
Qi Lu Lu Was Infuriated

Receiving the guarantee, Yi Xia asked arrogantly: "Since my work is Ok, then Director Lin will not remove the position of manager from here for no reason, right?"

Yi Xia locked her slightly cold eyes onto Lin Yanfeng, she must give him a guarantee.

Otherwise, after the meeting, Lin Yanfeng would definitely use some other question to make things difficult for Lin Yueqi.

Lin Yueqi looked at Yi Xia's skinny figure, her heart suddenly shivered, and her eyes became moist.

How long had it been since she had a feeling of being protected by others? But now, Yi Xia was facing Lin Yanfeng fearlessly for her sake.

Narrowing his eyes, Lin Yanfeng surveyed his surroundings on Yi Xia and Lin Yueqi: "You two know each other?"

Otherwise, why would Linda protect her sister?

Seeing that she was being suspected, Yi Xia admitted it straightforwardly: "We were once classmates, is there a problem?"