
AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Full Title, AZI: The History Shattering Burial of a Selfish Lunatic, Who Walked through Reincarnation for Two-Trillion Years Volumes 1-3 Synopsis: “Who?” Holding a lone gourd in hand the young man raises it to the Heavens with a single question. “Who wishes to accompany me? To stay by my side for an eternity, and to walk through the mountains, and seas?” May container spoilers below Volume 4 Synopsis: Weapon spirits, such is the nature of every single Sinner within the Leng Bing Realm. In other words, all of them are but tools, and a tool… “A tool has no right to choose their owner, and what a tool does is decided by their owner.” “…Cruel, how very cruel the laws of this world are. Even upon death, a soul may not rest.” Volume 5 Synopsis: “Surnamed Ye, if you had a choice between being a hero or a demon lord, which would you choose? Naturally, you can also choose to be a villager A or B if you wanted to.” “What kind of question is that? Hmm.” Contemplating for a bit, Ye Chen answers— “I guess, the hero? Since he always wins in the end?” “Hero, is it?” “And you, surnamed Long?” “I think, the role of the hero—is a role that should only be played by a masochist.” “The hell? Is this entire question supposed to be a way to diss me?” “The fate of a hero is to suffer. They’re constantly being pushed left and right. …While everyone else drowns in a sea of despair, a hero must stand their ground, and step forward—to guide the deadbeats along. They must become the shining beacon of hope that others may follow—towards a future, where they may survive. Tell me then, if a hero isn’t a masochist, then what are they?” The world is a game board, those who control the game board, and the game itself… What are they? Volume 6 Synopsis: “A lunatic near death has three options. One, they can choose to pass away peacefully. Two, they can choose to spend the rest of their remaining life to find a solution that will let them live. Three, they can drag an entire world down as a part of their burial.” ……… “The longer you live for, and the more you experience, the less you care about the things around you. Maybe, I’m just someone who has reached that point?” ……… “You’re right in saying that even if this world goes up into flames, I’d still be drinking away at my leisure. Why bother to care for a world that is completely foreign to me? The people who I had cared for, they aren’t here; hence, I see very little purpose in getting myself invested into this environment.” ……… The 46th prince of the Hong Xiao Empire was born between the emperor and the 114th concubine. He was born on a moonlit night, and yet, since his eyes were blind, his majesty—the emperor decided to name him Bujian Yue. “Did you know—that the more fearful a prey is, the tastier it is? At least to me, since I enjoy chewing on my food to savor the flavor.” “…?” Enlarging its stature, the black serpent abruptly snaps its head forward, and swallows the palace maid whole. Leaving a bite mark on the ground, the black serpent begins to chew, as the sound of meat and bones being pulverized comes from its maw. And eventually, the black serpent swallows.

YatogamiSakuya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
405 Chs

AZI Volume 1 Chapter 24


While facing the steel hound, Long Hua takes a few steps back, but-

*Graawr!!* seemingly unwilling to just let another prey leave with such ease, the steel hound tears out another part of the dead deer's flesh with its fangs—prior to leaping five meters into the air and descending towards the spot that Long Hua stands.


Avoiding the descending steel hound by sidestepping to the right, Long Hua immediately turns around and breaks into a run.

Dealing with an opponent that he isn't used to fighting can result in irreparable consequences, so it would be best to get a better understanding of the enemy first, and the best way to do that is to have others take the brunt of the enemy's assaults—while observing from a safe distance.

*Boom! Kakaka! Boom!* with this decision in mind, Long Hua runs towards the direction where the rest of his squad is located—while the steel hound that is giving chase bounces about and tears up the ground in a rampant manner!




As Qing Yue and Yu Ji pressed a hand against the side of a building, they held their mouths with the other, while attempting to suppress the urge to throw up from what they had seen.

(Dammit, I thought I'd gotten used to seeing gore at this point, but I guess… Seeing things from afar and up close are two completely different experiences…)

As Yu Ji thought of this, Ye Chen and Li Xue stood to the side with solemn expressions on their faces.

"Well, what do you think?"

"The terminal's readings aren't high enough to indicate an Immortal. In that case, we got two possibilities. The first is a pack of wild beasts of some sort coming by for dinner. The second, a Sinner underwent Apotheosis."

The detection system is not built to pick up wild animals or Sinners.

