
Don't Even Think about Going Anywhere

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Linwan slowly opened his eyes and stared at her figure with a smile.

Yi Xia turned and looked at him, and asked with a face full of suspicion: "Isn't this the hospital?"

Bai Linwan's eyes flashed a look of understanding. After losing her memories, Yi Xia did not come to this resting room.

"This is the hospital's resting room, right next to Whitey's room." Bai Linwan sat up, and wrapped his arm around Yi Xia's waist.

Although it was a bit awkward, Yi Xia was thinking about other things, and did not struggle free from his hand.

Bai Linwan moved closer and took a sniff at Yi Xia's face.

The sensation instantly brought Yi Xia back to her senses, and she glanced at him playfully: "Stop messing around."

"Who's causing trouble?" Bai Linwan narrowed his eyes in displeasure, and suddenly covered her red lips.