
Bad Business: A Kickstarting Career

"Do you think you can replace me as the CEO of this company? That's a joke! I built this business from the ground up, and I won't let some inexperienced upstart take it away from me!" Akito Yamamura had always been determined to succeed in the world of martial arts, but his humble beginnings meant that he had to work twice as hard as others to make his dreams a reality. However, when he discovered Wong Corp, a unique workplace unlike any other, Akito found a way to combine his love for combat with his need for a steady income. The company offered "The Pit," a weekly martial arts competition where fighters could showcase their skills and win prizes. But the stakes were high, and the competition was fierce, with the winner moving up the ranks to eventually face off against the company's CEO, Jiro Kim. However, Jiro didn't take kindly to newcomers, and Akito soon found himself facing off against the powerful CEO, who was determined to maintain his hold over the company. Despite the challenges, Akito refused to give up, and he continued to train hard every Friday to prepare for the weekly competitions. And while his ultimate goal was to defeat Jiro and take his place as the CEO, the road ahead was filled with obstacles and uncertainties. Would Akito be able to rise to the challenge and achieve his dreams, or would Jiro's power prove too great to overcome? Only time would tell.

meixiaolian · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

CHAPTER 7: Tornado.

Akito wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand and raised his fists in a defensive stance. He had never been in a fight like this before, but he knew that he had to prove himself. Sang-Hyun circled him like a predator, his eyes locked onto Akito's every move.

"So, this is the test, huh?" Akito said, his voice laced with determination.

Sang-Hyun smirked at him. "Your move, Yamamura. Let's see if you're any good at fighting."

Akito braced himself as Sang-Hyun slowly walked towards his desk, pressing a button. Suddenly, the room was locked down, the window closed, and the door sealed shut. There was no way out.

"no running away," Sang-Hyun said as he pressed the button, he smirked at Akito.

Akito looked around in a panic as the shutters closed the window, and the door locked itself. He quickly focused back on Sang-Hyun, who rushed towards him, leaping and swinging a roundhouse air-kick.

Akito managed to block the attack, feeling the force of the kick ripple through his arm.

With a swift motion, Akito counterattacked with a jab to Sang-Hyun's chest, sending him reeling back. Sang-Hyun quickly regained his composure and launched himself at Akito once more, but this time with a flurry of punches.

Akito felt his heart pounding in his chest as he moved with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging and weaving as Sang-Hyun launched a series of strikes at him.

"T-This guy is fast..!" Akito thought to himself, he tried to look for a spot to attack, and he sees an opening.

He felt a surge of excitement as he saw an opening, and without hesitation, he threw a powerful uppercut toward Sang-Hyun's jaw. But Sang-Hyun was no slouch, and he quickly countered with a swift Jiujutsu move, grabbing Akito's arm and tossing him to the ground with a loud thud.

"ACK!-" Akito exclaimed as he hit the ground.

Pain coursed through Akito's body as he hit the hard floor, his breath knocked out of him. He struggled to regain his footing, but Sang-Hyun was already on top of him, his leg raised and poised to strike. Akito's eyes widened in fear as he braced for the impact of the deadly axe kick.

Akito's eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing as he instinctively prepared for an attack. With lightning-fast reflexes, he rolled to the side, the muscles in his legs coiling and releasing in a powerful burst of energy.

As he moved, he felt a familiar spike of adrenaline and excitement that could only mean one thing: his Taekwondo training had kicked in.

Sang-Hyun's foot slammed into the ground where Akito had been laying just moments before, sending a shockwave through the room. His eyes widened in surprise as Akito excellently dodged his swift attack, his movements fluid and graceful.

Without missing a beat, Akito stood up and spun around and faced Sang-Hyun, his fists clenched and his jaw set in determination. He was ready for whatever came next.

"I was right, you're an interesting fighter," Sang-Hyun said, his grin widening as he assumed his battle stance. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he awaited Akito's attack.

Akito observed Sang-Hyun carefully, taking note of his opponent's Kung-Fu and JiuJutsu skills. He had never faced anyone who utilized Jiujutsu in combat before. The muscles in his foot tensed, and with a burst of energy he dashed toward Sang-Hyun,

Their bodies clashed in a thunderous collision, their fists and feet striking with lethal precision. Akito's movements were fluid, his punches landing with a satisfying thud.