The bodies of Immortals contain a special force of energy that is unique to them, and scanning for this energy specifically is how the detection system is able to pick up on their presences.

Wild beasts that are sent into this world through the Gears of Descension may also possess this energy within their bodies, but it is usually a lot less than the amount that can be detected from an Immortal.

"If it were a beast pack, then they'd at least clean the place up better. Why leave perfectly good food left uneaten?"

"Then, it can only be an Apotheosized Sinner. Thing is, are they sti-"

Pausing in his words, Ye Chen looks towards another direction where dust clouds are being kicked up, along with the sound of something moving about in a violent manner.


Emerging from a bush, Long Hua raises his running speed and continues to sprint towards the rest of the squad, while trailing right behind him in hot pursuit is a black steel hound.

"All yours captain, show me some entertainment."

Saying these words, Long Hua rushes pass Ye Chen and slides to a stop.

"You know, this really ain't quite what I had in mind…"

Taking three steps forward, Ye Chen swings his right hand and in the same instance, a two-meter black greatsword manifests in his grip.

Inscribed onto the greatsword's blade are odd runes written in red ink.

(A flat headed blade and a blunt edge…)

Noticing these details, Long Hua concludes that this weapon isn't meant to be used for piercing attacks or precision focused cutting.

*Grawr!* with less than a dozen meters left to cover, the steel hound leaps high into the air and descends with its dagger-length claws held back in preparation to swipe.


In the same instance, Ye Chen readies his sword by grasping its handle with both hands and upon his next step—


*…!* performing a full rotation with his body, the air trembles as Ye Chen swings the colossal slab of iron upwards!

*Klang!!!* as the dull edge of the greatsword clashes with the sharp claws of the steel hound, sparks fly, but the weight of Ye Chen's swing manages to win out in the end—causing five of the steel hound's claws to shatter, while also throwing the beast back!

As Ye Chen readjusts his stance, the steel hound lands and as it glares at its enemies, its shattered claws begin to regenerate.

(So, it can regrow them?)

Noticing this, Long Hua narrows his eyes, while Qing Yue and Yu Ji summon their Relics as well.

As for Li Xue—

*Klang…!* sensing the approach of a projectile, the steel hound leaps backwards causing the projectile to stab into the ground.

The aforementioned projectile is a spear measuring at two meters in length.

Wrapping around the spearhead is a decorative red tassel, while the shaft of the weapon is carved up with taotie patterns.

Almost as soon as the spear had missed its target, Li Xue appears beside it by means of teleportation and pulls the weapon out of the ground, prior to performing a series of sweeps and lunging attacks with the weapon at the steel hound.

Taking this chance, Ye Chen approaches the steel hound from the side, while cleaving his blade down.



Watching the two deal with the steel hound in union, Qing Yue and Yu Ji can't help but feel a bit out of place.

As a long-distance specialized assassin, Yu Ji hasn't had many chances to fight a single enemy with a group, whereas Qing Yue couldn't see any opportunities to send the white tiger by her side into battle—in fear of disrupting Ye Chen and Li Xue's combination.

*Klang!* as Ye Chen fends off against the steel hound's maw, Li Xue descends from above with her spear, but having sensed this, the latter immediately releases its bite on Ye Chen's weapon and evades.

(Those two definitely have experience working with each other.)

Paying close attention to the way those two are moving, Long Hua begins to analyze their patterns along with the enemy's.

(The captain's attacks consist mainly of wide ranged swings. The rotation of his body that is being performed—is meant to give each blow more force. Vice-captain, she tends to move in after three swings from the captain, since the enemy would have already been out of his reach by then. Her attacks are a lot faster, and consist of stabs with a few sweeps here and there. Hmm, this enemy can't seem to run on the ground without tripping over itself due to its claws…)

Turning to Yu Ji, Long Hua says—

"Get your most destructive arrows out and notch them. Fire when it's in the air. Would be ideal if you can knock it down."

Despite being a bit displeased by Long Hua's demanding tone, Yu Ji does as he is told.

"Qing Yue, you able to summon anything else? Something that can deal heavy damage in a single hit would be nice."

"The calabash gourd."

"Get it out then."

Taking four steps forward, Long Hua summons out his Relic as well, as twin serpents slithers out of his jacket.