
Background Noise

Luanne is an experienced bartender who takes a vacation to Puerto Rico to visit her deployed boyfriend, while still in the airport she gets hit on by a CEO and stalked by two men. during the short vacation, multiple things go right... but to no one's surprise, multiple things went wrong as well. She narrowly avoided getting kidnapped but for how long can she run? What will she have to lose to be happy and safe? Any resemblance to real-life persons is purely coincidental... Thank you!

Ludo_torres · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


"Yeah, I just landed at the airport, are you here?" I looked around at the crowd for a green fatigue uniform with a familiar face but to my dismay, I didn't find one.

"No, but I'm on my way now. Do you have any money for food?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Good, I'll call you back in a bit. Go eat."

"Wait, you're hanging up? Why?

"I got to call my buddy and make sure he's okay. He said he would be landing soon too."

"Uh… okay."

"'Kay bye-bye." Before I could even respond he hung up on me, ending the conversation with a tone. I groaned in annoyance as I stopped in my tracks and glared at my phone. I just wanted to talk, I just wanted attention, I was here for him after all, but I wasn't going to admit that to him.

I stuffed my phone into my beach bag and made my way to the food court, where I was pestered and hit on by multiple men. I was on vacation visiting my boyfriend who was deployed to Puerto Rico for national guard duties. I would only be here for a little over a week catching the first plane Wednesday morning to return to Wilmington Delaware. So we had plans to make the most of my vacation. Together we chose to go to the beach and enjoy the entire first day off.

I was excited to show off my new bathing suit to him as soon as we got there. I've been deprived of some physical attention, so I was eager to pursue a bit of action today, so all of the extra unwanted attention was only annoying me.

Throughout the airport, I walked with my hands in front of me with my fingers intertwined. It was my way of politely saying I'm uninterested. It worked for a while as I ordered food and ate, but apparently, not everyone can take a hint.

You'd figure that at 2 a.m. people would be too tired to mess with you, but no. Here was Mr.Tall, Tan, and Handsome walking up beside me as I made my way to the escalator. I understood Spanish but to avoid any conversation I pretended I didn't by delaying my reaction and attempting to shoot him a puzzled look.

Attempt being the operative word.

"Hola Mami." I couldn't help it, his deep voice commanded my attention immediately. My attention snapped to him. I tried to give immediate eye contact but he was slightly taller than I thought. He stood a full head and shoulders above me so my gaze met his loosened tie first then I dragged it up to meet his beautiful honey brown eyes.

I felt a strange sense of familiarity but I couldn't quite place it, and I couldn't focus long enough to care, I was melting in his constant gaze. I tore my attention from his gorgeous eyes up to his messy, wavy, wet hair. I had a deep urge to play with it, brush it back, put it up, run my hands through it, and somehow tame its disheveled appearance. Each breath wafted a light scent of alcohol, a scent I don't particularly like, but prefer over cigarettes. I continued to scan over him. He was in a suit which made me curious about what he did for a living.

I guess I left him without a response for too long and he chose to try again, after clearing his throat.

"Hey, beautiful." his voice once again took my breath away as I made the unconscious decision to answer this time.

"H-Hi." I stuttered, clearing my throat and turning red. He just stared at me and tried to brush the hair out of his eyes. Annoyed, he sighed through his nose and gave up. He then stared at my wrist and seemed to get an idea as the escalator reached the first floor.

"I know you don't know me but… can I ask a favor… please? I need help with this." he pointed to his head and then the scrunchie on my wrist.

"I had gone to the bathroom to slick it back with water but it didn't work for nearly as long as I needed it to." he smiled shyly looking at the ground. His smile was infectious as I quickly answered.

"Sure." I had to remind myself that it would be difficult without him taking a seat.

"Need me to kneel?" I couldn't find a chair for him to sit on.

"Yes please." Defeated, I went with my last resort which was to make him kneel but I didn't want him to dirty his suit pants so I quickly folded my black cardigan and placed it on the ground in front of me. I also pointed at it to add emphasis on what I wanted him to do. I watched a crooked and sexy smirk stretch across his face broadcasting his deep dimples as he did so. Licking my lips as I chuckled to myself dismissing thought afterthought.

When he finally chose to kneel he made a comment that took me a while to understand.

"Damn girl I don't even know you that well." I could hear the smile on his face as I shuffled behind him, his voice was mocking and smooth.

