
Feelings Are 'F' Word

There are times you feel like who you are born as doesn't seem right,you might not really be able to accept yourself as who you are.Sometimes something wrong seems so right and the right thing seems wrong.The point is,such feelings of wanting to be more than who you really are,might not be wrong neither are they right.We just need to embrace who we were born to be,accept ourselves and try to find something interesting in the self we don't really accept maybe just maybe we were born like that for a reason.

Malvin found himself in such situation,he just couldn't accept the fact that he was born an Omega.His bloodline is traced from very powerful Alphas,so what went wrong?

Although he is beautiful,powerful,intelligent and perfect,too perfect for an Omega,he couldn't accept the fact that he Malvin will become a slut for some Alpha and will be giving birth to kids,that is freaking not gonna happen.

He wanted to be an Alpha or at least a Beta or maybe a Delta,anything but an Omega the most vulnerable,pathetic beings in the universe.He hated being an Omega and also hated the fact that he is a beautiful one who attracts Alphas like bees.Those Alphas kept coming even when he keeps rejecting them in a not so nice way.

The most sad thing of being an Omega is that,he is bound to marry an Alpha whether he likes it or not,Omegas and their fellow Omegas can't be together,Betas can't satisfy Omegas and Deltas can be with Omegas except they are very rare,every family has just one Delta born.He wanted to marry maybe an Alpha woman but that was not a good idea at all so indeed he is bound to be his supposed "slut" for a "pathetic" Alpha and there is nothing he will be able do about it except of course make it extremely difficult for any Alpha to get him or he can just stay single forever?

To be honest,alot will kill to live the life of Malvin.His Father is a Magnus Dux,a powerful person after the Royal family. And he Malvin although is an omega he isn't just any Omega,he is extremely beautiful and mesmerising,he is powerful,no Alpha scent can trigger him or intimidate him,so Malvin's life is too perfect in the eyes of everyone except him.His ego doesn't let him realize the interesting part of his life.He is just too arrogant,wild,fierce and most of it all heartless to the outer world.Romantic feelings,Love and fated mates is an "F" word to him.

But even when he is so unruly,prominent Alphas don't stop feeling attracted to him,they find such unruly attitude of his,charming.He needed to be tamed and everyone one wants to be the one to tame this wild kitten but lot of them got scratched,it still doesn't stop others from trying though.

The more wild he is the more those Alphas wants to own him.

Inside a very luxurious room,Malvin lays on his bed, browsing through his phone, when he heard his maids talking about another great King who had come to propose marriage to him.He sighs frustratedly but suddenly smirks as and idea strikes him. He looks at his maid and said "Why don't I welcome this 'King',what do you think." The maid gulps nervously as she didn't dare to say anything and just bows her head.

Malvin scoffs as he walks out of his room and made his way to their huge living room where his father is meeting with the said 'King'.

"Dux Alfred,am King Collumbus from the kingdom of Ectsasia.I am here to marry your son Malvin Blue.I am also willing to offer 40% of my great fortune as a bride price,I...."the King couldn't finish his proposal statement before he was cut halfway by an angel voice,that's what he thought.

"Hello Mister." Malvin plasters a fake smile as he greeted the man,the only politeness he is going to show to the man.

"Hello to you too. You keep getting more and more beautiful." The man says dreamily but what he didn't know is that....Malvin hates being called beautiful!

So Malvin exploded...

"Now you listen to me." Arthit says gritting his teeth as he face the Alpha King head on,staring straight in his eyes with pure disgust. He continue..."I am not marrying anyone you piece of shit,now get the hell out of my house or you're going to regret ever stepping foot inside this house!" The King although was surprised by the outburst,he wasn't intimidated nor offended in the slightest,he knew what he was in for. He's just disappointed that Malvin didn't give him a chance.

"Malvin!!!!!!" Booms his Father in a strict tone as he stares at Malvin in disappointment, something Malvin is already used to. He simply just rolls his eyes with his arms folded on his bosom.

