
Bad Business: A Kickstarting Career

"Do you think you can replace me as the CEO of this company? That's a joke! I built this business from the ground up, and I won't let some inexperienced upstart take it away from me!" Akito Yamamura had always been determined to succeed in the world of martial arts, but his humble beginnings meant that he had to work twice as hard as others to make his dreams a reality. However, when he discovered Wong Corp, a unique workplace unlike any other, Akito found a way to combine his love for combat with his need for a steady income. The company offered "The Pit," a weekly martial arts competition where fighters could showcase their skills and win prizes. But the stakes were high, and the competition was fierce, with the winner moving up the ranks to eventually face off against the company's CEO, Jiro Kim. However, Jiro didn't take kindly to newcomers, and Akito soon found himself facing off against the powerful CEO, who was determined to maintain his hold over the company. Despite the challenges, Akito refused to give up, and he continued to train hard every Friday to prepare for the weekly competitions. And while his ultimate goal was to defeat Jiro and take his place as the CEO, the road ahead was filled with obstacles and uncertainties. Would Akito be able to rise to the challenge and achieve his dreams, or would Jiro's power prove too great to overcome? Only time would tell.

meixiaolian · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs



Sang-Hyun's eyes were fixed on Akito, a malicious smirk spreading across his lips.

"I'm not surprised," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "Show me everything you got, Yamamura. Let's see if you were built just like him."

Akito furrowed his brow, confusion etched onto his features. "Him?" he muttered, before he could even make sense of Sang-Hyun's words, he was blindsided by a powerful uppercut that sent him reeling.

Sang-Hyun moved with blinding speed, his strikes coming in rapid succession.

Akito struggled to keep up, his instincts taking over as he dodged and weaved through Sang-Hyun's barrage of attacks. The employees looked on in awe, some of them too scared to even breathe.

Yoo-Mi Yung watched from a safe distance, her heart racing as she saw the brutal exchange unfolding before her eyes.

"Mr. Hyun is fast today," she muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. "I wonder what made him almost go all out on Yamamura."

Sang-Hyun's karate skills were impeccable, his movements were swift and precise as if he had been practicing for this moment his entire life. His fists and legs moved in a blur, each strike aimed to take down his opponent.

Akito, however, refused to give up. His Taekwondo skills were just as impressive, and he knew he couldn't let Sang-Hyun get the best of him. He dodged and weaved through Sang-Hyun's strikes, looking for an opening to counterattack.

"You think I'll give up that easily?!" Akito shouted back, his eyes locked onto Sang-Hyun's.

Sang-Hyun only laughed in response, "You're not even a challenge for me! You're just a kid trying to play with the big boys!" He continued to throw punches and kicks, hoping to wear Akito's stamina.

Sang-Hyun let out a roar as he charged at Akito, his fists flailing in the air. Akito calmly sidestepped the first few punches, analyzing his opponent's movements.

With lightning-fast reflexes, he weaved between the punches and landed a swift jab to Sang-Hyun's gut.

Sang-Hyun doubled over in pain, gasping for air. He knew he had to get back up quickly, or else he would be defeated. With a sudden burst of energy, he pushed himself back up and took on a defensive stance.

"You're no match for me, just give up," Sang-Hyun taunted, his voice strained as he held his stomach.

Akito didn't respond. He knew that he had to stay focused and wait for the right moment to strike.

Akito's instincts kicked in as Sang-Hyun launched himself at him with a flurry of punches.

Akito moved with fluidity, his Taekwondo training coming into play as he dodged and weaved. Suddenly, he saw the perfect opportunity and shouted, "3rd Move, Counter!"

Sang-Hyun's eyes widened in surprise as he realized too late that he had fallen for Akito's trap.

"Shit.." he thought to himself, he knew he was fucked.

Akito ducked under his arms and spun, unleashing a powerful Spinning Hook Kick that connected with Sang-Hyun's face with a sickening crack.

he flew across the room, the employees were in shock. They had never seen such raw power before. Their eyes widened, and their mouths fell open as Sang-Hyun hit the wall with a loud thud, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.

Some of them were scared, backing away slowly, while others cheered and clapped, amazed at what they just witnessed. The janitors, who were hiding in the break room, even came out to see what happened.

The lobby was now filled with murmurs and whispers, as everyone tried to process what they just saw. Akito stood there, catching his breath and wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"That was insane," one of the employees said, breaking the silence. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Yamamura is a beast," another team member chimed in. "I wouldn't want to mess with him."

"Did you see that?!" one of the employees exclaimed. "He knocked him out cold!"

The scene was intense and everyone's eyes were glued to the fight. As Sang-Hyun flew across the room and landed on the wall, the employees gasped in shock and awe.

They couldn't believe the amount of strength and power that Akito had displayed.

"He's like a freaking ninja!" one team member exclaimed, nodding in agreement with another.

Yuzu was also there, standing amid the crowd.

She watched as Akito displayed his Taekwondo skills with such finesse and grace. Her eyes widened with shock and admiration at Akito's burning determination to fight.

"Is he going to be okay?" Yuzu asked one of her colleagues, concerned for Sang-Hyun's safety.

"Don't worry about him, he's tough as nails," the colleague replied. "But man, that was intense! I can't wait to see what happens next!"

Yoo-Mi Yung, who had been watching the fight from a distance, couldn't believe her eyes. She had always known that Sang-Hyun was a skilled fighter, but Akito's strength and agility were something else entirely.

With a sly smile on her face, Yuzu slowly reached for her phone, taking in the aftermath of the fight. Sang-Hyun was sitting near the wall, clearly damaged and defeated.

Without hesitation, she opened a social media app and snapped a picture of Akito's victory over Sang-Hyun. She took a moment to admire the photo before sending it to her colleague, Jiro, Sang-Hyun's brother.

"Hey, I think you're going to be interested in how this turned out," Yuzu typed out, her fingers tapping on the screen with glee as she sent the message.

She couldn't wait for Jiro's reaction, and the thought of Sang-Hyun's embarrassment only made her grin wider.

meanwhile in The Pit.

cheering and screams were heard from outside the locker room, filling the air, a man with fiery red hair sat on a bench, clad only in shorts.

He wiped off beads of sweat from his toned, muscular body with a towel, his deep red eyes filled with an intensity that could only be described as demonic. He wrapped something around his shoulders and fists, preparing for something big.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated, pulling him out of his trance. He picked up the phone, his eyebrows furrowing as he read the message from Yoo-Mi Yung. He had no idea what was going on, but he had a feeling it had to do with his brother, Sang-Hyun.

"Hm? Yoo-Mi Yung, what are you sending me right now?" he muttered to himself, his eyes glinting with dangerous excitement. Something told him that this was going to be interesting.

as he tapped the message he saw the image of Sang-Hyun, his brother in a poor state. "Poor Hyun, how pathetic of him.." Jiro smirked in excitement as he saw his brother beaten to a pulp.

he looked at the left side of the image, and there he was. Akito standing victorious, covered in sweat. "and I am guessing that this man here was responsible for this." Jiro whispered as he squinted his eyes at his phone.

a mischievous smirk formed on his lips before adding, "Interesting."