" She asked.

"My jaw." He said and Mary started laughing.

"That's a good one. Right, Xavier?" She said nudging him in the shoulder. Xavier who was already back on his phone, shut it off.

"Nah, I have better ones." He said.

"Oh really, I'd like to hear them." Mary said.

"I hope you know CPR." Xavier said

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause you just took my breath away." He said.

"That's a really good one." Mary said laughing. Was it wrong that he actually gave her butterflies? Mary thought.

"That's good boys but I have better ones. Mary, are you bank loan?" Ruby said.

"Why?" She said. It certainly felt good to be the center of attention.

"Because you have my full interest." She said and Mary giggled.

"Well then, it's a competition between us and Mary's the judge." Aqua said.

"Me?" Mary said pointing to herself. That escalated quickly. Mary thought.

"Mary, do you have a map?" Xavier asked.

"Why?" Mary asked.

"Because I got lost in your eyes." Xavier said winking at her. Her ears went very slightly pink and an aww sound escaped her mouth.

Ruby stood up and grabbed Mary's chin, bring her own face closer to her the she whispered in her ear making her hot breath tickle her ear. "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you everyone but you disappears." Mary's face grew pink and her heartbeat became slightly faster.

"My turn." Aqua said and Ruby sat down on the chair.

"Are you my mother?" He asked her.

"Huh, no. Why?" Mary asked.

"Cause you make me wanna call you mommy." He said winking. Mary's face went very red and she buried her face in her hands till she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

"Mary, come with me, please." It was Damon who said those words and looked up and saw Damon who seemed very angry.

"Good evening, Mr. Tyson. You know Mary?" Aqua asked.

"Yes, in fact she's my legal wife. Let's go now, Mary." He said grabbing and pulling her by her hand. Damon seemed sort of angry as he dragged Mary by her hand to a room on the second floor. It said for private use only.

Damon opened the door and pulled Mary inside. Lucas, Damian, Naomi and Freya were all in the room, sitting comfortably, playing cards and drinks particularly the alcoholic ones were scattered all over the table. All of them looked at the couple but Damon didn't spare them a glance instead pinned her against the wall. The door automatically closed itself. Her face was facing his and his hands were clutching her's so tightly. They were so close that Mary could feel his breath on her face. Mary was no doubt shorter than him. She was 5'7 and he was 6'2.

"What were you doing?!" Damon asked Mary seriously.

"Aqua, Ruby and Xavier were having a little competition between them and they made me the judge...." She said softly. She could feel their eyes on her and it felt strange.

"No, that's not what I wanna hear! I want to know why on hell I heard him telling you 'You make me want to call you mommy'." He shouted. His hand grasping hers so tightly that it hurt for her. He was giving her goosebumps.

"T-the competition they were having was a competition about who's got the best pick up lines and that was Aqua's pick up line." Mary said. Mary grew up with only a father as her mother died early. Her father loved and adored her so much that he would almost never raise his voice at her. So, Damon raising his voice at her, scared her so much that she started crying.

"Why are crying? I was just asking you a question." He said surprised by her tears.He'd let go of her hands and she fell on her knees.

"I don't like you! You are a big meanie!" She said crying more.

"Why are you behaving like a child so suddenly?" He said wiping her tears. Freya stood up and walked to Mary.

"Damon, you should know better. She's the youngest out of all of us. Plus, she is a woman. Women are more sensitive than men. Plus you were being aggressive. May I remind you that she was just discharged from the hospital the day before yesterday!" Freya said.

"Come on. Let's go out and get some fresh air, Mary." Freya said taking her hand. Mary took her hand and they both went out.

"I don't understand. What did I do wrong, Naomi?" Damon asked.

"I dunno know." Naomi said.

"You're a female. Females should understand each other right?" Damon said.

"Don't ask her for advice on Women. She doesn't know a thing." Lucas said.

"That's true." She said agreeing.

"Than who should I ask?" Damon asked.

"Your older brother Zander, he's married so he'll know a thing or two. Plus I heard he was very popular among women when he was young and I heard that many women would die just to marry him or your mother, Ziana. She's pretty cool. I'd doubt she'd mind." Lucas said.

"No, it would be awkward, asking my mom and my brothers too busy nowadays." Damon sighed.

"Well, Zayn is coming back tomorrow." Lucas said.

"Wait, he is. Really! Oh my god, Why didn't you tell me that before? I am.going to have to clear out my entire schedule for the week." Damon said.

"Seriously, he is coming back. I can't believe it. It's been almost 2 years since I last saw him. I really can't wait." Naomi said.

"Zayn is coming back. I am going to hold the party of the year at my club. It's going to be just me, Damon Zayn, Naomi and Lucas again." Damian said in great excitement.

"He actually has a surprise for us all. He said that in a message." Lucas said.

"How come he always texts you or Damon? Never me or Damian." Naomi asked.

"That's because you guys are tag alongs. We had a trio originally ever since we were 10 but when we turned 14, you guys got in and it became a squad." Damon said.

"Wow that's harsh." Naomi said.

"Reality is harsh. Can't believe us 3 went from being 3 poor troublemakers to one of the successful men to ever walk the earth." Lucas said.

"Lucas, remember how we used to skip school and make secret hide outs in abandoned buildings." Damon said laughing.

"Of course, I do. Those were the best times of my life. We never really got caught did we? Guess we were 'like a smooth criminal'." Lucas said and Damon laughed.

"And the time where we did graffiti on buildings. It was so fun. We would be the gangsters of the town." Damon said.

"Yeah, Naomi and Damian were with us at that time." Lucas said smiling as those were some of the best days ever.