"Why have you become so unruly,go back to your room now!!"Malvin stares coldly at his father and stomps off to his luxurious huge bedroom.

The king and his Father talked a while before they escorted him to the guest house and assured the king that they will talk about everything,and also apologized on his son's behalf,he also told the King that he shouldn't worry but the Dux knew very well that there is nothing to talk about with Malvin,The King has simply just been rejected.

A day after the King bid goodbye to the Dux family and accepted the cold rejection from Malvin.

The Magnus Dux sighed tiredly as his wife comes and started rubbing the Dux Alfeed's tensed shoulders.

"Malvin again right?"asked his wife.

"You know, this kid is very lucky to be born in such a powerful family like this or else he would have been killed because of how unruly he is.I don't know why he can't simply accept himself and live a happy life,he is not just any Omega,he should appreciate that....he makes things so hard,i just hope he can learn to accept being an Omega and for him to realize how lucky he is.This is getting so frustrating!"the Dux exclaims then massaged his temples.

"He will come around,everything will be fine,don't get too worked up because of this,is not good for health"said his wife gently.

"Should we just force him into any suitable marriage?"asked the Dux.

"Hah,you seem to have forgotten who your son is,nothing can be forced on him,he might find some way to make his suitor quit marrying him without realizing,lets just..... wait,trust me,things will work out,now let's get some rest."

Malvin s parents wasn't the only ones feeling frustrated with his behavior.Was his ego that big to the point that he can't even realize how great he is or maybe it wasnt his ego,there might be a reason he is like that and Art, Malvin's older brother knows exactly why his baby brother has become like that.

When Malvin was a kid he was such a beautiful,cute and well behaved kid,he was given anything he asked for.Art treated his brother like he was the most precious thing ever and to Art,yes Malvin is the most important person to him.He knows somehow he is to be blamed for what his baby brother has become.It all started when Arthit was 8years old.

Flashback to 11years ago....


"Yes Mally,what is it baby?

"Can we go out today please please please!!"

"Fine but just give me a few minutes to get ready then we can go hang out today alright?"he could never refuse his Mally.

"Yayyy!" The excited kid went to get his breakfast while waiting for his big brother.

A while later they hit the streets all alone with no guards with them as they sneaked out of their palace.

The streets was very busy,Art and his baby brother was having lots of fun together,they intentionally didn't bring any bodyguards with them,they both just love to walk among common people,it makes them feel relieved from all the stress from their palace,they just love the momentary simple life.

But as they were walking Malvin felt a very sweet smell coming from of his brother,it smelled like roses and his brother was behaving very weird.

Malvin was suddenly dragged in a corner by Art,they stayed away from the buzzling market.

"P'Art are you okay!"asked the worried kid as he stares at his sweaty brother.

"Yes...Y-Yes..don't worry....we will....get out of here very soon..okay!"Art said with a heavy breath.He was experiencing his first heat,he didn't know it could come today and when he is in a huge market,he knew how dangerous it is for an omega in heat to be walking in a market with Alphas around..

So he wanted to hide till he felt a bit okay and ready to go back home before any Alpha spots him,he wasn't that vulnerable because he like Malvin also had powers but it was not that strong,so he just prayed for a miracle.

Suddenly he saw four huge Alphas approaching him and his brother,he wasn't that scared,he was just worried about little Malvin and he didn't want anything to happen to his baby brother,he now realized that he made a huge mistake not bringing guards with them.

"Now look what we have here,an omega in heat"one of them said smirking as they got closer to them in the dark alley they were hiding.

"Didn't your mama ever teach you not to get into this kind of situation?..Well,is not like i care"the second one said also approaching the firece looking omega who had a kid in his arms.

"Wow look at that fierce face,i love wild kitties"another said with a smile revealing a set of rotten tooth,Malvin cringe in disgust.

