
Azur Lane: Isekai'd with Maxed-Out Port

This is a side project, so it will have less update than the other. One chapter/day. Original name: 碧蓝航线:我带着毕业港区穿越了 Azur Lane was a mobile game that Lin Lan loved deeply. As a dedicated veteran player since the game's launch, he had maxed out his shipgirls and completed the entire collection. However, due to an unexpected accident, he suddenly found himself transported to a world filled with shipgirls and Sirens. This world had many similarities to the game, with the same shipgirls and Sirens. But after arriving in this new world, Lin Lan discovered that he was nothing more than an intern commander, oppressed by a powerful corporation in a fictional country that closely resembled Earth. He had nothing to his name. Is he really destined to live a life of insignificance in this world? The shipgirls from his port, who are searching for him everywhere, probably wouldn’t think so. ‘I have an unbeatable fleet. Do I really have to put up with this nonsense? Everyone, clean up the mess for me!’" 20 Advanced Chapters on patreon.com/SenatusTheta

SenatusTheta · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
56 Chs

Chapter 52: Dreams and Reality

"Take your leader and get lost."

"If I hear about you bullying ordinary people at the dock again, you'd better think about how many heads you have that are enough to blow off."

Lin Lan coldly glanced at the sea police who were too scared to move, and spoke slowly.

After such a threat, the sea police would have to lay low for a long time, suppressing their previously arrogant behavior.

He then waved his hand dismissively, signaling them to leave quickly, as if shooing away flies.

After all, his main goal was to buy some necessities tonight with Deutschland and Spee and then return to the mass-produced transport ship. 

He didn't want to stir up too much trouble.

Otherwise, the target of Deutschland's blast would have been the Battleaxe Military Industries agent's head.

Following Lin Lan's orders, Deutschland and Spee restrained their killing intent.

The terrified sea police hurriedly picked up the man who was on the ground, nearly unconscious from blood loss, and scurried away like a bunch of scared rats, too frightened to say a word.

"Let's leave too. It seems we won't be able to stay in Dongyun City tonight. I was thinking if there weren't too many people, we could have picked up Mainz and the others as well."

Lin Lan docked the yacht and stepped onto the dock.

He had originally planned to stay in Dongyun City for two days to buy some nice clothes for his girls.

But after the recent incident, to avoid unnecessary trouble, he decided to buy the necessities tonight and head straight to his port.

As a newcomer to the East Continent, he needed to familiarize himself with the various local forces before tackling bigger matters.

As for buying clothes for the girls, Lin Lan hadn't forgotten.

If he couldn't buy them in Dongyun City, there were nearby counties close to the port area, or even neighboring cities where he could shop.

That was not something Lin Lan worried about.

What did concern him was the transparent barrier that appeared in front of the Battleaxe Military Industries agent.

In his memory, such sci-fi phenomena had never appeared in the United Nations of Aolan.

What kind of things had Battleaxe Military Industries been developing over the years with their mind cubes?

"Ugh, it's so boring. You let them escape, my servant. I was hoping for a real showdown," Deutschland complained as she and Spee followed Lin Lan onto the dock.

Spee, with her cold expression, also nodded slightly and said:

"Leaving some roots behind isn't a good habit, Commander."

Hearing their comments, Lin Lan shrugged helplessly.

He wouldn't have minded shooting the leading Battleaxe Military Industries agent dead himself.

"But if I were to kill all the sea police around here, I'd definitely make the news the next day."

When dealing with the crimes of fellow citizens, the best approach is to use the law to convict them—provided, of course, that the law in Aolan is still fair and effective.

Fortunately, after the sea police scattered the crowd, Lin Lan and the adorable Deutschland sisters attracted quite a bit of attention at the dock.

However, it didn't take them long to leave the dock and reach the wide road outside.

As Lin Lan looked at the endless flow of vehicles and the dazzling neon-lit skyscrapers, he felt a sense of detachment as if he were dreaming.

In just a few days, he had experienced so much that it felt like a dream.

It was as if, at that moment, he had returned to reality, and the dream was over...

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you daydreaming about, servant? If you need to buy something, lead the way!"

Suddenly, Lin Lan felt a sharp pain in his hand, jolting him awake.

"Ouch! Deutschland, why did you bite me again?!"

The bite almost made Lin Lan cry out in pain. With passersby giving him curious looks, he gritted his teeth, covering his right hand and shouting in agony.

But Deutschland's bite made Lin Lan realize something.

His experiences over the past few days were not a dream.

His shipgirls were real.

After setting the destination on his phone to the nearest shopping mall and calling an autonomous taxi, Lin Lan and the Deutschland sisters got into the vehicle.

In this world, only the technologically advanced United Nations of Aolan has smartphones and the internet.

However, the internet in Aolan is quite different from Blue Star's.

The East and West Continents of Aolan use separate servers since the continents are separated by a sea, which is occupied by sirens.

Aolan has no spacefaring technology; its internet relies entirely on signal towers in each city.

Thus, while the functionality of phones resembles that of Blue Star's, the internet coverage is limited to Aolan's territory.

If you stray from your route at sea or travel a certain distance from the continent, your phone becomes merely a storage and timekeeping device.

As for autonomous taxis, they are a unique piece of cutting-edge technology in this world.

Despite the fact that all autonomous taxis belong to the Sky Star Group, which Lin Lan despises, they are still the most convenient land transportation in the cities of Aolan.

If not for being pressed for time, Lin Lan could have docked the yacht at a river port crossing Dongyun City.

However, unfamiliar with the area, he decided to disembark at the seaside dock and buy supplies quickly, which unexpectedly led to trouble.

This yacht was brought from the previous port by Bismarck and the others, and it was something like his asset from the game he used to play.

"This is what cities in this country are like. It would be quite exhilarating to destroy them."

Deutschland, leaning against the window of the autonomous car, looked out at the night scene with a mischievous grin.

"Why are you always thinking about destruction? Where will you buy clothes if the city is destroyed?" Lin Lan joked, sitting next to her.

"Well… If the worst comes to worst, let my sister sew the clothes. She's quite skilled with her hands."

Deutschland looked at Spee, who was also gazing out at the city lights, and smiled.

"Ah, I—I can't…"

Spee, seeing the conversation turn to her and noticing Lin Lan's surprised gaze, quickly blushed and shook her head.

"Don't be modest. Didn't you go to the Royal Ajax for lessons? 'Want to make clothes for piglets? Sure, let me give you some tips.' I clearly heard that," 

Deutschland mimicked Ajax's tone, laughing loudly.

"Ah… Sister, please stop..."

The usually cold expression of the silver-haired, mute girl turned red from embarrassment under her sister's teasing, and she dared not look at Lin Lan.

Lin Lan thought about it and realized this was exactly the kind of thing Ajax would do.

The cruel and sadistic girl once trapped Spee in a royal siege in history and eventually sank her.

But after entering the port area, Ajax and Spee became good friends.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the 24-hour shopping mall in Dongyun City.


20+ advanced chapters on patreon.com/SenatusTheta


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Upload rate: 1 chapter a day

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