

infinity_4535 · História
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1

'' ELLA !! '' Shouted a girl who was chasing another one . Suddenly Ella's felt a heavy jerk and her body fell with a loud thud . Everyone started surrounding her but no one tried to help her and soon darkness consumed her . 



Everything is over.....I never thought my life would end like this . I never wanted my life to end like this . I know I've made mistake...it's all my fault . I shouldn't have done it...I.....I want to make things better...I want to rectify my mistakes....I just want another chance.....

A voice - '' You can have another chance '' 

Ella   - '' who's there ? '' 

I can't see anything....who is talking to me ? 



Ella frowned at her situation and then again  she heard the voice '' Do you want another chance ? ''  Ella again looked around but this time she answered '' Yes...please give me another chance please '' but this time she didn't got any answer and so again pleaded and then again she heard '' For this you have to do my task '' Ella couldn't understand but then also she agreed to it . and then everything went black.

'' Miss are you alright ? '' said a girl in maid outfit . She was literally hovering a beautiful girl who was lying on the bed . 

The girl opened her eyes and looked around but couldn't recognise the place which made that maid more worried . '' Miss do you remember me ? No...do you remember yourself ? '' asked the maid with worried look . And the girl answered with difficulty '' I'm Ella . '' The maid sighed in relief . '' At least you remembered your name !! I am Rue, your maid . I've with you since our childhood don't you remember ? '' 

Ella just looked at rue and thought ' so that voice was talking about this task ? ' and then she heard the voice ' This body in which you are right now...was the only miss of this family but her identity is hidden from the whole world but unfortunately her sister killed her . This family have gone through many hardship especially her mother and her mother have requested to avenge her daughter and fulfill her every wish she had and now you will do that . After completion of the task you will be back to your own world . ' With that the voice vanished . 

'' What have I gotten myself into ? '' Ella sighed while pinching her temple .