Sang-Hyun, on the other hand, was fast and agile, his kicks coming from unexpected angles.

As they fought, they exchanged blows and grunts of effort. "You're good," Sang-Hyun complimented Akito between punches. "But can you keep up with me?"

"Time will tell," Akito replied with a fierce kick aiming for Sang-Hyun's torso. Sang-Hyun dodged gracefully, landing a kick of his own to Akito's shoulder. Akito winced in pain but quickly regained his composure.

Akito's chest heaved as he gasped for air, his muscles screaming in agony. Sweat poured down his face as he struggled to stand up straight. Sang-Hyun stood across from him, smirking with confidence. He had delivered blow after blow, expertly utilizing his Kung-Fu and JiuJutsu skills to keep Akito on the defensive.

"What's wrong?" Sang-Hyun taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You're done already?"

Akito's mind raced as he desperately tried to catch his breath. He knew he had to come up with something, and fast. He looked around frantically, searching for any clue, any inspiration that might give him an edge. he looks at his trembling legs.

Then, in a flash of inspiration, he saw a wild idea take hold in his mind, and he smiled a wicked smile at Sang-Hyun.

Without a word, he took off at a sprint, his body moving with newfound strength and agility. Sang-Hyun's eyes widened in surprise as Akito closed the distance between them, Sang-Hyun quickly swung a back-king towards Akito.

"I knew it! You fell for it!" Akito exclaimed as he took a deep breath, his body tensing as he prepared for an attack. The air around him crackled with a massive surge of energy, causing the hairs on Sang-Hyun's arms to stand on end.

Sang-Hyun's back-kick missed its mark as Akito expertly dodged it with a swift sidestep. A faint smile tugged at the corner of Akito's lips as he saw the surprise etched on Sang-Hyun's face.

"Form 6th, Tornado 360!" Akito mumbled under his breath as his legs tensed up. He spun around

Akito's eyes narrowed in determination as he unleashed a deadly kick toward Sang-Hyun's face. The kick was swift and fierce, with the force of a tornado behind it.

Akito's foot moved like a blur as it connected with Sang-Hyun's head, the impact echoing throughout the room. Sang-Hyun barely had time to recover before the second kick hit him square in the jaw, sending him stumbling backward with a loud grunt of pain.

As he tried to regain his balance, Sang-Hyun couldn't help but be impressed. "T-Tornado Kick?!" he thought to himself, his eyes widening with surprise.

He had heard of the move before, but he had never seen it executed with such speed and precision.

Akito was already moving again, his body a blur of motion as he unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks. Sang-Hyun tried to block them, but he was struggling to keep up with the younger man's speed and agility.

Their movements were a blur as they exchanged blows, the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoing through the room. Akito's attacks were fast and precise, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy. Sang-Hyun was doing his best to defend himself, but he was clearly outmatched.

Akito lands his finishing attack with a spinning back-kick. The force of the blow sent Sang-Hyun reeling backward, stumbling over a bookshelf in the office. Books rained down on him as he crashed to the ground.

Sang-Hyun let out a loud groan, his hand clutching his chest, he looks at Akito. giving him a grin.

Akito stood there as he tried to catch his breath, looking down at Sang-Hyun. sweat running down his face. he was waiting for Sang-Hyun's approval if he was accepted by the company or not, the room was filled with books and small debris

"You're quite an interesting fighter," Sang-Hyun said, still grinning. "I'm sure he'll be pleased with what he sees."

Akito didn't know to whom Sang-Hyun was referring, but he couldn't bring himself to care at the moment. He was focused on catching his breath, his chest heaving as sweat poured down his face. The room they were in was cluttered with books and debris, evidence of previous battles that had taken place.

Sang-Hyun straightened up, his grin still firmly in place. "You have impressed me, Mr. Yamamura," he said. "Consider yourself accepted."

Relief flooded through Akito, but he tried not to show it.

He had wanted this job badly, and the thought of being rejected had been unbearable. Now, though, he could hardly believe his luck.

"Thank you," he managed to gasp out.

Sang-Hyun chuckled. "You'll fit in nicely here," he said. "We have quite a few battles ahead of us, after all."