

Elijah's life was moving swiftly or that is what he thought until his life got entangled with Riley also known as the troublemaker. ***** Riley knew that everybody hated her. It wasn't like the feeling wasn't mutual but the universe had to be so cruel and pair her with Saint Elijah, the guy she disliked the most. Elijah hated her and it never bothered her or that is what she thought until she is put on a project with him as a punishment. She loathed the idea of spending time with the self righteous Elijah more than anything in the world. It was stupid and she knew it, she shouldn't have kissed Elijah. She shouldn't have fallen ever for him. The price she has to pay for her sins are just so high. Which bad girl ever fell for the good boy? The ending is bound to be a disaster. Stick around to read more of the story of Elijah and Riley.

marjo_rhinah · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


I am glad to know Natalie wasn't that hurt. It was only a small cut on the arm. Painful but livable. This morning while I enter the bus, I flip Matthews a finger. He deserves it in my own opinion especially after the fuss he created yesterday. I leave him to throw daggers at my back while I take my usual seat at the back of the bus.

Today, I happen to be handling dyslexic reading lessons. And guess who happens to be my partner today?Elijah freaking Matthews. I am convinced God wants me to kill someone one of these days.

While we sit in a circle of six people including me and Matthews, I feel the need to puke in his book. The book we are reading is The Ghost Garden. The book is good and helpful but I don't think this is what these kids need right now.

All of them are having trouble reading the words and recognizing new words. A few more minutes and I am done with this reading.

"Have you all thought about how boring all this is?" I murmur abruptly. Matthews quickly sends me a warning look.

"What do you think children? Want to do something easier and fun?" I ask. They all cheer up in unison. I ignore Matthews glare reaching for the cards in my bag I spent hours working on last night.

I made my research about how to help the kids. Reading the books might help them but these cards may ease on the tension and make it more fun to learn, spell and memorize the words.

I made the cards with a few simple words I could think of together with some drawings I could manage. Plus I brought a few motivators.

"I lift a card up, you read the word, spell it and say it one more time correctly. If anyone of you does that correctly, they get a sweet. Doesn't it sound more fun?" I wiggle my brows suggestively lifting the pack of sweets for the kids to see.

I swear the lesson becomes funnier than I anticipated. Every kid is participating willingly. Our group attracts other kids from other groups. By the end of it, everyone is happy and eating a sweet.

"Is the seat taken? Naomi asks looking over at everyone at the table. During lunch break, it has always been me, Darcy and Wendy. They are not my friends. I don't even talk to them not that I want to. They are fine with it since they also know how to mind their business. They are the easiest going people in my opinion hence why I sit with them.

"No. Go on. It is all yours." Wendy replies despite the fact that the seat is next to me. Naomi settles down with her lunch beside me.

"I heard what you did today with the kids. I think the teachers liked your method too." Naomi starts.

I don't know how I am supposed to answer to that. Isn't this project meant to help the kids? I was only trying to help.

"I think it is pretty effective if you ask me." I shoot Darcy a look that shuts him up

"Leaving that aside, what do you think Raven?" I shoot my eyes up to her immediately.

"It is Kayla's pool party this weekend. Are you going to attend?" Naomi asks.

"I am so excited for the party. Kayla throws the best parties." Wendy mutters excited.

"Come on Wendy, we both know you want to attend the party because Simon Young is going to be there." Darcy throws her a look.

"What? Is that a bad thing he is going to be there?" Wendy cocks at brow at him.

"Everyone knows you are obsessed with him since fifth grade." Darcy accuses.

"I mean who wouldn't. He is attractive, smart and young and so am I." Wendy shrugs.

"How about you Raven?" Naomi cuts in on the two's banter. I hate to admit it loudly but I love when the two banter. It is like watching a chick flick with two people who are oblivious they like each other but they won't admit it. It is annoying but at the same time fun to watch. However Wendy and Darcy don't need to know that. All they need is to be convinced is that I don't care about their silly jokes and stupid conversations.

"I don't attend parties." I reply hardly.

"What? Which person in their life never attends parties?" Naomi lifts one brow at me.

"Don't push it Naomi." I warn coldly.

"You have to come to Kayla's party. It is going to be fun and everyone will be there."

"And that is the problem. I don't like people. They don't like me. Period." I digress.

"That is ridiculous Raven. Not everyone is the enemy. Again that is not enough reason to say no to your first party, right Wendy?" Naomi coaxes.

"Yes. I think Naomi is right." Wendy mutters hesitantly.

I look at all of them and come to a conclusion.

"No." I conclude.

"What? You can't be serious." Naomi creases her brows.

"In that case, we are done here." I stand up and leave the table.

I don't know who told Naomi that since she talked to me, we are friends. She got the wrong idea. And besides, high school parties are stupid. Loud music, cheap beer and a lot of horny people, that is not my scene. I am not going to let her convince me into anything.

While I walk through the school hallway, I find a girl crying. I look through the hallway but find no one.

"Hey." I kneel before her.

"Hey." I call again to get her attention.

"What is the matter?" I ask confused.

She hiccups before she lifts her puffy eyes to me.

"Why are you crying? Did anyone hurt you?" I ask concerned. She shakes her head violently before she looks down at something in her hand.

"It is broken." I acknowledge staring at the broken band in her hand.

"We can fix it." I lie. The little girl scoots her hand away when I reach for the band.

"You can't fix it. Even if you do, it won't be the same." she reasons. I huff. How am I supposed to break it to the young girl that she is actually right without offending her?

"Who gave you the band?" I ask alternatively.

"Shirley." she replies.

"Does Shirley go to this school?" The little girl nods her head.

"Who is she then?" I pry curiously.

"My best friend. She gave me the band before mom and I came here."

"You must have loved her then." I murmur.

"Yes. She was the best. She always hid with me when dad would always get drunk and shout at mom. She never left me alone. Do you also have a best friend?"

I stare dumbfounded at the girl. When did the conversation change direction to me? Best friend? I never had a real friend that wasn't grandma Lolita or Felicia. How was I supposed to have a best friend without real friends?

I force a tight lipped smile st the girl.

"Come on. We can get that fixed." I shoot up and help her up too.

"Any problem here?" I look behind to find Matthews. Of course he is the one who had to find us. That brings me to the question of how much he heard.

"Nothing. Her band just broke and I am going to try to help her fix it." I reply. He studies me for a while that for a second I get lost in his gaze.

I had never gotten a proper look of his eyes since he always avoided me at school like a plague. I always thought they were maybe dark but now that I actually look into them, they are a beautiful gray.

When Matthews clears his voice, I snap out of whatever reverie I had put myself into.

"Let's go." I pull the little girl's hand leading us away from him.

What the hell was that? I can't help but think as I disappear further down the hall.