Then it hit me… He was joking about marriage and how I told him to kneel. I just about died when I came to this realization.

"...Wait a minute, no! I was just… I didn't want… you to ruin your suit pants." he leaned his back and head on me as he laughed, I could feel his laughter vibrate my rib cage. He then leaned forward and tilted his head back further to make eye contact with me.

"I know love… I was just kidding." he chuckled a bit more. "You responded so late."

He once again started to laugh and butterflies attacked my stomach. I continued to try to gather his hair when he spoke again, this time I leaned over his shoulder to make eye contact.

"Thank you. You're too kind. You will make someone very happy one day, and if you ever choose to have one, I know the child will be beautiful too."

"I hope so too." I absent-mindedly responded, my smile was sweet and my look was far away. Refocusing on what I was doing I asked him how he wanted his hair.

"I just want as much of it out of my face and off of my ears as possible."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." I needed to pull his hair a bit to get at least the top half into the grey scrunchie but when I did he let out a sound.

"Mmn." He had moaned a bit and he followed the moan with a low growl like he was annoyed with his reaction. I couldn't help myself, I gripped his hair and pulled back a bit so he could look at me. I had a smug look on my face as I released him and resumed doing his hair. I pulled everything one last time to get as much as I could in the scrunchie. He let out another growl this time I leaned down to his ear.

"Easy there, tiger." A cocky grin grew across my face as I watched him bite his lip. He grabbed my ankle as I stood up straight again, which made me jump.

"I beg your pardon, This "tiger" hasn't eaten yet."

The inappropriate mental scream for more attention from this man was unholy, But I tried my best to brush it off, Chuckling to myself as I did so.

"Oh yeah? What's on the menu for tonight?" I asked sarcastically as I finished up his man bun.


My body shivered, I wanted to know what that meant… but somewhere in the back of my mind I already knew.

Walking around to the front of him I examined my work, his mid-length hair was half put up with barely any hair in his face and touching his ears. It wasn't perfect but it was the best I could do with what I had. I took half a step forward with the toe of my heels barely touching his knee. I leaned his head up a tiny bit by his chin and began stroking stray hairs back or behind his ears. I peeked down at him only to notice that he had his eyes closed and a small smirk on his face while my dress delicately swiped at his face. He once again took a hold of my ankle only this time I didn't jump but it did send a weird wave through my body. The weird sensation made me pinch my legs together. I know he noticed this but he didn't say anything.

"There!" I called, proud of how it came out. He just stared up at me for a moment sweetly smiling. When he finally chose to stand up he did so in a way that his face barely missed my boobs and his lips barely missed mine, he also dragged the hand that was holding my ankle, up my leg to my hips where he paused for a moment then pulled the strand that was holding my bikini bottom up untying the knot.

My brain begged for me to move away, create some distance, but the desire that his touch was feeding didn't even flinch in fact, it made me step closer.

He dropped my dress and pulled me to him by my waist and once he did a mischievous smile spread across my face.

What Am I Doing!?!?!

He licked his lips and bent down to be face level with me, then he slowly leaned in and growled in my ear.

"Hmm, Thank you." He then pulled back enough to show me a perfect smile with sharp-looking canines. Of course, it was nothing supernatural but that didn't stop me from wanting to be bitten. He was giving me all the green lights and I was hesitating.

Because I have a boyfriend.

I love the attention but I wasn't allowed to have it. I took a few steps back with disappointment clear on both our faces as he allowed me to pull away.

"You're welcome." I nervously smoothed my dress and looked around for anyone else who could have seen what happened and found no one. I smiled to myself. I peeked up at him and noticed his loose tie again.

Don't do it.

I narrowed my eyes at it.

Please don't do it.

I reached my arms up to his shoulders, pushing my chest up against him so I could reach up higher. But He didn't back away, he just leaned lower and closed his eyes.

Why? Don't do this. You don't know who he is.

I giggled as I removed his tie and pulled it over my head.

"Why are you wearing your tie like that a sneaky woman might steal it from you." he began to blush and it was adorable, his face dusted pink as he looked away.

"It's not every day that a beautiful rabbit like you comes by to steal my tie." I watched as he fought a pout. I was smiling to myself as I posed with the tie and wiggled with it on. I was about to take a seat at the bag return when he caught my wrist and pulled me to him. I shuffled a half of a step closer to him, my body pressed against his. I wasn't opposed to it, but I know it was wrong of me.

