
bound to the rental home system

Xuying stumbled through the dank, dark sewers, lost and exhausted. The freezing water seemed to have seeped into her very bones, and her muscles were aching with fatigue.

And then, that voice again. "Host, do you agree to bind to the rental system? After binding is successful, I will gift you a basic property with one bedroom and one living room for your own use."

Xuying's brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?" she asked, glancing around the flooded tunnel for any sign of another presence. "Who's there?"

"Host, I am the Rental System," the voice replied, calm and smooth despite the chaos that surrounded Xuying. "I have detected your urgent need for a residence, and I can provide this for you. Do you agree to bind to the system?"Xuying considered her options. She was lost, alone, and desperate. She didn't know what kind of game this "system" was playing, but it seemed to be her only hope of escape from this watery hell.

"Alright," she finally said, her voice hoarse from shouting over the rushing water. "I agree to bind to the system."

The air around her seemed to shift, as if she had just entered a different world. A sense of peace and calm settled over her, despite her surroundings.

"Wonderful," the voice said.

"Host, I will now transport you to your basic property. I recommend you explore the system functions after arriving." The voice continued, "But first, I have a few warnings for you. Be wary of dangerous creatures in the tunnels. Beware of other survivors and raiders who would do you harm. And remember, in this world, no one is trustworthy. Trust only yourself."

Before Xuying could respond, a flash of light surrounded her, and she felt a sensation like she was being sucked into a vortex. Then, everything went black.

Xuying surveyed her surroundings, her eyes filled with wonder and confusion. She was standing in front of a big fence, in a place that seemed familiar to her. It was near the Vermillion Bird Base, where her house was located. However, what she saw before her was completely unexpected.

A vast expanse of land, approximately 4000 square meters in size, surrounded by a high wall and an electric fence, appeared to have materialized out of nowhere. This was astounding, as every inch of land in the Vermillion Bird Base was worth a fortune.

Xuying had heard stories from the old people in the Base about this piece of land. They said that it had suddenly appeared overnight, with no warning or explanation. No one dared to touch it, not even the highest ranking officers of the Base. It was surrounded by an electric fence that was impenetrable, even to powerful zombies and mutated beasts.

Standing before this mysterious land, Xuying was dumbfounded. She had never imagined that she would be standing in front of it, let alone that it would become hers. But that was exactly what was happening.She swallowed her saliva and walked towards the door, reaching for the room card that the system had given her. She hesitated for a moment, the weight of the situation sinking in. Then, with a deep breath, she swiped the card at the sensor.

"My lovely and beautiful master," a voice rang out. "Welcome home."

Xuying stood still, her mind reeling. Was this really happening? Was this land, this house, truly hers?

sorry it not long it a reminder to an author whose story am expecting

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