
Am I Really the Person You Want

"Yi Xia..." Frowning at Yi Xia, Bai Linwan's eyes were filled with distress.

He didn't know how to lie, so he naturally couldn't answer her …

Even though he had been paying attention to Yi Xia for a long time now, he didn't know whether or not Yi Xia would already be together with her if he had not destroyed his relationship with her that day …

Seeing Bai Linwan's silence, Yi Xia's heart suddenly hurt, and she subconsciously avoided his sight.

"I understand now …" "You can leave now …" Yi Xia's eyes were filled with a coldness that rejected others by a thousand miles.

"What do you understand?" Bai Linwan asked with a sunken voice, he frowned, he did not want her to think too much.

Although he was unable to answer this question, since there was nothing between the current him and Lin Ruowan, could she not trust him?

"Nothing …" I just want to be quiet for a bit, "Yi Xia said calmly, but her eyes could not fool anyone.