
Lu Yunying Presided over the Banquet

"Alright, you should go back, Chairman Lin."

Seriously, even after becoming the chairman, she still acted like a little girl.

"If you only know how to tease me, then I'll leave first." Being reminded by her, Lin Yueqi quickly let go of her.

"Go back to work." Yi Xia nodded and watched her leave.

After Lin Yueqi left, Yi Xia headed towards Fragrance City. She first took out the perfume for next season.

When she reached Blending Room, just as she was about to take out the fragrances, her phone suddenly rang.

Yi Xia took out her cell phone to take a look. It was Bai Family Mansion.

She cut open the answer button, and Lu Yunying's gentle voice came out from the other side: "Yi Xia, where are you?"

"Mom, I'm at the company, what's wrong?" Yi Xia asked suspiciously, she did not expect Lu Yunying to call her.