"Be a good boy and let P' satisfy your slutty wolf okay."the first said again then they release their Alpha pheromones,Art suddenly felt weak and suffocating,he also something was wetting his shorts.

"You smell heavenly,i will love to keep you after this session"the first one finally approached the half conscious omega,all this time Arthit was not getting what was happening but after hearing that his brother was in his heat,he knew there was trouble,he was taught about omegas heat and all it consequences so he knew these stupid Alphas wanted to **** his brother."Am not gonna let this happen" so he stood in front of his almost unconscious brother trying to protect him.

"Don't you dare come any further,stay away from my brother!"Arthit yells at them and growls.

"Get out of my way,brat!"they pushed him away and started touching Art, Malvin felt so disgusted that his brother's lovely body was being defiled by those filthy Alphas and Art was also very disgusted,he kept throwing up by their touches.Malvin stood up and kept screaming and hitting them with his tiny fist but he was pushed and kicked hard to the floor,this time he couldn't move, all he could do was watching in disgust and pleading them silently to leave his brother alone.

"Please let me...go..please..someone..help me...pleaseeeeee....anyone"Art pleaded in a weak voice.

"Shut up slut"he was slapped very hard by one of the Alphas.His clothes was ripped off, Malvin was crying and pleading them to spare his brother but that filthy beings wasn't going to show him any mercy.He prayed to whomever was listening to please save his brother,he will do anything.He saw one of them was unzipping their pants,ready to go between his brother's exposed thighs then suddenly he had no idea what came over him.

The Alphas was so excited to taste that angel that they didn't notice the 8years devil with red eyes standing behind them.

They heard creepy voices,so they turned to look at it but what they saw made them frozen on the spot.

"Defile yourselves,you pathetic wretched beings"the alphas immediately obeyed the command,they started defiling themselves in the way they wanted to do to Art,while screaming and moaning in torment.

Malvin resumed his composure and went to his brother who had fainted due to extreme disgust with his clothes ripped leaving him half naked so Malvin removed the cloak on him and covered his elder brother.

Not long after,their bodyguards came out of nowhere and helped his brother inside their car,he sat beside his unconscious brother sobbing,he felt it was his fault that his brother came to town today,he knew his brother was getting his heat sooner but he still asked him to go with him and without guards.He kept crying remembering the names those pathetic beings was calling his brother,their filthy hands touching his brother's pure body.He felt guilty,sad,angry.From that day on all Alphas became his enemies even his Alpha relatives had a hard time with him around,he was traumatized but not more traumatized than his elder brother.

After therapy, he was well but he hated the fact that his brother and him were omegas,he also thought if they were Alphas those disgusting things won't have happened to his brother.He hates Alphas and he also hates being an omega and almost helpless.

Art was quiet and didn't let anyone touch him for 3 whole years,he even didn't let his favorite brother touch him either,Malvin kept crying in his room for making his brother like that,their parents try to make him understand that it wasn't his fault and not to feel guilty but it didn't work.

After 3years Art was back to his usual self but only Malvin and their little brother could hug or touch him without him feeling uncomfortable or disgusted.

Malvin also changed,he became what he is till date,yes,no Alpha intimidated him,when he grew up he became extremely beautiful,powerful,rude,and treats Alphas like shit,he could treat Alphas like shit because he was not an ordinary omega,he also didn't give a damn who they were,he just didn't care.Any omega who behaved vulnerable in front of him will get extremely punished till they learn to be strong.

He had his reasons for becoming cruel but his reasons was logic to only him.Art understood his brother but this can't go on.How is he going to be happy with such a complicated and confusing mindset.Art was able to move on with his life even though he was the victim,he was able to find love and that person never felt disgusted with him even when he told him what had happened in the past.Art want Malvin to also find love and peace in his life.

