
I Can't Believe You Anymore

"Brother, I am your sister, your relative. Yi Xia is just an outsider to you. Because of her, are you going to ruin my entire life?" Bai Linna asked with a shrill voice. She still had a sliver of hope that Bai Linwan would forgive her this time.

"All of this is your own fault." Bai Linwan looked at Bai Linna with a complicated gaze as he said coldly: "I have given you one chance after another, but you have yet to make up your mind."

Lu Yunying watched all of this from the side, her lips slightly moved, but she still maintained her silence in the end.

Looking at the decisiveness in Bai Linwan's eyes, she realized that Bai Linwan was serious.

If this matter were to be brought to trial, she was afraid that she really would have to go to jail.

No, she didn't want to go to jail.

At this moment, her heart was filled with despair and panic.