Why was it so hard to deny him? Why can't I tell him to leave me alone like the rest? What's different? What would Fernando think?

I looked up to meet his gaze and could see the hunger and the millions of questions he was holding back. He kept one hand in his pocket and the other on the small of my back gently keeping me close. I sighed the mixed feeling away.

"What's your name?" It was a question but the pure desire in his voice made it sound more like a demand.

His tone of voice was awakening things in me that I'm not sure I should allow. I of course answered him.

"Luanne Dion Trainer." I pushed away from him to keep what little self-control I had left, and he let me go reluctantly.

"Gray Thomson." His name echoed in my head over and over. I don't think I was going to forget it any time soon.

"Well, Luanne, do you know where I could find a cute, bratty rabbit?"

Right here! Right here! Me!

"No, sorry."

"That's a shame." We maintained eye contact the entire time, well more like his eyes were holding me captive as a cocky grin grew on his face. This was the first moment where I realized he had a slight stubble. He put his hand on the right side of my neck, his thumb gently coming to rest on my pulse before he spoke.

"This might be rude of me to say but… calm down your heart is beating so fast… and I didn't even do anything yet." He bent down to me and peppered the left side of my neck and shoulders with increasingly passionate kisses, which earned a few loud moans. My hands came to grip his suit top, my body once again pressed against his. I couldn't get myself to let go of him, the pleasure had me in a deep trance.

He stopped kissing me and stood straight up. I struggled to regain my composure and chose to rest my head on his chest until I was able to do so. I released his top and smoothed it down in the process when I successfully got a hold of myself.

I licked my lips and stepped away realizing that I was one well-placed kiss away from losing my mind and self-control. I watched as he stood where I left him completely lost in thought. I watched him retrieve his bag and point to another one on the belt.

"Is that one yours?" I shook my head at him as a woman hastily grabbed the bag he was pointing at and left. I looked at the far conveyor belt and noticed my bag was on it.

"It's over there." I took the chance to clear my head and calm down a bit, pausing after I retrieved my bag before coming back over.

Calm down. Just calm down.

He was standing near the sliding doors so I figured he was about to leave. I felt a little sadness well up at the thought but then he turned back to me and joined me at the wall beside the sliding doors. His gaze swept the room and returned to me.

"Wow, it's kind of empty huh? It feels kind of eerie… kind of lonely."

That's why you should keep me company.

I smiled shyly.

"Yeah… lonely."

"Why are you so…"

Sexy? Mysterious? Hot?

"Distant? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Tell him the truth.


"At least you're honest. Well, tell him that I found a rabbit and I'm going to have her, whether he hands her over, or I have to steal her from him."

"What?" My attention snapped to his eyes to see if he was joking, but his gaze was unwavering. A part of me shriveled up at the thought of being stolen from Fernando.

There is no way he would let this Gray guy steal me right?

But at the same time as soon as he laid claim to me I could feel something clawing at me, like hunger. It's been a while since Fernando desired me the way Gray was desiring me… but if life has taught me anything, it taught me that love, at first sight, is all but a myth. Gray wants something but what? Could his intentions be so shallow? Is he only interested in my appearance, my body?

Fernando has been so busy lately… almost like he doesn't have time for me but it would be unfair to judge his love off of that, he's away from home so often with volunteering and the National guard.

I don't know what to do… or what I want to happen.

"I want you. You're mine now. You say you have a boyfriend? Well, guess what, I'm going to be your new boyfriend you're welcome. Don't worry, I'm not always an asshole."

I wanted that… to be wanted, to get attention, I wanted to be desired not just kept around because I'm pretty, I wanted everything Gray was offering but not from him. I'm fine with being close to Gray as a friend… I mean aside from being handsy he seems like a pretty genuine guy, kind and sweet.

"Gray I-" My phone began to ring obnoxiously while the bright blue screen read Babe. I looked up at Gray who had a look of annoyance on his face before he looked away from me choosing to burn holes in the carpet for a second. I looked back at my phone to answer it but before I could, Gray cupped my face in his hands, pushed me up against the wall, and placed a kiss on my lips. Each second that passed the kiss got more angry and needy, he kissed me until my phone rang out. When it did he bit my lower lip earning a small moan from me.

"I want you to be mine… Please."

