
Bai Family Jade Bracelet

Lu Yunying said unquestionably: "Don't worry, if she continues to bully you in the future, you can tell me and I will personally take care of her."

"Then I'll thank Auntie first."

She was not a saint, so she would naturally not unconditionally forgive those who had hurt her. If Bai Linna were to be punished in the future, she would naturally be at ease.

"There's no need to be so formal. From now on, we are family." Looking at Yi Xia amiably, Lu Yunying felt a lot better in her heart.

Not long after, the butler came down with an expensive wooden box.

Coming to Lu Yunying's side, he said with a serious face: "Madam, what you want."

"Yes." Lu Yunying carefully received the wooden box, and gently placed it on the tea table to open it.

Yi Xia looked over, and immediately saw a pair of emerald green bracelets, which looked extremely expensive.