
Back in Time To You

Amanda thought she was born this way, to be betrayed, and end up like a fool who doesn't know what it is to live like a powerful person. She only dreamed of living a simple life with Edmund, her fiancée. However, she didn't expect to be betrayed by someone she'd loved. She's lost everything but the precious ring her mother had given her. Knowing she couldn't let them have their way, she swallowed the ring before plunging to her death. However, she didn't expect to wake up in her room after her death. As she continues, she will be facing the same plot of her life. However, she will change it into a brand new life. But, as she goes on turning the tables. She will be encountering unexpected events that will make her change.

NotiamDawn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Chapter 35

- Amanda

"So, the student council will be electing a new president to help run the school. Since Vidia, the main president transferred." Aurora announced.

"I know." Amanda sighed,

"Since you were her VP, we decided you should be the school's president." Ivy added.

"Are there other candidates?" Amanda asked,

"No, just you." Aurora snorted.


"You know nobody can match up to you. Especially with your abilities." Ivy grinned.

"The council really wants to make me tire out." Amanda groaned

Ivy laughed.

"Starting tomorrow you are now the new president." Aurora announced as she went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red wine.

"I prefer whiskey." Ivy pointed to another bottle next to the bottle Aurora took.

"Red wine is better." Aurora chided.

She took 4 wine glass and poured the wine.

"A toast to the new school president!" Aurora raised her glass.

So did the others.

"Good luck pres." Heather winked.

- after everyone left for home

Sighs. 'Now I have to make a move.'

In her past life, Simeon had planned to move Shannon into Corona Austra University at the second semester.

Since she was the president that time, she ordered to make the exam for Shannon easier than the usual.

She even had to disappoint the principal by playing naughty.

In the end, she got expelled.

She haven't heard of her other friends ever since.

Vidia was shocked when the news came to her.

She tried to convince Amanda that she shouldn't trust her new family.

They broke into a fight.

- in her past life

"Mandy, you can't trust them. I know they're important to you but you can't just-" Vidia looked at Amanda in the eye, hoping to convince her.

"Vidia, this is my choice. It doesn't matter to you." Amanda rolled her eyes exasperated,

"Can't you see they're brainwashing you? You have to wake up. They'll turn their backs on you once they took everything from you." Vidia tried to calm her voice.

"They won't." Amanda insisted,

"They will."

"Why can't you trust them?"

"Because I know people like them. They pretend to be pitiable then stab you on the back!"

"If that's what you think then leave me alone. It's not like you know them better than me."

"It's not what you think. Mandy, I cared about you."

"I can't see how you cared."

This took Vidia aback.

"When your mother died, I was there for you. Can't you see that?"

"When I make decisions, you always go against it."

"It's for your best."

"No! You were the one brainwashing me, not them."

"Mandy, please listen to me. Just this once-"

"No! I'm done listening to you. Ever since they arrived you changed to a complete different person. Well, just so you know.

I'm done! I'm done being your friend. You always wanted to go things your way. I hate you! Very much!" Amanda choked.

Hearing those words, Vidia burst into tears.

"Cry all you want! For all I care." Amanda yelled.

"Fine! If you don't want to be mine, then don't! Ever!" Vidia stormed off wiping her tears.

- present