
Too Much Blood Loss No Rescue

Yi Xia powerlessly leaned against Bai Linwan, but she knew in her heart that he was not to be blamed.

As her eyes fell on the red light of the operation room, Yi Xia couldn't help but clench her fists and hope that Lu Xiangnan could come out safely …

However, as time passed, her heart was filled with fear.

I can't live after Lu Xiangnan said that, it kept repeating in her mind, and it made her even more scared, so much that he felt cold all over.

Bai Linwan felt that her condition wasn't right, but he could only accompany her.

After an unknown amount of time, the lights in the operation room were finally extinguished.

Seeing that, Yi Xia stood up and looked expectantly towards the door.

Sure enough, a moment later, the door to the operation room opened.

The main surgeon came out very quickly, and saw the anticipation in Yi Xia's and Bai Linwan's eyes.