Before Art could get married to his now husband, Malvin almost destroyed the marriage,he stopped when he realized his older brother is truly in love with his Alpha and that they are mates destined to be together.He loves his older brother so he stopped trying to destroy the marriage but he is still waiting for the Alpha to make a least mistake and he won't give a fuck that he is the brother of the Emperor.

Malvin as usual was in his room when he heard a slight knock,he looks up to see his brother.

"Hey"Art enters Malvin's room with a smile adorning his pretty face.

"Hey brother"Malvin replied instantly looking happy,no matter how angry he is or what mood he is in,he will always cheer up when he lay eyes on his older brother.

"Look how happy you are to see me,do you miss me Mally dear?"

"I miss you so much everyone bullies me when you're not around"Malvin whines suddenly becoming a whining baby,he hugs his brother while behaving like an innocent baby but his brother knows very well that no one can even dream of bullying this kid.

"Okay,okay big baby,i will deal with anyone who dared to bully my beautiful baby boy"

"I love you so much'"

"I love you more my big baby,so now tell me what you did to dad"

"I didn't do anything,i just went to their meeting room to tell the king that i don't want to marry the king,simple as that"Malvin said staring at everything in his room except his brother.

"Oon,you know everyone loves you alot and that no one will want something bad for you, you're not a child anymore, you're 19,very soon you will get your first heat and it will be very bad because it missed the initial time it was supposed to come.You can take pills to delay it however you want but it won't last forever,you can't escape it.You're also very beautiful,beautiful than anyone in this universe,many prominent young handsome Alphas had come to marry you,you need to let go of the past,whatever happened wasn't anyone's fault,Mally dear please consider the feelings of those suitors okay baby boy"

Malvin was getting pissed off by his brother's words but he can't really get mad at his brother neither is he going to heed to his brother's words.

"Feelings?hahaha....f**k them,f**k those feelings of theirs brother,i don't give care about their feelings brother,i thought you of all people will understand me but i guess i was wrong after all. You don't understand me!" Malvin exclaims looking hurt.

"Mally,you don't want me to be like how i was 11years ago right?"Malvin's teary eyes suddenly widens,

"What do you mean brother?"

"I will stay in my room,never talk to you or let you hug me ever again if you don't do what i say,i will stop being your favorite brother."Art knew what he was doing was cruel but that was the only way left 'Am sorry Mally but that's the only way,i want you to find happiness my baby brother' Art thoughts silently in his head.

Mally couldn't believe his brother's words,he will never be able to live without his brother talking to him ever again although love was an F word to him,he loves only his brothers,he could do anything for his older brother and little brother.

"No no no Brother you don't mean it right"

"Do i look like am joking?"Art says coldly and Malvin has never heard his brother talking to him so coldly before.

"Brother you can't do this to me"Malvin says looking like he was about to cry,he was never vulnerable but,in front of his brother he was always looks so fragile,his brother is the only one who sees this side of him after that incident not even their parents had seen him like this before.

He wiped his face with the back of his hand and stood straight in front of his brother.

"Okay brother tell me what you want me to do"

Actually Art was also pressured by their parents to blackmail him emotionally,they knew how much Arthit loves his brother,Art disagreed always but he knew that was the only way out too.

"There will be a big party at the Emperor's palace this coming Friday,all kings and important guests across the universe will be present,i want you to attend,behave properly,talk nicely to anyone who approaches you,try to see anyone who interests you,that will be all for now"Art says coldly once again and try to leave.

"Brother i will do it,but please don't stop talking to me okay,please i promise to do all you said"Malvin pleaded with his older brother.Art's cold face softens a bit but then he realized he can't keep on going soft on him,it is his fault Malvin had become a spoilt brat.

"Mm" that's all Malvin got and Art left.

Malvin knew his brother was serious because his brother was never like this to him,he didn't even behave like this when he tried to destroy his marriage.

"Don't worry brother i will do anything for you!" Malvin exclaims firmly,Art was behind the door when he heard it,he smiled and said "Thank you Mally dear" then he left.