
Back to the year 2000: Scourge my wonderful wife

[What I owed you in my last life, I will pay you back ten thousand times in this life! 】 He, Jiang chu, was known as a scum doctor, and was disdained by the medical community and the world. With the remorse of suicide and top-notch medical skills, he was reborn 20 years ago.

DaoistmeKSxE · Urbano
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50 Chs

Chapter38 :Three minutes, perfect stitching


Everyone responded in unison.

Then, everyone quickly started to prepare for their own work!

Several anesthesiologists moved Chen Rui to the operating bed, and Liang Hua personally performed tracheal intubation.

At this moment, tracheal intubation was very difficult, so Liang Hua chose nasotracheal intubation, so as to avoid moving the child's neck as much as possible!

Whether it is oral tracheal intubation or nasal tracheal intubation, the tracheal tube will eventually enter the trachea.

Orotracheal intubation requires raising the patient's forehead and moving the patient's neck, which will affect the wound.

Nasotracheal intubation can avoid this problem, so Liang Huaha chose this method for intubation without hesitation.

After intubation, you need to connect to the anesthesia machine and start assisted ventilation.

To put it more simply and understandably, it is to create an artificial airway.

The purpose of this is because sedatives, analgesics and muscle relaxants are required during the operation.

The first two drugs can both suppress breathing and make normal people's breathing slow down or even disappear!

The last drug, muscle relaxants, can completely relax the skeletal muscles of the human body. In this way, the respiratory muscles will also be unable to work due to relaxation.

If there was no anesthesia machine to assist breathing, this person would have died before the operation.

Muscle relaxation is unavoidable during surgery, because the surgeon needs the patient's muscles to relax during surgery. Otherwise, how can he perform the surgery if the muscles are tight? How to operate?

On the nurse's side, the instrument nurse Jiang Shasha had already put on sterile surgical gown and was standing in front of the instrument table, waiting for the operation!

The head nurse Jiang Nan even led the nurses to search for peripheral blood vessels and perform venipuncture!

Another anesthesiologist, Meng Dali, performed deep venous puncture and cannulation in the child's leg.

Multi-pronged approach!

This is rescue in the operating room, every second is raced and everyone performs their duties!

Although it's urgent, don't panic!

Jiang Chu and Yang Fei quickly washed their hands and dressed!

By the time the two of them entered the operating room, Liang Hua had just finished anesthesia!

"Disinfection, draping, surgery!"

"Head nurse, please prepare blood after the nurse opens the meridians!"

Jiang Chu did his part and stood directly in the position of the magician.

After quick disinfection and drape, Jiang Chu took a deep breath and started the operation!

Yang Fei's face was even more solemn, and he had the same expression throughout the whole process

In the operating room, there are only the sounds of the monitor and anesthesia machine, and occasionally the sound of the suction machine.


There was no further movement.

In the operating room, everyone will remain silent only when faced with a difficult bone!

If the operation is not difficult, everyone will chat about home affairs, tell dirty jokes, and tell some gossip about the hospital.

At this time, Jiang Chu was fully focused.

The vascular anastomosis was easy for Jiang Chu.

However, Jiang Chu has never done this kind of vascular anastomosis for ruptured carotid arteries in children!

However, Jiang Chu is an expert in art and is bold. He has experienced hundreds of battles in the past and is confident.

Then I saw Jiang Chu:

Ligate the broken blood vessels on both sides respectively.

Clean the glass fragments from the damaged blood vessels,

Peel off the adventitia of blood vessels,

Cut the severed ends of the blood vessels and flush them with heparin.

Then select continuous stitching

The operation was carried out in an orderly manner.

Time passed little by little.

Jiang Chu's hands were fast and steady.

Everyone in the operating room watched Jiang Chu's operation.

Everyone's heart has changed from nervousness and apprehension at the beginning to shock and disbelief now!

Jiang Chu's hand is so steady!

The psychological quality is also extremely strong!

There was not even a trace of panic in the whole process!

Three minutes later!

Jiang Chu sutured the damaged blood vessels!

Everyone was simply stunned!

Three minutes. If it were an ordinary doctor, he probably wouldn't be able to deal with the severed end, right?

Is this Jiang Chu still a human?

As everyone knows, Chen Rui's life was saved!

However, everyone still remained silent.

Because the main event is about to begin!

At this time, Jiang Chu used gauze to clean up the remaining blood in the surgical field.

Then, release the proximal vascular clamp!

The blood began to flow.

Anastomosis, no bleeding!

Then, Jiang Chu loosened the blood vessel clamp near the heart.

Suddenly, the entire blood vessel began to fill with blood!

Flow rapidly!

Even, everyone could see traces of blood flowing through it, and there was a faint sound!

This is the carotid artery!

No bleeding, no vasospasm!

The operation was very successful!


Jiang Shasha spoke quickly and was the first to shout.

"Brother Jiang, you are so awesome!" Lei Ming's eyes were filled with little stars, and he wished he could bow down and let Jiang Chu accept him as his disciple!

"Jiang Chu, I didn't expect that you are so skilled in blood vessel suturing. You just took a few steps and before I knew what to do, you had already finished it." Yang Fei sighed, and his understanding of Jiang Chu improved a lot. cut!

Liang Hua praised Jiang Chu, he was more powerful than he thought.

It seems that my plan for the blood recovery machine needs to be submitted quickly!

Everyone praised Jiang Chu, and the atmosphere in the operating room suddenly became lively.

Jiang Chu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Liang, how are the patient's vital signs?"

As Jiang Chu spoke, he habitually looked up at the monitor.

"Everything is normal. After you blocked the blood vessels, there was no bleeding, and the patient's physical condition has been relatively stable." Liang Hua also turned his head and looked at it, smiling.


Suddenly, Jiang Chu's eyes narrowed and he carefully observed the data on the monitor.

Seeing Jiang Chu's serious expression, everyone couldn't help but look at the monitor.

Doctor's office area in the operating room.

Li Haitao is sitting here right now, and the old god is here.

He was waiting for Jiang Chu to have a problem.

Carotid artery vascular repair?

What a joke!

Such a thick blood vessel injury would kill the person within a few minutes.

This child was considered lucky. When he was injured outside the hospital, he was discovered by Jian Wenguang and treated immediately, thus saving his life!


Repairing blood vessels is not an easy task!

Li Haitao is very clear about the dangers and difficulties involved!

At least, he knew that he would never be able to do this surgery!

"I don't believe that you, Jiang Chu, were lucky enough to stop the bleeding with your bare hands, and that you were able to complete such a difficult operation today?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Haitao's mouth.

"After all, you are still young. You thought you had completed a difficult operation, so you raised your tail to the sky!"

"I'm going to let you know today what it means to climb high and fall hard!"

"Just watch, soon you won't be able to perform the operation and you die on the operating table, so I will put all the responsibility on you!"

"When the time comes, I will not only get you out of the General Surgery Department, but also get you out of the city hospital!"