
Promise to Go Home to Eat

Qi Lulu's Incense Stick was undoubtedly a good Inherent Skill, but … If she was blinded by jealousy again, she would probably be finished.

Hearing Yi Xia's words, Qi Lulu was so angry that her face almost twisted.

What does Yi Xia mean by this? Was he mocking her?

"Then I'll thank you for your teachings, Chief." Qi Lulu squeezed these words out from the gaps between her teeth.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was useful, she definitely wouldn't have been humiliated here.

"You're welcome." Yi Xia's gentle words caused the blood and energy in her heart to churn.

Qi Lulu glared at Yi Xia angrily. Gritting her teeth, she thought that she would teach this slut a lesson sooner or later.

Yi Xia did not bother with Qi Lulu anymore, focusing on the incense in front of him, and did not notice that Qi Lulu was secretly observing her.

Time slowly passed and in the blink of an eye it was already noon.