
Fiery Heart

"The doctor came over to take a look, and gave the Miss Lin some medicine for the needle, so the only thing he can do now is to slow down his fever." The nurse quickly said.

"Linwan... "Please, don't leave me. I really like you …" The corners of Lin Ruowan's eyes gradually moistened as he muttered to himself.

When Bai Linwan saw how she thought of him, a bad taste arose in his heart.

It was impossible for them to be together, but in her heart, she still had him.

He felt an indescribable heaviness in his heart when he thought of the flowers she had said in her car accident.

However, all of this could only be explained to her after she recovered.

Time trickled by, and Lin Ruowan's fever dropped a little.

She slowly woke up and slowly opened her blank eyes. Her voice was hoarse. "Water …"

Bai Linwan stood up and supported her up, holding a cup of warm water in one hand.