No this is bad, this is wrong. I like the attention but I don't want to replace Fernando

"No… I can't." I politely pushed Gray away from me. He cupped my cheek as my phone started ringing. My body stood frozen as my mind followed his hand as each finger left a wake of goosebumps. His hand trailed down my cheek to my throat where it remained as his thumb stroked my speeding pulse. He shone a mischievous grin.

"Answer the phone." The order was growled into my ear successfully making me melt. I just nodded.


"Yeah, I'm outside. Come on." I felt Gray tense and then relaxed when he heard Fernando's voice. When I peeked at him I caught a glimpse of a toothy smile before he leaned in and whispered 'good girl' into my ear.

"Uh, okay I'm coming… I mean I'll be out."

"Oh! Hey, my buddy is gonna be riding with us so be nice heh heh."

I looked at Gray who pulled away to look at me expectantly.

"O-Okay." Gray smiled and stepped away while I hung up.

"Give me your phone. Please?" He took a while to put his number in but when he finally handed it back I had a new contact under the name:

Gray (Daddy)

Rolling my eyes I deleted what was in the parentheses and typed random guy.

"Don't worry love, I'll take care of you." After he said this his phone began to ring so I used this opportunity to leave the building. I looked down at myself one last time and noticed I still had his tie on so I quickly pulled it off, folded it neatly, and pushed it deep into my bag.

I hurried out when I finished and quickly shuffled to the car. Fernando got out of the car and opened the trunk. Quickly pulling out his phone and typing something before even bothering to help or greet me. When he finished he shoved his phone into his pocket and helped me shove my suitcase in the back and cupped my face, placing a rushed soft kiss on my lips.

"How was your trip baby?" he stared at me sweetly as he waited for my answer.

"It-" I was interrupted by a familiar deep voice.

Oh shit!

"It was great, thanks for asking…" Fernando awkwardly dropped all contact with me which confused me greatly. I turned to face the voice and saw exactly who I was hoping it wasn't.

"This is one friendly ass reunion now, isn't it? Do I get one of those?" Fernando moved to shake Gray's hand but was ignored. Gray simply walked past him and stuffed his suitcase in the back of the car making Fernando clear his throat awkwardly.

What is he doing here? Does Fernando know him? If so, why is he acting so weird?

"Ludo this is Gray, Gray this is Ludo." Gray charmingly smiled and stuck his hand out, which I left hanging for a few seconds. Which Fernando softly elbowed me for.

"Ludo, he doesn't bite."

"Don't lie to her," he turned his attention back to me, his hand still out. "Yes, I do."

I reluctantly took his hand and he winked at me which made my face burn. Fernando didn't see it because he turned to close the trunk.

What is he up to?

"Hey, Nando? She looks familiar." My heart dropped to my stomach. Fernando slammed the trunk and turned to face him as he responded.

"Yeah, dude I sent you a picture. Remember?"

Wait so he already knew who I was?

"She's not a redhead Fernando." My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at Fernando, he clearly wasn't ready for that response and started panicking.


"No. No. No. The other picture." Gray smiled cockily like he cornered Fernando, but I was still lost.

"Oh! So she's the FRIEND you've told me so much about."

FRIEND? What the fuck is going on here?

"No… I'm his girlfriend, you must have confused me with someone else." Gray's mischievous smile returned as he looked at me.

"Did you dye your hair before you came? What was wrong with red?" I narrowed my eyes. I felt like I was getting toyed with. I looked at Fernando, annoyance clear on my face as I stared at him expecting an answer but got none.

"Clearly everyone's not on the same page. We can work on that later heh heh. In the meantime let's get going, shall we?" he sounded nervous but I rolled my eyes and stormed into the front passenger seat of his beat-up dark green Toyota, slamming the door behind me. The pair stayed behind the car, and I watched through the rearview mirror. It looked like Fernando was angrily whispering at Gray and Gray just rolled his eyes, pulled out his phone, showed him the screen, and whispered back. Whatever he said shocked Fernando, then he returned his phone to his pocket and got in the passenger seat behind Fernando without so much as another word. Distracted, Fernando got into the car and started driving. I turned on the air conditioner and turned up the music.

"Hey, bro don't you normally wear a tie? What? Did you lose it?"

"Hm? Oh! No. someone stole it."

"Heh heh heh was she pretty?"

"Sexy smile, body, and personality." I looked out the window as my face burned in response.

I'm going to die.