
A Family of Three Has Nothing to Do with You

Recently, Yi Xia was getting better and better, and Little White's body was also very stable. Everything was progressing in a good direction, and it couldn't help but make him happy.

Pushing open the door of the ward, Lu Xiangnan smiled and called out, "Yi Xia, Little White …"

As he finished speaking, the smile on his face froze. The open window blew into the wind, causing the curtain to flap noisily.

The white sickroom was as new as ever. There was not a single person inside, and all the personal belongings were gone.

Could it be that something has happened?

Lu Xiangnan could not help but take a step back, and the box in his hands fell to the ground.

But then, they suddenly thought that something was wrong. With Bai Linwan taking care of them, both Yi Xia and Little White should have been alright.

With his hands clenched into fists, Lu Xiangnan left the sickroom with large strides, heading towards the Principal's office.