
Live Less than Two Months!

"Right." The doctor looked at Bai Linwan and sternly and explained in a heavy voice: "Because Young Master's emotions fluctuated too much, it caused his condition to worsen even more quickly, and he needs to temporarily enter the aseptic ward to observe the situation."

When Yi Xia heard this, her legs instantly went soft and she almost fell to the ground. Xiao Bai just fainted this time, why is it so serious?

"Doctor, what is Little White's condition?" Yi Xia's eyes were filled with grief, afraid of hearing the grievous news.

The doctor's brows slightly knitted, he could tell that Yi Xia seemed to be unable to endure such an outcome, but he could only sigh and say, "Young Master's body is getting worse, I'm afraid the surgery will have to be done earlier."

Yi Xia completely did not think that Lil 'White would be able to treat him earlier.